Jackson was looking out at a garden. Which doesn’t make much sense, if you think about it. How could there be a garden in a tree? But after everything that has happened, you (as well as Jackson) are just better off accepting all these things that don’t make sense. As a very famous author once wrote, “I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.” Just this morning, Jackson had believed that the crow in the backyard with the broken foot was actually a pirate’s crow that had escaped to save his own life. But back to the garden.
You know those gardens that are tilled and maintained by seventeen full-time gardeners to be enjoyed briefly by a countess as she steps on her private balcony to breathe in the morning air before leaving to catch her private jet ride to Monaco? It was that kind of garden. But what made this garden even more amazing was that the entire garden was in a tree!
Jackson took a step when he felt a hand resting on his shoulder.
“You will need this, sir,” the kind voice said. Sir Shaw’s pristine, white-gloved hand held a leather satchel. Jackson looked at it, and then took it in his hands. He pulled the strap over his head and across his body, then started out the door once more.
“You might want to open the bag first,” said Sir Shaw. “To see what is inside for your journey. Make sure you are well prepared.”
Jackson flipped the top open. Inside the satchel were a heavy-duty flashlight, a bottle of water, and a roll of toilet paper.
“Toilet paper?” Jackson raised his eyebrows.
Sir Shaw shrugged. “You never know when you will need it.”
“Um,” Jackson began.
“Have a good day, sir.”
And with a whir and a churn, the doors closed.