Reader’s Note

This book is divided into two sections, focusing on Australian and New Zealand cinema, respectively. In each section, references to another entry are indicated in boldface type. In addition, the entries in one section contain references to entries in the other section of the book. Thus, the entry for Jane Campion is in the New Zealand section, and this entry is cross-referenced in the Australian section by an asterisk before the name of Jane Campion. For example, in the Australian section is an entry for the Australian Film Television and Radio School, containing the text, “Directors include *Jane Campion,. . . .”

The term “Commonwealth” in the Australia section means the federation of Australian states and territories that exist within the geographical place called Australia. A “state” in Australia refers to the next political level under “Commonwealth.” States include Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia, and Western Australia.

The currency used in the Australia section is the Australian dollar, and that in the New Zealand section is the New Zealand dollar. Sometimes, other currencies are used and are indicated by the normal prefix, thus “US$.”