Figure 5.4 Scale-free neuronal dynamics are correlated with interindividual variability in behavioral scaling laws. (a) Mean local LRTC in the 10 Hz band (β) both during the TSDT task performance and in a separate resting-state session are correlated with the mean behavioral scaling exponents (βbehav.). (b) This correlation was significant in frequency bands from 5 to 30 Hz, in broadband data, and for the avalanche DFA (*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.005). (c) Neuroanatomical source regions for the correlation between neuronal and behavioral LRTC scaling exponents. Pearson correlation coefficients were computed between βbehav. and β in the beta and gamma (15, 20, and 30 Hz) bands for each cortical patch and significant (p < 0.05, FDR (false discovery rate) corrected) correlations were displayed on cortical surfaces. For each cortical patch of the Destrieux parcellation, the color intensity indicates the fraction of significant correlations across the three bands (pale 1/3, medium 2/3, full 3/3). Red: Correlation of visual behavioral scaling exponents, βV, with the β of neuronal LRTC during visual task performance (upper panel) and in separate resting-state data (lower panel). Blue: Correlation of auditory behavioral scaling exponents, βA, with the β of neuronal LRTC during auditory task performance and in separate resting-state data. Abbreviations: a, anterior; i, inferior; m, middle; p, posterior; pr, pre-; s, superior; C, central; CI, cingulate; CN, cuneus; F, frontal; G, gyrus; LIN, lingual; O, occipital; P, parietal; T, temporal. Red colors, occipital; green, parietal; blue, frontal; yellow, temporal; purple, cingulate. iPG shows the angular part.
(Adapted from [18].)