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Abbas, Mahmoud, 182
Abbey Road, 209
Abbott, Jack Henry, 205–6
ABC, 42, 132, 155, 302
Abdulmutallab, Umar Farouk, 342
abolitionism, 243
conservative view of, 398
Judeo-Christian opposition to, 40, 283, 347–48
Leftist support for, 25n–26n, 83, 86, 133, 219–20, 347–48, 398
Abraham, 280
Abramovic, Marina, 204
Abu Ghraib prison, 65, 106, 107, 112
Abu Gosh, 266
Achille Lauro, 203
Adams, John, 324, 326, 331, 340
Adams, John (composer), 203
Adan, Richard, 206
affirmative action, 79–80, 165, 167, 400
American intervention in, 313
Communist murders in, 169
Islamic terror in, 11
Japan’s withdrawal from, 320
Taliban in, 186, 207, 279
Communist murders in, 169
government corruption in, 318
heterosexual AIDS in, 152n
malaria in, 164, 368
tyranny in, 384
U.S. immigrants from, 166, 313, 376
Agence France-Presse, 203
Agriculture Department, U.S., 155
Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud, 11, 347, 387
AIDS, heterosexual, 151–52, 152n
alcohol, 304, 305, 371
Algeria, Islamic terrorism in, 254–55
Al-Haraam mosque, 267
Ali, Lorraine, 136
Ali, Muhammad, 265
Alito, Samuel, 215–16
Allegre, Claude, 161
Almohades, 263
Al Qaeda, 186, 256
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 22, 41–42, 199–200, 214, 220
American exceptionalism, 379–80, 399
Left’s opposition to, 26, 59, 379, 399
American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America (Hedges), 131
American Historical Review, 103
American Islamic Congress, 307
American Islamic Forum for Democracy, 307
American Library Association, 22, 189, 220
American Muslim, 279
American Muslims, 5, 9, 166, 279, 288–89, 306, 308
in Congress, 242n
education of, 290
American value system, 8, 42, 208, 214, 308, 309–89, 397–401
competition with, 7–18
cultural acceptance in, 2, 8, 378, 388–89
family in, 398
impediments to, 15–16
and Islam, 5, 388–89
Judeo-Christian basis of, 8, 32, 242n, 243, 325, 334–35, 339, 359, 373n
knowledge of, 1–2, 10, 15–16, 311
Leftist opposition to, 9–10, 59–60, 316–17, 397–401; see also Leftism, Leftists, anti-Americanism in
questioning of, 2
superiority of, 1, 6, 8, 9, 388–89
uniqueness of, 311–12
see also American exceptionalism; E Pluribus Unum; God; liberty; United States
Amnesty International (AI), 184, 185, 186, 379
An Account of the Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians (Lane), 265
Anglican Church, 23, 189, 235, 336
Judeo-Christian view of, 365
Left’s view of, 336–37, 354–55
Nazi view of, 355
anorexia, 149
anti-Semitism, 237, 299, 301, 339, 387, 412
Christian, 339
Jewish, 192
Muslim, 264, 265–69, 275–76, 277, 385–86
Nazism and, 76, 262, 267, 268, 406
at universities, 101–2
see also Judaism, Jews
Applebaum, Anne, 185
Arab American Institute, 135
Arab Human Development Report of 2003, 246
Arab Spring, 54, 386
Arab world:
anti-Americanism in, 286–89
anti-Israelism in, 254, 277, 286, 287–88
colonialism in, 297–98
family life in, 245–46
Iran’s status in, 291
Islam’s spread in, 248
liberty in, 245–46
nondemocratic regimes in, 286, 287
Palestinian refugees in, 275–76, 277
see also Middle East
Arafat, Yasser, 194
Arizona Republic, 112
Armenians, 295, 385
Armstrong, Bill, 2
Armstrong, Billie Joe, 201
Armstrong, Karen, 187, 295, 299, 301–2, 303–4, 305
Cuba and, 188
Leftist domination of, 48–49, 51–53, 202–6, 234, 365–66
Leftist view of, 97, 98, 177
and middle class, 52, 203
morality and, 89
religion and, 48–49
see also literature; media, entertainment; music
Ashcroft, John, 123–24
American value system in, 389
government corruption in, 318
Aslan, Reza, 101
Assad, Bashar al-, 287
Associated Press, 109, 114–15, 138, 148, 185, 217
Association of Black Sociologists, 117n
Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, 156
atheism, 236, 237, 345–46, 348
Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 112
Atlantic, 92, 134
American values in, 15
anti-Americanism in, 106
Australian, 270
authoritarianism, 207–8
Authoritarian Personality, The, 121, 131
Azad, Afshan, 278
Aznar, Jose Maria, 58
baby boomers, 77, 88, 103
Bailey, John Michael, 103
Bali, 270
Bangladesh, 276–77
Baraka, Amiri, 63–64
Barakat, Halim, 246
Barone, Michael, 382n
Bartok, Bela, 53
Batista, Fulgencio, 314
“Battle Hymn of the Republic” (Howe), 383
Baumeister, Roy, 91
BBC, 106, 107, 109, 183, 210, 270, 271
Beatles, 210
Beauty Myth, The (Wolf), 149
Bedouin Arabs, 245
Beinart, Peter, 134
Belafonte, Harry, 205
Belly in the Beast, The (Abbott), 205–6
Benedict XVI, Pope, 186, 187, 273
Bennhold, Katrin, 17
Berbers, 263
Berg, Michael, 183–84
Berg, Nick, 111–13, 183
Berlin, Irving, 375
Berlinski, Claire, 420
Berman, Jakub, 193
Bernstein, Leonard, 204–5
Berry, Bradley, 145
animals in, 365
death penalty in, 360–61
God in, 328–29, 366, 371
homosexuality in, 130, 363
killing in, 349n
Left’s rejection of, 44, 77
Liberty Bell verse from, 331
materialism in, 370
morally troubling verses in, 278, 292
moral teachings in, 292–93, 294, 348, 357, 362
nature in, 366, 368
oath-swearing on, 242n
rationality in, 280
sexual distinctions in, 363
see also New Testament; Old Testament; Torah
Biden, Joseph, 152–53
Bill of Rights, 197
bin Laden, Osama, 106, 123–24, 287, 363
Bismarck, Otto von, 29
Black Book of Communism, The, 169
Black Panther Party, 205, 413
anti-Americanism among, 64
conservative, 117, 228
conservative view of, 400
crime and, 74, 167, 343
freedom of, 322, 375, 376
Leftist, 121n
lynching of, 254
music’s portrayal of, 202
professional associations for, 128
racial violence by, 113–16
values of, 71
victimhood of, 99, 165–67, 228, 400
see also affirmative action; racism
Blair, Tony, 136
Bloom, Allan, 96
Blow, Charles M., 126
B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation League (ADL), 300
Bond, James, 210
Bond, Julian, 133
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, 380
Bosco, David, 185–86
Boston Globe, 133
Boudjemaa, M., 254–55
Boulez, Pierre, 52
Boy Scouts, 198
Breivik, Anders, 45
Brigham and Women’s Hospital, 153–54
British Medical Journal, 150
Brooks, Arthur, 227
Brooks, David, 31, 64, 348–49
Brothers Karamazov, The (Dostoyevsky), 5, 325
Brown, Jerry, 93, 146
Brown, Willie, 117n
Brownfield, Peter, 289
Buckley, William F., Jr., 137
Buddhism, core beliefs of, 5, 6
bullying, 138–40
Burbank, Calif., smoking in, 219
Burger King, 216–17
Bush, George W., 14, 62, 65, 106–7, 133, 136–37, 180, 183, 196, 199, 200, 200n, 227–28, 301, 347, 359, 380
Bush administration, opposition to, 57
corruption in, 35
ideological alignment of, 16
Leftist view of, 99, 151, 164, 196
business, small, taxation of, 33
business, taxation of, 34
Byzantines, 269
Cafferty, Jack, 125
Cage, John, 52
Caldicott, Helen, 148
economic situation in, 33–34
Proposition 8 in, 88–89, 123, 129–30
self-esteem movement in, 91
textbooks in, 93
California, University of:
at Berkeley, 121
at Los Angeles, 101–2
at San Diego, 104–5
Communist murders in, 169, 172
Leftist indifference to, 14, 50–51
Cameron, David, 174
Canaanites, 245, 247, 292n, 303
American values in, 15
anti-Americanism in, 65–66, 106–7
anti-Israelism in, 189
Canadian Union of Public Employees, 189
capitalism, see free market
capital punishment, see death penalty
Capitol Albums, The, Volume 2, 210
cars, 217
Carson, Andre, 125
Carter, Jimmy, 125, 131
Cartoons That Shook the World, The (Klausen), 100–101
Cassuto, Umberto, 366
Castro, Fidel, 29, 76, 170, 180, 187–88, 314
