Jackson wasn’t sure how Alfonso and Zuzu managed to get everything packed so quickly. But they were definitely determined to move out, and Jackson was able to lead them back to the elevator without too much trouble. Well, maybe a little. He got lost twice and once had to disentangle them from a rather large spider web, but all in all they made it without too much trouble.
Jackson pushed the call button on the elevator door.
“Ooh, I’m so excited!” Zuzu cried. She patted her red hair (it was perfect, Alfonso told her), and tears sprang to her brown eyes.
With a whir and a churn …
The elevator door opened.
Jackson grinned. “Hi, Sir Shaw! This is Alfonso and Zuzu. Alfonso wants to go work with Miss Flaversham. Do you think that’s okay?”
Sir Shaw looked Alfonso up and down. Then he smiled a little smile. “A change of job when the time is right is always welcome. I’m sure there will be no problem.” Zuzu clapped her hands and Alfonso beamed, his bright green eyes shimmering like stars.
They all squeezed into the elevator. Uncomfortably. With a whir and a churn, the elevator door closed.
“Urr … can you get your elbow out of my back?” Jackson asked.
Alfonso grunted. “Not enough room in here!”
“Sir Shaw? Why don’t you stop the elevator and I’ll get out?” Jackson asked. “You can come back for me later.”
“A splendid idea, sir,” Sir Shaw murmured.
As the elevator door opened, Jackson fell out. Literally. He hit the ground and landed on his stomach. Oof.
“Good-bye, Jackson! We’ll never forget your kindness!” Zuzu called out.
“Yeah, thanks a lot, we really …”
And with a whir and a churn, the elevator door closed.