
God’s will is unique to you. He rewards those who obey His call. This distinct call upon your life is one of fellowship between God and you. When you determine His calling on your life, follow it with all your heart. There you will find peace, joy, and purpose.

You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.

—Hebrews 10:36

Challenges I’m facing

Possible solutions for the challenges

Successes to celebrate


What are the fears in your struggle? Identify your fears so you can take the power from them. Don’t give fear control over what Christ has made free.

Moments of struggle

Moments of joy or gratitude


You can’t steer a parked car. If you’re unsure of what steps to take to begin the rest of your life, reach out to someone you trust. Seek counselors.

Get all the advice and instruction you can, so you will be wise the rest of your life.

—Proverbs 19:20 NLT

Actions I’m taking toward my new life



Gratitude expands our world. It makes us more content with what we have. If we understand the Source of our blessings, we can find the eternal purpose of them.

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

—1 Thessalonians 5:18

I’m most grateful for

A new tradition I’d like to start


How do we control those loose thoughts that run fast and furiously through our minds? We take them captive to Christ. We submit them to Him when we can’t handle or control them.

We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ.

—2 Corinthians 10:5 ESV

Something that makes me angry

Things that make me happy