Castro, Raul, 187
Catholic Liberation Theology, 38
CBS, 142, 153
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 149, 155
Charen, Mona, 188
Chavez, Hugo, 29, 180
cheerleaders, 211–12
Chekhov, Anton, 176
Cheney, Dick, 56–57, 153, 199
Chernobyl, 147–48
Chesterton, G. K., 176, 337
Chicago Sun-Times, 134, 221
bullying and, 138–40
character development in, 344
happiness and, 228–29
Hollywood’s portrayal of, 56
labor laws protecting, 222
Leftism’s influence on, 56–57, 74, 90–91, 140–41, 321, 344, 348
Left’s view of, 372
peanut allergies in, 155–56
Right’s view of, 78
and secondhand smoke, 151, 211
sexual harassment and, 144–45
underclass, 356
see also youth
China, 381, 384, 387
abortion in, 347–48
Communist ideology in, 291–92, 387
Communist murders in, 169, 171, 172, 173
Leftist support of, 14, 15, 94n
military of, 178
in United Nations, 178
value system of, 16–18
China National Petroleum, 178
China State Grid Corporation, 178
China Sydrome, The, 146
Chomsky, Noam, 191
Christianity, Christians:
as American majority, 87, 332–33
authority and, 238–39, 283
blasphemy against, 274
Coptic, 258, 269
core beliefs of, 5, 6, 24, 39, 40, 196, 338–39, 358
criticism of, 233, 234, 237, 300, 304, 408
European, 239, 243, 260–61, 265, 334, 337–38, 339
Europe’s abandonment of, 40, 69, 174, 337
Founders’ views on, 324, 326, 335
fundamentalist, 95, 237, 301–5
government and, 238–39
in Iraq, 262–63
and Jewish law, 361–62
Jewish roots of, 339
Jews’ mistreatment by, 239, 259, 261, 265, 295, 303, 337, 339
Lebanese, 254, 269
Leftism’s opposition to, 39, 40–42, 98, 172n
Leftist beliefs in, 39, 40–41, 121n, 335, 336, 359–60
in Middle Ages, 239, 243, 260–61, 265
moral achievements of, 243, 245
Muslims’ treatment of, 241, 260–61, 262–63, 269–74, 295
and Nazism, 236
in Nigeria, 11, 108–9, 271–73
Palestinian, 253
proselytization in, 12, 247, 283
reason and, 280
religious practices of, 305
ritual in, 340
secular, 389
and secular ideas, 95–96
universities founded by, 328–29
value differences in, 235
war-making by, 247
see also Judeo-Christian values
Christian Science Monitor, 116, 225
Chung, Connie, 153
CIA World Factbook, 253
civil rights, 223–24, 243, 414
Civil War, U.S., 322n, 382–83
Cleaver, Emanuel, II, 411
Clinton, Bill, 200, 215, 220
Clinton, Hillary, 21, 301
Clooney, George, 200
Closing of the American Mind, The (Bloom), 96
CNN, 70, 109, 125, 136, 183
Cohen, Steve, 128, 132
Cold War, 51, 77, 181, 291, 314, 378
colonialism, 100, 245, 297–98, 318
Colorado State University, 200
Columbia University, 328
Columbia University School of International Affairs, Russian Institute of, 3
Commentary, 207
Common Sense (Paine), 330
Commonwealth Fund, 118–19
Communism, 169–73, 177, 317, 387
American opposition to, 314
appeal of, 172
civilians murdered under, 169, 170–71, 172, 173
in Europe, 48, 337
ideological divide in, 291–92
Jewish support of, 193
Leftist indifference to, 50, 51, 73, 124, 163, 171–73, 180–81, 185
Leftist support of, 76, 77, 168, 170, 181, 207, 358
military battles against, 16, 50, 51, 173, 313
see also Soviet Union
Confucianism, 18
Congo, 14, 171–72, 387, 411
Congress, U.S.:
Muslims in, 242n
see also House of Representatives, U.S.; Senate, U.S.
Congressional Black Caucus, 121n, 128, 187–88, 411–12
Congress of South African Trade Unions, 189
Connecticut Civil Liberties Union, 214–15
conservatism, conservatives:
American opposition to, 15
average income of, 227
black, 117, 228
charitable giving of, 227–28
core beliefs of, 21–22, 29, 42, 55, 69–70, 71, 164, 208, 220, 228, 397–401
happiness of, 226–29
Leftists’ exposure to, 95–96
and military intervention, 320, 399
misconceptions in, 72
in news media, 12
poverty and, 317, 370
and secularism, 43
Western European opposition to, 14
see also Right
Constitution, U.S., 198
Left’s view of, 77–78, 99
Nineteenth Amendment to, 223
Tenth Amendment to, 316
Consumer Reports, 156
Continental Congress, 334
Cooper, Anderson, 70
Cornwell, John, 187
corporal punishment, 398
Coulter, Ann, 414
Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), 87, 307
Couric, Katie, 142
Cox, Don, 204
Cramer, Jim, 33
black, 74, 167, 343
conservative view of, 400
Leftist response to, 45–46
Left’s explanation for, 28, 71–72, 74, 196–97, 341–43, 400
poverty and, 28, 71–72, 341–43
self-esteem and, 91–92
Crown Heights, Brooklyn, N.Y., black rioting in, 113–14
crucifixion, 263
Crusades, 94n, 302, 303
American position on, 314
black dissidents in, 121n, 188, 411–12
health care in, 27, 119–20
Leftist admiration of, 187–88
Cubbage, Al, 103
Cultural Proficiency Journey, The: Moving Beyond Ethical Barriers Toward Profound School Change, 127
Cuomo, Chris, 302
cursing, 198–203, 357, 364
Daily Kos, 67, 89
Daily Mirror, 64
Dalrymple, Theodore, 403
“Danger on the Right,” 121
Daniel, Isioma, 272, 273
Danish Muhammad cartoons, 100–101, 182, 235
Darrow, Clarence, 45
Dartmouth College, 98, 328
Davis, Bette, 210
Davis, Karen, 118–19
Dawalibi, Marouf al-, 267
DDT, 164, 368
Dean, Howard, 123, 199
Deas, Michael, 210
Death of Klinghoffer, The (Adams), 203
death penalty:
arguments against, 360–61
conservative view of, 398
emotion-based opposition to, 84–85
in Israel, 85, 362n
Judeo-Christian view of, 359–62
Left’s opposition to, 4–5, 25n–26n, 59, 84–85, 96, 184, 359–60, 398
in United States, 59, 85, 184, 362
see also killing
Debussy, Claude, 53
Declaration of Independence, 198, 330, 332
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, The (Gibbon), 261
Defending Identity: Its Indispensable Role in Protecting Democracy (Sharansky), 377
de Gaulle, Charles, 381
deism, 330
American defense of, 377–78
competing models of, 2
future of, 384
Indian, 245
Islamic, 284
Leftist view of, 194, 304
Democratic National Convention:
of 2000, 140–41
of 2004, 56–57, 64
Democratic Party, 7, 33, 34, 36, 165, 177, 195–96, 198, 215–16, 382n
blacks’ importance to, 64, 166, 167, 195
and civil rights, 223–24, 414
Clarence Thomas’ treatment by, 117n
and Gulf War, 51
individual wealth in, 55
opposition to, 370
pro-Israel stance of, 189
textbook revision by, 93
and Vietnam War, 50
and women’s suffrage, 223
Der Spiegel, 359
Des Moines Register, 112
Deutscher, Isaac, 192
dictatorships, 29, 54, 317
American backing of, 313–14
see also totalitarianism
Die Another Day, 210
Disney Company, 210
Left’s emphasis on, 52–53, 375–76, 400
at universities, 104–5
Dodd, Chris, 32
dodgeball, 218–19
dogs, 304, 305
Dohrn, Bernardine, 100
domestic violence, 278–79
“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” 128–29
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 5, 176, 325
Dow Corning, 154n
Dracula, 105
Dreier, David, 242n
drugs, 371
Duke University, rape allegation at, 100
Durant, Will, 257
Durbin, Richard, 216
Ebert, Roger, 134
Left’s reliance on, 28, 341
liberty and, 316
see also free market; materialism; socioeconomic equality
bullying and, 138–40
conservative view of, 399
and fascism, 103–4
government spending on, 30–32, 131, 403
income and, 31–32
Judeo-Christian, 78
Leftism in, 12, 15–16, 53, 74, 90, 93, 94–95, 123, 127–28, 131, 165, 168, 181, 214–15, 218–19, 321, 344, 348, 363–64, 372, 399
Muslim, 290
respect in, 90
self-esteem and, 92
see also universities
Education Department, U.S.:
formation of, 131
National Center for Education Statistics of, 30
Edwards, John, 155
ancient gods in, 366
Arab Spring in, 54
colonialism in, 297–98
Israel’s treaty with, 277
