chapter 83

At the Very Tip-Top

With a whir and a churn …


The elevator door opened.

“Top floor, sir,” Sir Shaw announced.

Jackson backed up, his arm shielding his eyes from the bright light. The entire elevator was filled with a warmth that he could feel right down to his toes.

Jackson squinted and slowly brought his arm down.

“Have a good day, sir,” Sir Shaw said.

“You know, you don’t have to keep telling me to have a good day. I don’t mind.”

Sir Shaw smiled gently. “Ah, but I tell you to have a good day because I honestly want you to have a good day. I care whether you have a good day or not.”


“Because I always care. Enjoy your day, sir.” Sir Shaw extended his arm out toward the beauty that lay just outside the door.

An endless golden field spread out before them. Jackson took one step out of the elevator and felt different. He couldn’t say how, exactly, except that he wasn’t tired anymore. And that he didn’t feel hungry anymore. And that he wasn’t terribly worried about getting home anymore. He just felt … satisfied.

His fingers ached to touch the golden grasses that shot up as high as his chest and to feel their soft, silky ends tickle his hands. But first he turned back to Sir Shaw.

“Is this place for real?” he asked.

Sir Shaw chuckled. “That depends.”

“On what?”

“On whether you believe or not!” Jackson laughed. He took another step on a path leading into the field.

“Have a good day, sir,” said Sir Shaw.

“You too!” And off Jackson went.