chapter 63

In Which Necessity Is the Mother of Invention

Jackson opened Alfonso’s bag and pulled out a jumbo-sized jar of peanut butter. No one moved. Well, none of the 3,486 squirrels moved. Actually, they moved a little bit. Their noses did, at least. Exactly 3,486 noses twitched ever so slightly at the smell. Ralph didn’t say anything.

Jackson squatted and dragged his peanut buttery hand across the floor, making a peanut butter line. He knew the squirrels could smell it now. Their whiskers quivered ever so slightly. Jackson slowly stood up. He held up the jar of peanut butter over his head.

“Who wants to play a game?” Jackson shouted as loudly as he could. He tried to smile, but it is never easy to smile when you are terrified.

Ralph took a small step forward. The other 3,485 squirrels began shivering with excitement. Ralph chirped quietly and leaned in slightly toward Jackson, as if to listen.

“Yes, of course, everyone can play!” Jackson was just guessing what Ralph was saying. He hoped he was guessing correctly. “It’s called ‘Hide and Seek,’” he said. “Anyone know how to play?”

Ralph gave a high bark, and all of the squirrels lifted their paws.

“I’m going to hide this jar of peanut butter,” said Jackson. “But you all have to go inside the room, close the door, and count to one hundred. Then, when you’re done counting, come look for the peanut butter. Whoever finds it wins the jar!” Jackson shook the jumbo-sized jar in his hand. All 3,486 faces looked up reverently at the peanut butter.

Ralph chittered and chirped. All at once, in unison, the squirrels dropped to their feet and ran back the way they had come. Jackson followed them, the jar still in his hands. “Don’t forget to count to one hundred!” he yelled. “And no cheating!” He closed the black door and pulled out the toilet paper.

With a series of complicated knots and about thirty seconds later, Jackson had rigged a net to fall onto whoever opened the door. He put his ear to the door and listened. He could hear loud barking and chirping. Jackson laughed. He knew squirrels couldn’t count. They might be there for a while.

At least, he didn’t think they could count.

He ran down the hallway toward the root room and began digging a hole with his bare hands to bury the peanut butter.

“Want some help?”