nondemocratic regime in, 54, 286, 287
non-Muslims in, 258, 263, 264–65, 266, 269
Sharia law’s support in, 284
Eichmann, Adolf, 85, 362n
“Eight Reasons Not to Be Optimistic about Egypt” (Prager), 54n
Einstein, Albert, 46
Ellison, Keith, 242n
EMI, 210
Eminem, 202
Encyclopedia Judaica, 369n
End of Faith, The: Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason (Harris), 47
energy, Left’s position on, 72, 145–48, 156–57
Engels, Friedrich, 38, 363
Enlightenment, 73, 83, 340, 341, 350
Enstrom, James, 150
environmentalism, 148, 164–65, 218, 222, 367–68, 399
Environmental Protection Agency, U.S., 218
E Pluribus Unum, 372–76, 388, 397
meaning of, 8, 373
multiculturalism’s incompatibility with, 10, 175, 196, 375–76
Epstein, Hedy, 193
Erdogan, Recep Tayyip, 296, 385
Estraikh, Gennady, 193
ethical monotheism, 237n, 283, 324, 329–30, 331–35, 333n
Europe, 174–80, 181, 381
American defense of, 313
American support in, 58
American support of, 386
anti-Americanism in, 14–15, 180
anti-Israelism in, 105–6, 288
anti-nationalism in, 26, 176, 178, 376, 377–78
birth rate in, 372, 378
charity in, 34–35, 320
Christianity in, 239, 243, 260–61, 265, 334, 337–38, 339
Christianity’s abandonment in, 40, 69, 174, 337
creativity in, 175, 176
debt of, 29, 33, 130, 174
equality’s meaning in, 26–27
free speech in, 214
future of, 386
homeschooling in, 321
honor killings in, 279
ideological divisions in, 25
immigrants in, 373
Islam’s protection in, 233
Judaism in, 239, 259, 260–61, 268, 295, 303
Leftism’s consequences in, 168
materialism in, 175
multiculturalism in, 174–75, 290
Muslims in, 288, 289–90
nudity in, 357
pacifism in, 36, 49–50, 178–79
secularism in, 48, 103, 174, 176, 180, 335–36, 350, 357, 372
sexuality in, 220
universities in, 103
value system of, 16, 25, 40, 177–80, 315, 334n, 347, 359, 386, 404–5
welfare state’s failure in, 2, 17, 33, 34, 35, 36, 174, 176, 319
work ethic in, 35, 54, 319
Europe, Eastern, Communist murders in, 169
evil, 1n
big government and, 317–18
Eastern view of, 357–58
European view of, 386
genesis of, 377
Judeo-Christian view of, 357–59, 362
Left’s view of, 45, 46–48, 51, 59, 73, 75–76, 86, 123–24, 163–64, 181, 185, 196–97, 341–44, 347, 358, 359, 362–63, 398, 399
Muslim view of, 358
prevalence of, 5–6
reason and, 351–52
Right’s view of, 71, 78, 163, 164, 398, 399
subjective view of, 1n, 46, 358
existentialism, 176
Falk, Richard, 195
American ideal of, 398
in Arab world, 245–46
welfare state’s corruption of, 36, 321
Farrell, Mike, 84–85
fascism, 207, 208, 317
education and, 103–4
rise of, 69
see also Nazism
Fascists (Mann), 103–4
Faurisson, Robert, 191
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 127
Federalist Papers, 324, 340
Feigen, Richard, 205
Finkelstein, Norman, 190
Fitzpatrick, Michael, 217
Florida, University of, 200n
Fonda, Jane, 146
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 153, 154
afterlife belief of, 369
cultural identity of, 374
God-based morality of, 8, 209, 322–26, 328, 329–30, 331–35, 345, 350
governmental ideal of, 316, 317, 340
Left’s disdain for, 77–78, 99, 326
slavery and, 322, 383
4'33" (Cage), 52
FoxNews, 111
Arab colonialism by, 297–98
entitlement mentality in, 197
liberty’s importance to, 313
multiculturalism in, 174, 290
Muslim rioting in, 183
Frank, Anne, 191, 341n
Frank, Thomas, 370
Frankl, Victor, 242–43
Franklin, Benjamin, 8, 180, 283, 324–25, 331, 332, 334, 369
free assembly, 315
Freedman, James O., 98
Freedom House, 244, 415
free market:
American belief in, 177
liberty and, 8, 316
opposition to, 2, 15, 73, 96, 100, 172n, 196
free speech:
Leftist suppression of, 101, 212, 214
liberty and, 315
free will, Leftist view of, 44–45
Free Willy, 367
French Revolution, 48
values of, 26–27, 313
Friedman, Thomas, 16–17, 54 “Fuck You,” 201–2
Fudge, Marcia, 411
Fulbright, J. William, 224
Gallup 2010, 81
Gallup Poll, 294
Galston, William A., 215
Garcia Perez, Jorge Luis, 412
Gelertner, David, 203, 332
Georgetown University, 235
American troops in, 287, 383–84
birth rate in, 372, 423
criminal punishment in, 45–46
homeschooling in, 321
multiculturalism in, 174, 290
Nazism’s support in, 76, 252, 294
pacifism in, 178–79
post-Nazi, 173
Weimar, 193
in World War II, 410–11
Germany, East, 313
Gewen, Barry, 172
Gibbon, Edward, 261
Gibson, William, 200
Giffords, Gabrielle, 122
Gillerman, Dan, 376
Gjelten, Tom, 110–11
global warming, 156–63, 164
Globe and Mail, 113
Glover, Jonathan, 345
God, 322–72, 397
Founders’ belief in, 8, 209, 322–26, 328, 329–30, 331–35, 345, 350
Islamist view of, 10
Jewish understanding of, 280
Judeo-Christian view of, 328–30, 363, 366, 371–72
Left’s opposition to, 10, 44, 98, 326, 327, 344–45, 347, 363, 372
liberty and, 8, 322–23, 325, 330–31
Muslim understanding of, 280–81
necessity of, 326–27
see also religion
“God Bless America” (Berlin), 375
Goitein, S. D., 259, 263, 264
Goldberg, Jonah, 207
Goldman, Ari, 114
Goldwater, Barry, 121, 224
Goodman, Ellen, 133
Google, 126
Gore, Al, 200, 215
Gottlieb, Lori, 92
Gould, Glenn, 52
government, big:
consequences of, 32–37, 81, 181, 317–18
conservatives’ opposition to, 29, 32
corruption in, 35–36, 317–18
creativity and, 177
evil and, 317–18
Leftist belief in, 13, 29–37, 53, 99, 138, 163, 208, 220, 317, 327, 398, 399
workers in, 130
see also welfare state
government, small:
Founders’ belief in, 316, 317
individual’s importance in, 316, 320–21
Left’s opposition to, 316–17
liberty and, 8, 316–21
moral outcomes of, 320
Right’s belief in, 29, 37, 208, 398, 399
Graetz, Heinrich, 261
Graf, Steffi, 45–46
graffiti, 90
Grammy Awards, 201, 202
Granada, 263
Grand Canyon, religious symbols at, 41
gratitude, 319
Grayson, Alan, 123
Great American Hypocrites: Toppling the Big Myths of Republican Politics (Greenwald), 134
Great Britain:
American values in, 15, 403
anti-Americanism in, 106, 107
anti-Israelism in, 190
Arab colonialism by, 298
in Iraq War, 136, 178
multiculturalism in, 174, 290
Muslims in, 289
National Health Service in, 178
welfare state in, 36, 178, 197
Greenpeace, 148
Greenwald, Glenn, 134–35
Ground Zero mosque, 14, 134–35, 302
Growth of Muslim Population in Medieval India (Lal), 257
Guantánamo Bay, 65, 184–86
Guardian, 105–6, 147, 159, 245, 300, 362–63
Guevara, Che, 171
Gulf War, 379
Habash, George, 253
Hakim, 263
Halliburton, 137
Hamas, 181, 193, 194
Hamilton, Alexander, 324, 331, 340
Handel, George Frideric, 53
Hanks, Tom, 201
happiness, 55, 88, 216–20, 226–29, 371
legislation against, 212–14
sexual, 141–45, 212–14
workplace, 212–14
Hardball, 184
Harnick, Sheldon, 205
Harris, Sam, 46–48, 201
Harrison, Lawrence, 374
Hartford Courant, 112
Harvard Medical School, 153–54
Harvard School of Public Health, 153–54
Harvard University, 79, 102–3, 167, 234, 328, 334
Harvard University Press, 169
Hasan, Nidal Malik, 110–11, 122, 302
Hawking, Stephen, 43, 404
Haydn, Joseph, 52–53
health care:
in America, 27, 117–20, 222–23, 321
conservative view of, 398
Left’s position on, 25n–26n, 27, 117–20, 398
Hedges, Chris, 131
Heine, Heinrich, 337–38
Henry, Patrick, 315
Hezbollah, 191
Hilberg, Raul, 262
Hillel, Rabbi, 318
Hindu Kush, 258
Hindus, 276, 277
in Indonesia, 270
Muslim treatment of, 257–58
Hiroshima, Japan, 99, 148
Hirsi Ali, Ayaan, 136, 296–97, 302, 304
history, Left’s rewriting of, 209–11, 299
Hitler, Adolf, 76, 105, 171, 179, 236, 314, 355, 381
Hitler’s Pope (Cornwell), 187
Ho Chi Minh, 29, 76, 180
