chapter 16

There are Absolutely No Eels, Kangaroos, or Rhinoceroses in This Chapter

The elf in front of him batted her eyelashes and smiled uncertainly. “No, I am not Meeka. Meeka is my … cousin.” Her nose turned up a bit when she said Meeka’s name.

“Cousin? You look so much like her!”

“Ah. Well. I think you’ll find that I am tidy and organized while she is … well, she’s Meeka,” said the elf. “Folks do seem to like her …”

“I’ll say! She gave me a tour of Great-Aunt Harriett’s hair, and …”

“Anyhow.” The elf gave a mighty sniff. “I am Burt.”


She gave him a look. “Yes. Burt. Is that a problem?” The dog growled quietly. Burt shook her head and gave a very toothy smile. “Muffy, manners!” she sang. The dog sat back on its haunches.

“No, no. I think it’s a great name!” Jackson watched Muffy. “I was worried that, uh, Muffy would rip my arm off! Ha!” Jackson gave a very nervous laugh.

Burt giggled. “Oh, no! He’d never do that! At least—he won’t as long as I’m around. He’s a great watchdog.”

“Do you need a watchdog in here? I mean, we’re in a tree.” Jackson felt like he was pointing out the obvious.

Burt ruffled Muffy’s fur with perfectly-polished, pink nails. “Yes, I do. He keeps out the eels and the kangaroos and the rhinoceroses.”

“You get kangaroos up here?”

“I haven’t seen any lately.”

“That’s because kangaroos don’t climb trees!” Jackson said.

“Then Muffy’s doing his job, isn’t he? Yes, he is!” She rubbed his ears, her squeaky voice squeaking higher and higher.

Jackson shook his head. “Rhinoceroses can’t climb trees. Neither can eels!”

Burt shrugged. “Well, it’s nice to know I’m safe from eels and kangaroos and nasty-wasty rhinoceroses! Yes, I am!” she cooed. Muffy wagged his stumpy tail.

Jackson sighed. Who was this elf?

“So would you like a tour of the gardens?” She fluttered her eyelashes at him.

“Why not?” asked Jackson, shrugging his shoulders.

Burt straightened the already-straight hem of her skirt and patted her immaculate hair. She sniffed importantly and turned with a click of her heels. “We go this way.”