
Local LifeKey Biscayne

Key Biscayne and neighboring Virginia Key are a quick and easy getaway from Downtown Miami. But once you've passed across those scenic causeways, you'll feel like you've been transported to a far-off tropical realm, with magnificent beaches, lush nature trails in state parks, and aquatic adventures aplenty.

Getting There

icon-busgifg Number 102 provides service from Brickell (near Brickell Station on SW 1st Ave) over the Rickenbacker Causeway and all the way down to the Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park.

1Virginia Key Beach North Point Park

This lovely green space ( GOOGLE MAP ; 3801 Rickenbacker Causeway, Virginia Key; per vehicle weekday/weekend $6/8; icon-hoursgifh7am-6pm) has several small but pleasing beaches, and some short nature trails. Pretty waterfront views aside, the big reason for coming here is to get out on the water by hiring kayaks or stand-up paddleboards at Virginia Key Outdoor Center.

2Marjory Stoneman Douglas Biscayne Nature Center

This child-friendly nature center ( GOOGLE MAP ; icon-phonegif%305-361-6767; www.biscaynenaturecenter.org; 6767 Crandon Blvd, Crandon Park; icon-hoursgifh10am-4pm; icon-parkgifpicon-familygifc) is a great introduction to South Florida's unique ecosystems, with hands-on exhibits as well as small aquariums full of local marine life. You can also stroll a nature trail through coastal hammock (hardwood forest) or enjoy the pretty beach in front.

3Crandon Park

This 1200-acre park boasts Crandon Park Beach ( GOOGLE MAP ; icon-phonegif%305-361-5421; www.miamidade.gov/parks/parks/crandon_beach.asp; 6747 Crandon Blvd; per car weekday/weekend $5/7; icon-hoursgifhsunrise-sunset; icon-parkgifpicon-familygifcicon-petgif#), a glorious stretch of sand that spreads for 2 miles. Much of the park consists of a dense coastal hammock and mangrove swamps. The beach here is clean, not cluttered with tourists, faces a lovely sweep of teal goodness and is regularly named one of the best beaches in the USA.


This excellent Cuban cafe ( GOOGLE MAP ; icon-phonegif%305-361-9009; 19 Harbor Dr; mains $8-12; icon-hoursgifh8am-9pm) has a customer base that ranges from the working poor to city players, and the socioeconomic barriers come tumbling down fast as folks sip high-octane Cuban coffee.Try the decadent, meaty Cuban sandwiches or the home-style cooking of platters of pork, rice and beans and deep-fried plantains.

5La Boulangerie Boul'Mich

This delightful French-style bakery ( GOOGLE MAP ; www.laboulangerieusa.com; 328 Crandon Blvd; mains $12-15, pastries $3-6; icon-hoursgifh7:30am-8pm Mon-Sat, 8am-3pm Sun; icon-wifigifWicon-veggifv) whips up delicious quiches, satisfying veggie- or meat-filled empanadas, heavenly pastries, and of course perfectly buttery croissants.

6Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park

If you don’t make it to the Florida Keys, come to this park ( GOOGLE MAP ; icon-phonegif%305-361-5811; www.floridastateparks.org/capeflorida; 1200 S Crandon Blvd; per car/person $8/2; icon-hoursgifh8am-sunset, lighthouse 9am-5pm; icon-parkgifpicon-familygifcicon-petgif#) for a taste of its unique island ecosystems. The 494-acre space is a tangled clot of tropical fauna and dark mangroves, all interconnected by sandy trails and wooden boardwalks.

7Rusty Pelican

It’s often the panoramic skyline views that draw the faithful and romantic to the Pelican ( GOOGLE MAP ; icon-phonegif%305-361-3818; www.therustypelican.com; 3201 Rickenbacker Causeway, Virginia Key; mains lunch $13-18, dinner $29-44; icon-hoursgifh11am-11pm Sun-Thu, to midnight Fri & Sat). But if you come for a sunset drink, the fresh air could certainly seduce you into staying for some of the surf ’n’ turf menu, which is packed with high-end grilled steaks and seafood.