Holocaust, 76, 85, 132, 173, 179, 190–91, 254, 268, 337, 341n, 351, 362n, 380
denial of, 190–91, 268, 385
home foreclosures, and government spending, 33
homelessness, 154–55
homes, 217-18, 321
homeschooling, 321
AIDS in, 152
in Bible, 130, 363
and Islam, 194
in Israel, 194
Left’s support of, 99, 129–30, 215
victimhood of, 99, 165
Honda, Michael, 411
Honduras, 388
honor beatings and killings, 278–79, 358
House of Representatives, U.S.:
civil rights legislation in, 223–24
women’s suffrage in, 223
Housing and Urban Development Department, U.S. (HUD), 154
Howe, Julia Ward, 383
“How to Land Your Kid in Therapy” (Gottlieb), 92
Huffington Post, 135
Hughes, Michael, 135
conscience and, 346
“familism” in, 374–75
Founders’ view of, 322–31, 350
irrationality of, 352
Judeo-Christian view of, 78, 196, 340–41, 341n, 345, 353–54, 355–57, 363, 365, 367–68
Left’s view of, 71, 72–73, 99, 341–45, 353, 354–55, 363, 398
Right’s view of, 71, 398
Human Rights Watch, 274
Human Security Report Project, 411
humor, 217–18
hunger, 155
Huntington, Samuel, 246
Husayn, Kifaya, 278
Hussein, Saddam, 287, 347, 379–80
Leftist indifference to, 14, 51, 181
war against, 136–37
Ibn Khaldun, 250–51, 281
Ibn Warraq, 304
ice ages, 158–59
Idea of America, The (Wood), 312
“Imagine” (Lennon), 69, 70
imperialism, 100, 196, 297–98, 399
and charity, 227–28
conservative view of, 399
education and, 31–32
equality in, 27
abortion in, 347–48
colonialism and, 245
colonialism in, 298
Muslim rule over, 257–58
Pakistan refugee problem in, 276–77
Indian Railways, 178
blasphemy laws in, 275
Muslim relations in, 270
Sharia law’s support in, 284
Infidel (Ali), 136
innocence, 341–42
Institute for Policy Studies, 317
Intel, 34
International Atomic Energy Agency, 148
International Court of Justice, 59, 378, 379
International Rescue Committee, 172
conservatism on, 12
Leftist values on, 129
interventionism, 320, 399
Iowa Civil Rights Commission, 214
American position on, 314
anti-Semitism in, 268, 277, 384, 385–86
Arab fear of, 291
blasphemy laws in, 275
China’s dealings with, 387
Islamism in, 11, 54, 207, 289, 298, 385–86
Leftist indifference to, 14, 54
media polls about, 105
moral labeling of, 180, 347
Rushdie fatwa in, 289
Iran, Shah of, 54, 314
Iran, women in, 385, 387
Al Qaeda in, 256
Christians in, 262–63, 269–70
colonialism in, 298
Leftist indifference to, 51
moral labeling of, 180, 347
nondemocratic regime in, 287
Osirak nuclear reactor in, 181
Iraq War:
military atrocities in, 65, 172
opposition to, 136–37, 178, 181, 379
Spanish withdrawal from, 58, 182–83, 320
Irish Municipal, Public and Civil Trade Union, 190
“Is America a Good Country or Not?” (Barone), 382n
Islam, Muslims, 231–308
adultery in, 284
American intervention for, 313
American tolerance of, 87
and American value system, 388–89
anti-Semitism in, 264, 265–69, 275–76, 277
apologists for, 250, 284
apostasy in, 284
arguments for, 291–308
Ash’arite school of, 281
blasphemy against, 274–75
colonialism and, 245, 297–98
core beliefs of, 6, 10, 24, 238
criticism of, 233–37, 241–43, 299–301, 304
cultural isolation of, 246, 281
democracy under, 284
in Europe, 233, 288, 289–90
evolution of, 241, 307–8
and free speech, 101
fundamentalist, 301–5; see also Islamism
golden period of, 239–40
honor beatings and killings in, 278–79, 358
ideological value of, 9
Islamism’s distinction from, 7, 240–43
Jewish cooperation with, 242
jihad in, 250–51, 386
and liberty, 10, 244–46, 326, 384, 415
literal meaning of, 280
moderate, 305–8
moral record of, 244–85, 306
non-Muslims’ treatment by, 238, 241, 257–77, 295
offense of, 272–73
origins of, 247
peaceful intentions of, 294
Pope Benedict’s remarks about, 186, 187
proselytization in, 10, 236, 238, 247
reason and, 279–82
reformation of, 5
refugee, 275–77
religious practices of, 304
religious tolerance by, 260–61, 295
theocratic ideal of, 282–84, 306; see also Sharia law
variations of, 235, 291, 292
victimhood of, 99, 165, 307
violent spread of, 10–11, 240, 241, 247–49, 257, 299
women in, 194, 264, 278–79, 385
worldwide influence of, 15, 238–40, 241
see also American Muslims; Arab world; Islamism
Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), 23n
Islamic terrorism, 252–55, 384
Christian fundamentalism’s likening to, 237, 301–5
explanations for, 252–53
against Israel, 182, 252–53, 254, 255
Leftist view of, 62–63, 109–13, 164, 181, 182–84, 195, 341–42
against Muslims, 255–56
Muslim support for, 11, 251, 255–56, 386
Right’s view of, 164
victims of, 272–73
Islamism, 231–308
American values’ incompatibility with, 9–10, 388–89
anti-American position of, 11, 97, 288
anti-Israeli position of, 11, 97, 268, 275–77, 287–88, 296, 384, 385, 386
and education level, 294
in government, 11, 54, 207, 327
influence of, 241
Iranian, 11, 54, 207, 289, 298, 385–86
Islam’s distinction from, 7, 240–43
Leftist sympathy with, 13–14, 23n, 62–63, 73, 97, 98, 108–13, 122, 124, 134–36, 163, 172n, 181, 182–84, 187, 195
media sympathy for, 108–13, 134–36, 273, 299, 300, 307
military battles against, 16
Muslim opposition to, 136
positions of, 97
spread of, 384, 386
in Turkey, 296–97, 385
value system of, 291
violence in, 11, 108–13, 235, 236, 240, 247–56, 271–75, 294, 306, 386; see also Islamic terrorism
see also Sharia law
Islamophobia, 13–14, 98, 134–36, 182, 234, 299–301, 408
American values in, 15
Arab opposition to, 254, 277, 286, 287–88
criticism of, 301
death penalty in, 85, 362n
democracy in, 194
Egypt’s treaty with, 277
Islamic terrorism against, 182, 252–53, 254, 255
Islamists’ opposition to, 11, 97, 268, 275–77, 287–88, 296, 384, 385
Jewish opposition to, 190–91
Leftist opposition to, 14, 15, 77, 94, 96, 98, 101–2, 105–6, 107, 109–10, 172, 181, 188–91, 194, 234
literal meaning of, 280
media bias against, 107, 109–10, 172, 189
Muslim acceptance of, 306
Palestinian view of, 181–82, 268–69
religious laws in, 282–83
United Nations’ position on, 195, 387
Yemeni Jews in, 264
see also Zionism
Arab colonialism by, 298
fascist regime in, 207
Iwo Jima, 165
Jackson, Janet, 364–65
Jackson, Jesse, 133
Jaish-e-Mohammed, 289
Japan, 381
Afghanistan withdrawal of, 320
American troops in, 287
Chinese threat to, 387
government-business model of, 17
military defeat of, 86
North Korean threat to, 386
2011 earthquake in, 148
Jasser, M. Zuhdi, 307
Jay, John, 324, 340
Jefferson, Thomas, 8, 180, 283, 325, 328, 331, 333, 334, 369, 422
Jesus, 259, 332, 360
Jewish Journal of Los Angeles, 72
jihad, 250–51, 386
jobs, government spending and, 34
see also unemployment
John Paul II, Pope, 360
Johnson, Paul, 46, 333
Johnson, Robert, 210
Jones, Clarence B., 205
Islamic terrorism in, 256
Sharia law’s support in, 284
Jost, John T., 226
Judaism, Jews:
anti-Israelism among, 190–91
black violence against, 113–14
blasphemy against, 274
blood libel against, 265–66
Canaanites’ destruction by, 247, 292n, 303
Christians’ historical mistreatment of, 239, 259, 261, 265, 295, 303, 337, 339
conversion to, 373n
core beliefs of, 6, 24, 39, 40, 72–73, 196, 292–93, 318, 333n, 338–40, 341n, 369n
criticism of, 237
in Europe, 239, 259, 260–61, 268
foreign rule of, 298
Islamic sympathy in, 261
Leftism’s opposition to, 39
Leftist beliefs in, 38, 39, 40, 73, 121n,
190–93, 235, 335, 336, 359–60
moral achievements of, 245
Muslim acceptance of, 306
Muslim conversion of, 264
Muslim cooperation with, 242
Muslims’ treatment of, 241, 254, 258–69, 295
Orthodox, 235, 282, 339
