By Hand of Officer Only
3 Copies Issued
Copy Nr. 3
TOP SECRET— 19th Dec., 1435 hrs.
To: Chief-of-Staff of the Army for immediate submission to the Führer
In conjunction with developments in Army Group B, and in consequence of the fact that these have stopped the arrival of any further forces, the situation of Don Army Group is now such that Sixth Army cannot be expected to be relieved in the foreseeable future.
Since an airlift is not possible for reasons of weather and the inadequate forces available (which means, as four weeks’ encirclement have shown, that the Army cannot be maintained in the fortress area), and as 57 Pz. Corps by itself obviously cannot make contact with Sixth Army on the ground, let alone keep a corridor open, I now consider a break-out to the south west to be the last possible means of preserving at least the bulk of the troops and the still mobile elements of Sixth Army.
The breakthrough, the first aim of which must be to make contact with 57 Pz. Corps on about the Yerik Myshkova, can only take place by forcing a gradual shift of Sixth Army towards the south-west and giving up ground sector by sector in the north of the fortress area as this movement progresses.
As long as this operation is in progress it will be essential to safeguard the airlift by adequate fighter and bomber cover.
As there are signs even now of enemy pressure on the northern wing of Fourth Rumanian Army, it is also vital that forces be quickly brought up from the Caucasus front to safeguard the execution of 57 Pz. Corps’ task by protection of its deep right flank.
In the event of delay, 57 Pz. Corps is likely to become stuck on or north of the Myshkova or else tied down by attacks in its right flank.
At the same time Sixth Army needs a few days to regroup and stock up with fuel before moving off.
Rations in the pocket will last till 21 Dec. Troops already badly weakened (only 200 gr. a day for last fortnight). According to Sixth Army, most of the horses have already been put out of action by exhaustion or slaughtered for food.
v. MANSTEIN Field-Marshal
Commanding Don Army Group