Dooooo come again and visit sooooon,” Miss Flaversham clucked as she pushed him back toward the elevator with her surprisingly strong wings.
“Wait, wait! Are you taking me home?” Jackson dug his heels in a little.
“No, no, much too busy! BAAWK!”
“Well … isn’t there somewhere I can clean up? I’m all sticky from the eggs!”
Miss Flaversham clucked fussily. “Don’t you have anything in your bag?”
Jackson rummaged in his bag, finally pulling out the bottle of water. “What if I dump this on my head?”
“No! Nooooo!” she shrieked, waving her wings wildly in protest. “Don’t waste it! Just a drop!”
Jackson raised an eyebrow. He carefully unscrewed the top, cracking the seal. Miss Flaversham danced around him, fussing. “Just a drop, mind you! Don’t waste a single drop!”
Jackson stared at the water bottle, then at Miss Flaversham, and then back at the bottle.
The chicken shook her head, her eyelashes sticking together again. “Just give me the bottle. I’ll do it. You’ll mess up everything!” Jackson handed her the bottle. Why argue with a hysterical chicken? No point, really.
Miss Flaversham took the bottle carefully in her wings and slowly raised it above Jackson’s head. “Close your eyes now and whateverrrrr you do, don’t open them!” she warned.
Jackson closed his eyes tightly and waited for the splash.
And waited.
And waited.
“Um, Miss Flaversham?”
“Shhhh!” she whispered screechily.
So Jackson waited.
And just then, a cool tingling began at the top of Jackson’s head. It slid down his face, his ears, down his shirt and chest.
“Don’t open your eyes!” Miss Flaversham shrieked.
The tingling trickled down his arms and legs and into his toes. He waited.
“All donnnne!” Miss Flaversham sang out.
Jackson opened his eyes. He was clean! All the egg goop was out of his shirt, his shorts, his hair! How was that even …?
“All right, you’re all clean, have a nice day!” said Miss Flaversham, and she shoved him toward the elevator.
“I guess I’ll see you soon when …”
“But not tooooo soon!” she sang, and gave him a harder shove.
Jackson stood in front of the elevator door. He turned to look back, but Miss Flaversham was already waddling away, muttering to herself.
The elevator door opened.