Palestinian view of, 182
reason and, 280
religious practices of, 305
ritual in, 339–40
secular, 193, 235, 389
and secular ideas, 95
theocracy in, 282–83
war-making by, 247
see also Holocaust; Israel; Judeo-Christian values
Judaism, Reform, Leftist dominance in, 23, 235
Judeo-Christian values, 41n, 78, 292–93, 318–19, 335–72
afterlife and, 369, 369n
American basis in, 8, 32, 242n, 243, 325, 334–35, 339, 359, 373n
holiness in, 355–57, 364–65
importance of, 336–38
justice in, 216
knowledge of, 336–37
life’s meaning in, 371–72
man’s importance in, 353–54, 365, 368–69
materialism in, 369–70
nature’s status in, 366–68
opposition to, 15, 40, 59, 164, 335
order in, 362–66
pacifism and, 349n
theological differences and, 338–40
West’s foundation in, 327
see also Bible; ethical monotheism
judicial system:
anti-business decisions in, 153
conservative view of, 400
harassment rulings in, 214
Left’s reliance on, 215–16, 400
Julian, Robert F., 210–11
Kahneman, Daniel, 31–32
Kansas City, Mo., education spending in, 30–31
Karsh, Efraim, 249
Kasprzyk, Miecyslaw, 180
Kelman, Wolfe, 76
Kennedy, Edward M., 69, 215
Kennedy, John F., 4, 37, 314
assassination of, 122, 224, 414
Kennedy, Robert F., 69
Kerry, John, 64, 196, 200n, 227
Khan, Irene, 184, 186
Khan, Muqtedar, 288–89, 306
Khatib, Ghassan, 182
Khmer Rouge, 50
Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah, 54, 289
Kidd, Thomas, 317, 323, 328, 329, 330, 331, 333, 340
killing, 349n
Kim Il Sung, 76, 172
Kim Jong Il, 347
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 205, 243, 415
King, Rodney, 343n
Kinsley, Michael, 134
Kirkpatrick, Jeane, 207
Kissinger, Henry, 404
Klausen, Jytte, 100–101
Klein, Ezra, 111
Klinghoffer, Leon, 203
Kohl, Herb, 215
Koppel, Ted, 155
Koran, 238, 242n, 306
anti-Jewish sentiments in, 259–60, 268
crucifixion in, 263
domestic violence in, 278
morally troubling verses in, 278, 292–93
non-Muslim treatment in, 261–62
rationalism in, 280
uplifting verses in, 293–94
violence in, 247–48, 250, 292–93
Korea, 381
Korea, North, 76, 386, 387
Communist murders in, 169, 172
media polls about, 105
moral labeling of, 180, 347
Korea, South:
American troops in, 287, 383–84, 386
American values in, 389
Korean-Americans, 343n
Korean War, 50, 173, 313
Kosovo, 313
Krauthammer, Charles, 122, 135, 252, 286
Kristallnacht, 132
Kristof, Nicholas D., 135
Krombach, Dieter, 45
Krugman, Paul, 122, 200
Kuran, Timur, 285
Kurds, 14
Kushner, Harold, 75
Kuwait, 14, 51
labor unions, Leftist dominance of, 16, 22, 99, 188–89
Lal, K. S., 257–58
Lamoreaux, Annette, 215
Lane, Burton, 205
Lane, Edward, 265
Laos, 51
Larry King Live, 84, 410
Latif, Mojib, 157
Latin America:
Catholic cathedrals in, 369
Communist murders in, 169
democracy in, 384
government corruption in, 318
poverty in, 318, 369
prosperity in, 374
in America, 166, 196
victimhood of, 99, 165
Christians in, 254, 269
Sharia law’s support in, 284
Le Duc Tho, 404
Lee, Barbara, 411, 412
Leftism, Leftists, 21–229
achievements of, 221–26
and aging, 74, 75
American values’ incompatibility with, 9–10, 59–60, 316–17, 397–401
anti-Americanism in, 13–15, 50, 51, 55, 57–67, 77, 87, 94, 96, 98, 99, 105, 106–7, 127, 172n, 181, 185, 234, 287, 376, 382
anti-Israel position of, 14, 15, 77, 94, 96, 98, 101–2, 105–6, 107, 109–10, 172, 181, 188–91, 194, 234
average income of, 227
black, 121n
brainwash of, 94–120
and change, 27, 44, 51–55
charitable giving of, 227–28
compassion of, 84
and conservative ideas, 95–96
core beliefs of, 6, 13, 22, 24, 25–67, 68–81, 193–94, 208, 227, 316–17, 326, 327, 335, 336, 347, 354–55, 358–59, 363–64, 369, 372, 379–80, 397–401
crisis mentality of, 137–65
defects of, 3
dictatorships based in, 29
dominance of, 12–13, 15, 16, 21, 22–23, 44, 81, 82–167
emotional nature of, 82–93, 137–38, 163, 213, 219, 227, 322, 336–37, 348, 367
Founders’ status in, 77–78, 99, 326
good intentions of, 68, 74–81, 83, 93, 124
happiness of, 226–29
ideological value of, 9
and immoral behavior, 93
institutionalization of, 22–23
intellectualism in, 15, 30, 43–44, 46–48, 82, 83
and Islamism, 13–14, 23n, 62–63, 73, 97, 98, 108–13, 122, 124, 134–36, 163, 172n, 181, 182–84, 187, 195
liberalism’s distinction from, 4–5
materialistic philosophy of, 28, 29, 38, 341, 346, 369, 370
misconceptions of, 72–74
moral development in, 196–206
moral record of, 168–229
offended feelings of, 83–84, 212–13, 216–17
positions of, 4–5, 7, 13, 71–72, 79–81, 83, 84–85, 98–100, 163–64, 397–401; see also environmentalism; multiculturalism; pacifism; secularism; socioeconomic equality; welfare state
proselytization by, 10, 12
racism in, 127–28
radical, 16, 94; see also Communism as religion, 11–13, 21–24, 39, 69, 177, 178, 371
Right’s demonization by, 4, 5, 32, 65, 68, 75, 81, 83, 117, 121–37, 164, 173, 303, 336
self-esteem of, 30, 70, 75, 83, 87, 90–91, 93, 197, 203, 209, 226, 336, 345
self-identification of, 22–24, 81
slogans of, 86–90
Stage One Thinking in, 78–81
therapeutic model in, 91
totalitarianism and, 207–21
utopian ideal of, 29–37, 38, 39, 55, 69–71, 124, 163, 228–29, 369
victimhood in, 32, 89, 99, 142, 143, 144, 149, 165–67, 228
as “world opinion,” 15, 57–58, 96–97, 171–72, 379
youth’s identification with, 75, 82–83
youth’s importance to, 43–44, 55–57, 77
Leinemann Foundation for Fine Arts, 203
Lemmon, Jack, 146
Le Monde, 12, 220, 358–59
Lenin, Vladimir, 29, 170, 173, 192
Lennon, John, 69, 70
Leupp, Gary, 359
Lewis, Anthony, 123–24
Lewis, Bernard, 250, 262, 295, 303
Lewis, John, 132–33
Liberal Fascism (Goldberg), 207
anti-Communism in, 170, 358
redefinition of, 4–5
libertarians, 320
liberty, 8, 312–22, 383, 388, 397
American opposition to, 15
American support of, 313, 314–15, 320
Christian belief in, 305
extinction of, 384
God and, 8, 322–23, 325, 330–31
Islam’s opposition to, 10, 244–46, 326, 384, 415
Leftism’s opposition to, 10, 25, 27, 316–17, 322, 397
meaning of, 315–16
Muslim support of, 306
prices of, 322
and small government, 8, 316–21
Western emphasis on, 245
Liberty Bell, 331, 335
colonialism in, 298
nondemocratic regime in, 178, 287, 387
Life, 152
“Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing,” 89
lightbulbs, 218
Lincoln, Abraham, 6, 283, 335, 381
Lindzen, Richard, 160
literature, Left’s view of, 43, 53, 97, 98
Livingstone, Ken, 195
Lomborg, Bjorn, 159–60
London terror bombings, 195
Los Angeles, Calif.:
black rioting in, 343n
county seal of, 41–42
Los Angeles Times, 13, 117, 178, 181, 202, 204, 342, 343
Loughner, Jared, 122
“Love the Way You Lie,” 202–3
Luccock, Halford, 377
Lumet, Sydney, 413
Luxemburg, Rosa, 193
McCain, John, 125
McCartney, Paul, 209
McGill University, 101
McGovern, George, 223
McGreevey, James E., 63
McKinney, Cynthia, 125
McMinnville, Oreg., child sexual harassment case in, 144–45
McVeigh, Timothy, 302, 304
Madame Tussauds Wax Museum, 105
Madison, James, 324, 325, 331, 340
Madrid train bombings, 58, 182–83
Maher, Bill, 200, 201
Mahmoud of Ghazni, 257
Mailer, Norman, 205–6
malaria, 164, 368
Malaysia, blasphemy laws in, 275
Mann, Michael, 103–4
Man’s Search for Meaning (Frankl), 242
Manuel II Paleologus, 186
Mao Zedong, 29, 76, 170, 171, 172, 173, 236
Maqrizi, Muhammad al-, 258
Marcellais, Richard, 139
Marie, Rene, 89
Marks, Mary, 219
marriage, man-woman:
California referendum on, 87–88, 123, 129–30
conservative belief in, 398
Judeo-Christian belief in, 40, 215, 356–57
Left’s opposition to, 123
sex in, 88–89, 356–57
