You know when you’re visiting someplace really interesting, like a science museum or a farm or a zoo, and they have such fascinating things that you feel you must absolutely touch something or you’ll just die?
Jackson was in such a place.
Oh, the horrible temptation of it all! So many forts beckoning him, teasing him. How, oh how, could he convince Miss Flaversham to let him go inside just one?
The tour began.
“This fort is built like a barn. You can almost imaaaagine the animals inside!” she trilled, pointing with a slightly disheveled wing at a fort that looked just like a barn.
“Do you live there? Can we go in?” Jackson asked.
“Absoluuuuuutely not! I am nooooo filthy animal!” Miss Flaversham clucked.
They continued. “Theeeese forts are built like the one in Swiss Family Robinson!” she pointed with her feathers.
Jackson’s fingers were getting twitchy. He was looking up at a set of three tree forts, arranged in a triangle. Between each was a swinging rope bridge, and each fort had a series of pulleys attached to various platforms that led up to the roof. Jackson itched to explore.
“Hey! Look out!” he yelled.
“BAAAWK! What? Where?” Miss Flaversham ducked, her wings protecting her purple-hatted head.
Jackson jumped up, grabbed the first rung of a rope ladder, and began to climb.