The number of people who were involved in helping to get this finally published is too numerous to list, but I would specifically like to thank my wife, Donna, who made this all possible, and our five children, who preferred to remain nameless, but anyone who knows us knows them as well. I would add, as they do frequently, everything we learned, we learned from them, sometimes painfully all around, and frequently they would need to point things out to us again and again.

In addition I had the support and encouragement of Glen Cambor, MD, Andrea Ferguson White, Roy Aruffo, MD, Joan S. Anderson, PhD, Jean Guez, PhD, Morton Katz, PhD, and Milton Altschuler, MD. A number of different people helped in the reviewing and writing of this including Chris Seger, and Andrew Diamond.

I would add that my wordsmith, and now friend, David Tabatsky, took a jumbled manuscript and turned it into something even my wife would read I would also like to thank our agent, Francine Edelman, and our editors from Skyhorse publishing, Holly Rubino and Amy Li.