marriage, same-sex:
Judeo-Christian opposition to, 364
Left’s support of, 25n–26n, 123, 215, 364
Martin, Michael, 302, 304
Marx, Karl, 7, 38, 192, 341, 363
Marxism, 28, 77, 172n
see also Communism
Masjid al-Jala, 264
Mason, John Mitchell, 328
Masons, 335
Judeo-Christian view of, 369–70
Left’s emphasis on, 28, 29, 38, 341, 346, 369, 370
philosophical meaning of, 28, 43
Matthews, Chris, 111
Mayo Clinic, 153
Mazeh, Jacob, 192
media, entertainment:
children in, 56
Leftist dominance of, 16, 84, 94–95, 107, 123, 129, 146, 168, 371, 379
nudity in, 357, 364–65
media, news:
anti-Israeli bias in, 107, 109–10, 172, 189
Clarence Thomas’ treatment in, 117
conservatism in, 12
global warming coverage in, 160, 161
health care coverage in, 117–20
Islamist sympathy in, 108–13, 134–36, 273, 299, 300, 307
in Israel, 194
Leftist dominance of, 12–13, 15, 16, 23, 50, 57–58, 65, 84, 94–96, 105–20, 121, 123, 133, 134–36, 138, 146, 152, 153, 154, 160, 161, 165, 168, 172, 185, 234, 273, 343n
liberty and, 316
military’s portrayal in, 65, 172
Muslim viewpoints in, 242
racism and, 113–17
Vietnam War coverage in, 50
Medved, Michael, 184
Melody Time, 210
Memmi, Albert, 266–67
oppression of, 143
welfare state’s effect on, 36, 321, 409
see also sexual equality
Mental Health America, 217
Merkel, Angela, 174
Meshal, Khaled, 109–10
Miami Herald, 411–12
Micah, 331–32
middle class, taxation of, 33
Middle East:
anti-Semitism in, 265–69
Christians in, 269–70
media coverage of, 109–10
violence in, 109–10
see also Arab world
military, U.S.:
criticism of, 49, 50, 51, 59, 65, 96, 107, 172
esteem of, 179
integration of, 224
power of, 36, 49, 50, 51, 59, 65–66, 313, 320, 378, 383–84
Minc, Hilary, 193
Miss World pageant, 108, 271–73
Modern Times (Johnson), 46
Montana Human Rights Commission, 214
Moore, Michael, 64, 70, 410
America’s record in, 382–84
in art, 89
God-based, 8, 209, 322–26, 328, 329–30, 331–35, 345–50
Islam’s record in, 244–85, 306
Judeo-Christian view of, 78, 339, 349n, 380, 398
law and, 379–80
Left’s views on, 28, 36, 63, 77, 88, 89, 92–93, 168–229, 347, 371, 379, 398
Muslim view of, 281–82
nationalism and, 377
personal responsibility and, 318–19
reason and, 350–53
religion’s emphasis on, 38
rhetoric of, 380–81
Russian, 384–85
subjective view of, 1n, 345–49, 349n
at universities, 77
and violence, 49
of youth, 348–49
see also evil
Mormons, 235, 242n, 339
Morocco, 263
Moses, 380, 199
Moyers, Bill, 116
Ms., 142–43, 144
Mubarak, Hosni, 54, 286, 287
Mugabe, Robert, 387
Muhammad, 248, 306
anti-Jewish sentiments of, 259–60
Judaism’s importance to, 259
see also Danish Muhammad cartoons
American values’ incompatibility with, 10, 175, 196, 375–76
conservative view of, 400
in Europe, 174–75, 290
Left’s affirmation of, 23n, 71, 196, 290, 375–76, 400
Mu’min, Abd al-, 263
Muqaddimah, The (Khaldun), 250–51
Muravchik, Joshua, 191
Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, 90, 204
changing values in, 52–53
cursing in, 201–3
musical chairs, 219
Mussolini, Benito, 207
Nader, Ralph, 146
Naghrela, Joseph ibn, 263
Napier, Jaime, 226
Napoleon I, Emperor of France, 297
Nasrallah, Sayyed, 191
Nation, 4
National Academy of Sciences, 368
National Alliance on Mental Illness, 217
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 224
National Council of Churches (NCC), 22, 235
National Endowment for the Arts, 234
American, 26, 59, 178, 192, 376–80, 381, 388, 397
and international institutions, 378–79
Left’s opposition to, 26, 59, 176, 178, 192, 376, 381, 397
morality and, 377
Right’s support of, 26
National Organization for Women, 22
National Post, 113
National Program for Playground Safety, 218
National Review, 137
National Science Foundation, 226
National Union of Journalists, 189
Native Americans, 62–63, 382
nature, Judeo-Christian view of, 366–68
Nazism, 48, 207, 252, 287, 294, 317, 337, 381
American opposition to, 314
America’s equation with, 66–67, 132–33, 179
animals and, 355
and anti-Semitism, 76, 262, 267, 268, 406
Christian support of, 236
and education, 103–4
Israel’s equation with, 191
military defeat of, 49, 86, 179
Pius XII’s position on, 186–87
revulsion toward, 171–73
and Right, 170, 207
rise of, 69
NBC, 154
New England Journal of Medicine, 153
New Jersey, state poet of, 63–64
New Republic, 65, 191
Newsday, 112
Leftist dominance of, 12–13, 109
nonliberal, 112–13
see also media, news
Newsweek, 65, 66, 111, 126, 136
New Testament, 339
personal responsibility in, 319
religious and secular authority in, 238
New York Daily News, 112
New York Law Journal, 211
New York Post, 113, 199
New York Sun, 112
New York Times, 4, 12, 16, 31, 46, 52–53, 54, 56, 60, 64, 65, 96, 108–9, 110, 114, 122, 123, 126, 128, 132, 134, 137, 150, 185, 186, 187, 193, 199n, 211, 290, 347, 348, 385, 386, 403
New York Times Book Review, 172
Niemoller, Martin, 132
blasphemy laws in, 275
Islamic violence in, 11, 108–9, 271–73
Sharia law’s support in, 284
“No Need to Panic About Global Warming,” 157–58
“No Nukes” concerts, 146
North Dakota, anti-bullying legislation in, 138–39, 140
Northwestern University, 103, 221
Northwestern University School of Law, 100
criminal punishment in, 45
Israeli boycott by, 189
NPR, 110–11, 116, 117, 302
nuclear power, Left’s opposition to, 145–48
Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 146
nuclear weapons:
Left’s opposition to, 27, 77, 181, 399
Right’s support for, 27, 399
nudity, 357, 364–65
Obama, Barack, 25, 27, 33, 54–55, 69, 116, 117, 125–26, 383
health care plan of, 118–19, 133
Obama administration, 124
O’Brien, Soledad, 183
Old Testament, 335, 339, 366, 370
justice in, 362
Omar Saeed Sheikh, Ahmed, 289, 341–42
“On the Jewish Question” (Marx), 192
Oregonian, 144, 145
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 131
Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), 233
Orwell, George, 43
Oswald, Lee Harvey, 121, 224
Ottoman Empire, 266, 298, 385
European, 36, 50, 178–79
and Judeo-Christian values, 349n
Leftist belief in, 25, 27, 36, 49–51, 59, 73, 77, 99, 178–79, 184, 401
Right’s position on, 25
Paine, Thomas, 309, 330
blasphemy laws in, 274–75
Christians in, 270–71
creation of, 276, 298
refugees created by, 276–77
Sharia law in, 270–71, 284
Palestine, anti-Semitism in, 266
anti-Semitism of, 268–69
Christian, 253
Leftists’ support of, 59, 107, 109–10, 172, 181, 182, 191, 193–94
political views of, 181–82
refugee crisis among, 275–76, 277
terrorism by, 194, 195, 204, 253, 254
terrorism’s support by, 256
Palin, Sarah, 123
Parche, Gunter, 45–46
Parks, Rosa, 380
Parvez, Aqsa, 279
patriotism, Left’s opposition to, 26, 99
PBS, 111, 116, 302
peanut allergy, 155–56
Pearl, Daniel, 113, 277, 290, 342
Pearl, Judea, 277
Pecos Bill, 210
People for the American Way, 22
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), 210, 337, 354
People’s History of the United States, A (Zinn), 60
Peretz, Martin, 191
Persia, Muslim conquest of, 257
Pew Research Center, 226
Global Attitudes Project of, 283–84
Philadelphia Daily News, 113
Piss Christ, 233–34
Pius XII, Pope, 186, 187
Poland, Communism in, 193
political correctness, 84, 166–67
Left’s view of, 22, 53–55, 345
liberty in, 315
Pollock, Jackson, 210
Pol Pot, 29, 172
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, 253
Christian attitudes toward, 305
Leftist defense of, 221
and rape, 72
Postal Service, U.S., 210, 211
American, 370
conservatism and, 317, 370
crime and, 28, 71–72, 341–43
