Which one, which one? Jackson wandered around the bottom of the branches, looking up into the forts, trying to decide.
There was a fort that looked like an old lady’s house, with pink siding, white gingerbread trim, and lace curtains in the windows. (Gingerbread trim does not mean it’s made of cookies. That sort of thing only happens in stories.) Jackson stood right under it and sniffed. Gingerbread cookies. Jackson shook his head and walked to the next one.
The next fort was a bright, shiny red with large brass fire bells hanging on the corners. Its black roof sloped into a high peak with a tiny window at the very top. Jackson listened carefully. He could hear fire truck sirens.
The next fort was made of sticks and coconut shells. It looked like something you’d find on a deserted island.
The next was shaped like a pirate ship. Its deep blue walls were studded with cannons, and a few tiny windows looked into cozy cabins. A mast rose out of the middle, soaring up into the branches. Tempting.
“I pick this one,” Jackson said. And he began to climb the ladder.