Key to Symbols used in Maps
1. German and Polish Deployment, and Execution of German Offensive.
2. Southern Army Group’s Operations in Polish Campaign.
3. The O.K.H. plan of Operations for German Offensive in the West.
4. Army Group A’s Proposals for German Operations in the West.
5. 38 Corps’ Advance from the Somme to the Loire.
6. 56 Panzer Corps’ Drive into Russia.
7. Situation of Northern Army Group on 26th June 1941 after 56 Panzer Corps’ Capture of Dvinsk.
8. Encirclement of 56 Panzer Corps at Zoltsy (15th-18th July 1941).
9. 56 Panzer Corps’ Drive into Flank of Thirty-Eighth Soviet Army on 19th August 1941.
10. Battle on the Sea of Azov and Breakthrough at the Isthmus of Perekop (Autumn 1941).
11. Breakthrough at Ishun and Conquest of the Crimea (Autumn 1941).
12. Re-Conquest of the Kerch Peninsula (May 1942).
13. Conquest of Sevastopol (June-July 1942).
14. Battle of Lake Ladoga (September 1942).
15. Situation on German Southern Wing at end of November 1942: the Struggle to free Sixth Army.
16. Winter Campaign 1942-3: Don Army Group’s Struggle to keep Army Group A’s rear free.
17. Winter Campaign 1942-3: Don Army Group’s Battles to keep Communications Zone free.
18. Winter Campaign 1942-3: German Counterstroke, the Battle between Donetz and Dnieper.
19. Winter Campaign 1942-3: German Counterstroke, the Battle of Kharkov.
20. Operation ‘Citadel’ (July 1943).
21. Battles Fought by Southern Army Group 17th July-30th September 1943.
22. The Fight for the Dnieper Bend.
23. Battles Fought by Southern Army Group up to mid-February 1944.
24. Developments on Southern Wing of Eastern Front at end of March 1944.