education and, 30
government spending on, 80–81
and religion, 38
Third World, 318
victimhood and, 165
see also socioeconomic equality
Preminger, Otto, 205
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), 23, 189
Princeton University, 97–98, 328, 329, 341
Prohibition, 220
evangelical, 339
Islamic sympathy in, 261
Leftist values in, 23, 38
psychiatry, 121
psychology, 121
Pushkin, Alexander, 176
Putin, Vladimir, 173, 385
Qaddafi, Muammar, 178, 287, 387
Qadri, Mumtaz, 275
Quotidien d’Oran, 254–55
conservative view of, 400
Islamophobia’s distinction from, 299–300
Left’s position on, 71–72, 74, 80, 99, 113–17, 125–28, 165–67, 195, 343, 383, 400
nonwhite, 99, 113–17, 167
in United States, 166, 375, 376, 382, 383, 400
see also affirmative action; blacks
Rahim, Ahmed al-, 306–7
Rancourt, Denis G., 158, 159, 162
marital, 89
pornography and, 72
Rashid, Harun al-, 262
Rasmussen Poll, 382n
Rayfield, Donald, 173
Reagan, Ronald, 14, 105, 124, 154, 180
Reformation, 44
Reid, Harry, 125
Reilly, Robert R., 281
American importance of, 198, 332–35, 358, 399
American tolerance of, 87
and art, 48–49
conservative emphasis on, 22, 26, 399
evaluation of, 233–43, 300
happiness and, 371
irrationalism in, 44
Leftist influence in, 23, 25n–26n, 38, 96–97, 189
Leftist opposition to, 26, 28, 38–42, 83, 109, 181, 197–98, 215, 327, 335, 344–45, 347, 399
liberty in, 315
necessity of, 326–27
prejudice against, 237
scripture’s importance in, 39–40
value differences in, 235
value of, 38–39, 68–69, 176
violence and, 235, 236
war and, 337–38
see also Christianity, Christians; God; Islam, Muslims; Judaism, Jews; Judeo-Christian values; secularism
Religion and Philosophy in Germany (Heine), 337–38
Religious Right, The: The Assault on Tolerance and Pluralism in America, 300
Rendell, Ruth, 362–63
Republican Party, 57, 195, 196, 382n
and bullying, 139
and civil rights, 223–24, 414
Leftist view of, 99, 122, 123–24, 133, 155
poor supporters of, 370
and women’s suffrage, 223
see also Right
Reuters, 31, 41, 109, 117–18
Revolution from Within (Steinem), 149
Rice, Condoleezza, 200
Leftism among, 55
Leftist view of, 100
religion and, 38–39
Rich, Frank, 128–29, 132, 135
Richardson, Laura, 188, 411
Richburg, Keith, 322n
anti-Communism in, 170
core beliefs of, 25, 26, 27, 37, 227, 379–80, 397–401
evil’s opposition by, 71, 78, 163, 164
Left’s demonization of, 4, 5, 32, 65, 68, 75, 81, 83, 117, 121–37, 164, 173, 303, 336
Nazism and, 170, 207
see also conservatism, conservatives; Republican Party
Rivera, Geraldo, 111
Robbins, Jack Henry, 206
Robbins, Tim, 206
Rock, Chris, 200
Rockwell, Norman, 52
Rolling Stone, 200
Roman Catholic Church, 97, 171, 186, 187, 192, 235, 261, 265, 339, 360, 369
Roman Empire:
Christianity in, 247
state executions in, 359–60
Roosevelt, Franklin, 34
Rorty, Richard, 346
Rosenthal, Joe, 165
Rubin, Michael, 296
Rush, Bobby, 188, 411
Rushdie, Salman, 272, 289
creativity in, 176
future of, 384, 385
post-Soviet, 173, 225–26
Russian Revolution, 54, 209
Rutten, Tim, 342
Rwanda, 14, 387
Saakashvili, Mikheil, 372, 134
Saradon, Susan, 206
Sarkozy, Nicolas, 174
Sarna, Nahum, 366
Satanic Verses, The (Rushdie), 289
Saudi Arabia, 298
anti-Semitism in, 267–68
and Muslim education, 290
nondemocratic regime in, 286
Saving Private Ryan, 188
Schindler’s List, 188, 365n
Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 347
school prayer, 198
Schultz, William, 184
Schumer, Charles, 51
Islamic, 239–40, 281
Leftist distortion of, 102–3, 150–54, 156–63
Scopes “Monkey Trial,” 45
American values’ incompatibility with, 10
consequences of, 42–49, 337, 345–46, 350–53, 354–55, 357, 365–66, 371–72
and conservatism, 43
core beliefs of, 6
European, 48, 103, 174, 176, 180, 335–36, 350, 357, 372
Jewish, 193
Leftist belief in, 7, 13, 25–26, 38–49, 59, 98, 209, 326
Right’s position on, 25
in universities, 98, 103, 353
see also religion
Seitz, Frederick, 161
Seles, Monica, 45–46
self-esteem movement, 91–93
Senate, U.S., women’s suffrage in, 223
separation of church and state, 197, 238
September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks:
anti-Muslim behavior following, 87
explanations for, 182, 253–54, 341–42, 363
Leftist view of, 182
Muslim support of, 256, 294
Palestinian celebration of, 256
see also Ground Zero mosque
Serrano, Andres, 233–34
sexual equality:
income and, 27
Judeo-Christian view of, 363, 364
Left’s belief in, 71, 73, 74, 99, 133, 211–12, 363–64
Right’s view of, 78
in sports, 211–12
sexual harassment, 141–45, 212–14
conservative view of, 399
Judeo-Christian view of, 356–57, 364–65
Leftist view of, 101, 103, 220–21, 364–65, 371, 399
in marriage, 88–89, 356–57
underclass, 356–57
see also homosexuals
Shahada, 238
Shahzad, Faisal, 111, 302
Shaiman, Marc, 129–30
Sharansky, Natan, 377
Sharia law:
blasphemy in, 275
economics of, 285
as Islamist ideal, 7, 238, 239, 240, 282, 283–84, 327, 388
liberty’s incompatibility with, 10, 245
Muslim opposition to, 306
Muslim views on, 283–84
in Pakistan, 270–71, 284
Sharpton, Al, 167
Shern, David, 217
Shostakovich, Dmitri, 176
Siegel, Michael B., 150–51
Sikhs, 276
silicone breast implants, Leftist opposition to, 86, 153–54
Sixties, 56, 88
slavery, 313, 322, 375, 382–83
Smiley, Tavis, 302, 304
Smith, Christian, 348
airbrushing of, 209–10
Left’s crusade against, 219
secondhand, 149–51, 156, 210–11
Snyder, Mitch, 154–55
Snyder, Timothy, 170
social democrats, 7, 25, 177, 420
socialism, 177
socioeconomic equality:
Leftist belief in, 13, 25, 27, 29, 30, 36, 37, 39, 99, 164, 196, 227, 316–17, 322, 336, 397, 398
liberty’s incompatibility with, 10, 25, 27, 316–17, 322
Right’s position on, 25
see also poverty
Sodom and Gomorrah, 280
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr, 176
“Somebody Blew Up America” (Baraka), 63
Soon, Willie, 158
Soros, George, 66–67, 191, 192
South, Leftist view of, 99
Southern California Islamic Center, 242
Southwest Airlines, 199
Soviet Union:
anti-Semitism in, 192
Berlin blockade by, 313
Communist ideology in, 291–92
Communist murders in, 169, 171, 172
Communist Party membership in, 252, 294
Gulag in, 184–86
historical revisionism in, 209
Leftist support of, 76, 94n, 207
moral labeling of, 180, 347
nuclear power in, 147, 148
Russian feelings about, 225–26
totalitarian regime in, 208
in World War II, 314
see also Cold War; Russia
Sowell, Thomas, 78, 79–80
anti-Americanism in, 58
fascist regime in, 207, 208
Iraq withdrawal of, 58, 182–83, 320
Islamic terrorism in, 58, 182–83, 253
Muslim rule of, 260, 261, 263, 295
Spanish Inquisition, 94n, 171
Spielberg, Steven, 188
competitive, 74, 219
equal opportunity mandates in, 211–12
Springsteen, Bruce, 200
Sri Lanka, 252
Stalin, Joseph, 76, 120, 170, 171, 172, 192, 209, 236, 257n, 314, 381
Starr, Ringo, 210
State Department, U.S., 106
Statue of Liberty, 313
Steinem, Gloria, 149
Stewart, Jon, 200, 201
Stewart-Williams, Steve, 345–46
Stonewall Speakers, 214
Stourton, Edward, 262–63
Stravinsky, Igor, 53
Streep, Meryl, 201
Islamic violence in, 11, 273–74, 387
Leftist indifference to, 14
nondemocratic regime in, 287
Sudayyis, Abd al-Rahman al-, 267–68
suffering, 5–6
suicide bombings, 255–56
Summers, Lawrence, 102–3, 167
Supreme Court, U.S., 117n, 198, 216
Suwaij, Zainab al-, 307
Sweden, multiculturalism in, 290
swine flu, 152–53
Switzerland, education spending in, 131
anti-Semitism in, 265–66
colonialism in, 297
nondemocratic regime in, 178, 287
Szymborska, Wislawa, 257n
Taiwan, 384
Tajani, Antonio, 404–5
Taliban, 186, 207, 279
talk radio, conservatism on, 12
Talmud, 318, 353n, 359
Tamil Tigers, 252
Taseer, Salmaan, 274–75
effects of, 33, 34, 37
film industry’s position on, 84
Left’s reliance on, 30–32, 37, 138
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Iylich, 176
Tea Party, 117
Telegraph, 256, 269
Telushkin, Joseph, 259
Ten Commandments, 39, 349n, 365
Thatcher, Margaret, 105, 403, 420
Third World:
Leftist view of, 100, 156–57
poverty in, 318
ThisDay, 272
Thomas, Clarence, 117
Thomas, Evan, 111
Thornton, Omar, 114–15
Three Mile Island, 146–47
Tibet, 14, 15
Time, 105, 164–65, 253, 423
Title IX, 211
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 34, 323, 325
Tolstoy, Leo, 176
Tommasini, Anthony, 52–53
Torah, 274, 293, 335, 339, 341n, 361–62, 365
death penalty in, 360–61
Leftist inclination toward, 207–21
non-Leftist, 207–8
Toynbee, Arnold, 250
Trade Union Congress, 190
transgendered, 363
Trotsky, Leon, 120, 192, 209
Truman, Harry S., 224
Armenian Christians in, 295
Islamism in, 296–97, 385
Sharia law’s support in, 284
Umar, Pact of, 261
unemployment, and government spending, 33
see also jobs
Union for Reform Judaism, 23n
United Nations, 59, 152, 299, 384, 387
anti-Israelism in, 195, 387
European support for, 178
and Gulf War, 51
Islamists’ support for, 97
Left’s support of, 26, 178, 400
Right’s opposition to, 26, 70, 378, 379
United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, 387
United Nations Development Programme, 246
United Nations Human Rights Council, 178, 233, 267, 274, 387
United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 157, 158
United Nations Nuclear Disarmament Commission, 387
United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation, 147
United Nations Security Council, 178, 379, 387
United Nations World Health Organization (WHO), 27, 119–20, 148, 150, 387
United States:
Arab opposition to, 286–89
charity in, 34, 40, 227–28, 320, 370
Christian majority in, 87, 332–33
conservative leadership of, 14, 57, 59, 96
criminal punishment in, 46
criticism of, 301
cultural identity of, 8, 373–75, 378
death penalty in, 59, 85, 184, 362
debt of, 29, 33, 130
dictators supported by, 313–14
economic success of, 59, 374
education spending in, 30–32, 131, 403
free speech in, 214
goodness of, 380–84
government workers in, 130
Great Seal of, 180, 334
hate crimes in, 127
health care in, 27, 117–20, 222–23, 321
homelessness in, 154–55
honor killings in, 279
hunger in, 155
ideological battle in, 16, 25–27, 334n
immigrants in, 58, 196, 313, 373–74, 375–76
individual’s importance in, 375
intellectual class in, 15
Islamic terror against, 252, 253–54; see also September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks
Islamists’ opposition to, 11, 97, 288
Jewish roots of, 334–35
Leftism in, 59–60, 81, 181
Leftist opposition to, 13–15, 50, 51, 55, 57–67, 77, 87, 94, 96, 98, 99, 105, 106–7, 127, 172n, 180, 181, 185, 234, 287, 376, 382
military power of, 36, 49, 50, 51, 59, 65–66, 313, 320, 378, 383–84
moral record of, 382–84
moral rhetoric in, 380–81
multiculturalism in, 174–75
Muslim support of, 306
national anthem of, 313
nationalism in, 26, 59, 178, 192, 376–80, 381, 388, 397
pacifism in, 50
poverty in, 370
racism in, 166, 375, 376, 382, 383, 400
recession in, 342
religion’s role in, 198, 332–35, 358, 399
religious symbols in, 40–42
religious tolerance in, 87
risk taking in, 316
slavery in, 313, 322, 375, 382–83
social programs in, 222
voting age in, 56
welfare state’s growth in, 34, 321
Western European opposition to, 14–15, 58, 106, 107
work ethic in, 35, 319
world leadership of, 90, 178, 383–87
see also American value system; military, U.S.
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 25n–26n, 97
affirmative action at, 79–80
anti-Americanism at, 98, 99
anti-Israelism at, 98, 101–2, 189, 190
Christian founding of, 328
diversity at, 104–5
European, 103
free speech at, 101, 212
Leftist dominance of, 12, 15, 16, 22–23, 48, 49, 53, 56, 77, 94–95, 96, 97–105, 150, 181, 221, 224, 234, 364
Muslim support of, 234–35
secularism in, 98, 103, 353
sensitivity training at, 212
Uthman, Ed, 154
van Gogh, Theo, 234
Vanity Fair, 164
Van Rompuy, Herman, 174
Vasconcellos, John, 91, 406
Vedder, Eddie, 201
Vidal, Gore, 66
Vietnam, Communist murders in, 169
Vietnam War, 4, 49, 50–51, 170, 173, 313, 404
Vitz, Paul, 92
Voice of Warning to Christians on the Ensuing Election, The (Mason), 328
von Grunebaum, Gustave E., 239–40
Waldman, Steven, 325, 326, 328–29, 330, 421
Wall Street Journal, 33, 100, 122, 157–58, 160, 191, 275
editorial page of, 12
Walmart, 178
conservative view of, 401
Leftist positions on, 14–15, 63, 86, 96, 99, 320, 401
religious, 337
see also pacifism
War on Terror, 124
Washington, George, 283, 324, 325, 330, 331, 335
Washington Post, 31–32, 110, 111, 114, 122, 135, 144, 185, 217, 290, 412
Watt, Melvin, 411
wealth creation, Right’s emphasis on, 29, 37, 398
Week, 117
Weinberg, Steven, 404
Weisberg, Jacob, 126
welfare state:
creativity and, 176
entitlement mentality in, 35, 81, 197, 319–20
European faith in, 177–78
family’s corruption by, 36, 321
individual’s insignificance in, 81, 319–20, 378
Leftist belief in, 7, 13, 25, 53, 96, 398
men in, 36, 321, 409
Right’s opposition to, 25, 398
underclass in, 36, 403
in United States, 34
unsustainability of, 2, 17, 32–34, 35, 81, 174, 222
see also government, big
West, Cornel, 123, 167, 200
West, Kanye, 200
Wharton, Dan, 354
What’s the Matter with Kansas? How Conservatives Won the Heart of America (Frank), 370
Wheelock, Eleazar, 328 “When a Woman Is Not in the Mood” (Prager), 88–89
When Bad Things Happen to Good People (Kushner), 75
Whitaker, Brian, 245–46
Who Prospers: How Cultural Values Shape Economic and Political Success (Harrison), 374
Who Really Cares: The Surprising Truth About Compassionate Conservatism (Brooks), 227
“Why Are Conservatives Happier Than Liberals?” (Napier and Jost), 226
Wiesel, Elie, 190
Will, George, 158–59, 178, 210
Williams, Brian, 154
Williams, Stanley “Tookie”, III, 84–85
Wilson, Woodrow, 97–98
Winterson, Jeanette, 362–63
Wisconsin State Fair, 115
Judeo-Christian view of, 78
Left’s rejection of, 44, 77–78, 371
Witherspoon, John, 341
Wolf, Naomi, 149
AIDS in, 152
breast implants in, 153–54
and Democratic Party, 195
Islam’s treatment of, 194, 264, 278–79, 385
in Israel, 194
in science, 102–3
United Nations commission on, 387
victimhood of, 89, 99, 142, 143, 144, 149, 165
voting rights for, 223
wage equality for, 27
see also sexual equality
Wood, Gordon S., 312, 421
Woodbridge, Va., child sexual harassment case in, 144
harassment in, 212–14
safety in, 222
World Court, see International Court of Justice
World Economic Forum, 66–67
World War I, 26, 49–50, 178, 295, 313, 386
World War II, 26, 173, 178, 179, 268, 313, 314, 381, 386
“World Without Zionism” conference, 11
wrestling, 212
Wright, Jeremiah, 116, 410
Yale University, 328, 335
Yale University Press, 100–101, 235
Yemen, 263–64
Yoffie, Eric, 23n
Leftisms’ compatibility with, 75, 82–83
Left’s reverence for, 43–44, 55–57, 77
morality of, 348–49
Right’s view of, 78
see also children
YouTube, 2
Zakaria, Fareed, 136–37, 250, 294, 295
Zarqawi, Abu Musab al-, 62, 183–84, 256
Zelnick, Bob, 132–33
Zimbabwe, 387
Zinn, Howard, 60–63, 225, 301
Zionism, 265
criticism of, 234
Zogby, James, 135