Complex Networks: From Social Crises to Neuronal Avalanches

Bruce J. West, Malgorzata Turalska and Paolo Grigolini

24.1 Introduction

Complex networks ranging from social gatherings to neuron clusters are described by highly heterogeneous, scale-free degree distributions [1, 2]. The seminal paper of Watts and Strogatz [3] established that real-world networks are distinct from the totally random theoretical networks of Erdös and Renyi [4]. The latter investigators established that networks with completely random connections have unimodal distributions of connections between elements. Real-world networks, on the other hand, are found not to be characterized by such weak clustering and, instead, show surprisingly large clustering coefficients. Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain the observed topology [1, 2, 5–8], the most popular one being that of preferential attachment, which is based on the assumption that scale-free networks grow in time and that the newly arriving elements tend to establish connections preferentially with the elements having the larger number of links [1, 5]. However, there exists a wide class of networks that do not originate by preferential attachment or growth, and the model presented here catalogs the properties of these latter networks.

Two central concepts arising in the application of dynamic networks to the understanding of the measurable properties of the brain have to do with topology and criticality. Topology is related to the inverse power-law distributions of such newly observed phenomena as neuronal avalanches [9], and criticality [2] has to do with the underlying dynamics that gives rise to the observed topology. Criticality was first systematically observed in physics for systems undergoing phase transitions as a control parameter is varied: for example, as temperature is lowered, water transitions from the liquid to the solid phase. Many physical systems consisting of a large number of structurally similar interacting units have properties determined by local interactions. At the critical value of the control parameter, the interactions suddenly change from local to long-range, and what had been the superposition of independent dynamic elements becomes dominated by long-range interactions and coordinated activity. The dynamical source of these properties is made explicit through the development of the decision-making model (DMM), which is shown to be related to but distinctly different from the Ising model used by others in explaining criticality in the context of the brain.

Here, we present a way to generate topology characterized by the scale-free degree distribution c24-math-0001, where c24-math-0002 is the number of links to an element, using the underlying network dynamics. We confirm that the scale-free topology emerges from the dynamical interactions between the elements of the network [2, 8]. Moreover, we show that, for a critical value of the control parameter c24-math-0003, the cooperative interaction between the dynamical elements of a regular two-dimensional lattice generates a phase transition in which the majority of the elements transition to a critical state. This critical state has a scale-free network of interdependent elements with c24-math-0004.

The perspective of assessing a network's complexity solely by means of its topology has been widely adopted. Here, we adopt a different point of view and emphasize the emergence of temporal complexity through the intermittency of events in time, as well as through topological complexity entailed by the dynamics. An event is interpreted as a transition of a global variable from one critical state to another. In this way, we identify two distinct forms of complexity: one associated with the connectivity of the elements of the network, and the other associated with the variability of the time interval between events. Both power laws are a consequence of criticality.

This manifestation of dual complexity is demonstrated using a simple DMM [10–12] introduced in Section 24.2. We show by direct calculation that a DMM network undergoes a phase transition similar to that observed in the Ising model [2] resulting in an inverse power-law distribution in the connectivity of the network elements. In Section 24.3, we distinguish between a static network, where the constitutive elements form an unchanging structure, and a dynamic network generated by the self-organization of the elements located on the backbone structure of the former. We explore the propensity for cooperation of both the static and dynamic networks. These dynamic-based results are interpreted in a neuroscience context. In Section 24.4, temporal complexity is discussed, and calculations reveal a scale-free distribution density of the consensus times c24-math-0005, c24-math-0006, which is separate and distinct from the scale-free degree distribution. The consensus time is the length of time the majority of the elements stay within one of the two available states. A handful of inflexible elements can have a dramatic influence on the overall behavior of the network, as we demonstrate in Section 24.5. Some conclusions are drawn in Section 24.6.

24.2 The Decision-Making Model (DMM)

The network dynamics of each element of a DMM network are determined by the two-state master equation [11, 12]

24.1 equation

where c24-math-0008 is the probability of being in the state c24-math-0009. The DMM uses a social paradigm of decision makers who choose between the state 1 (yes or c24-math-0010) and the state 2 (no or c24-math-0011) at each point in time c24-math-0012. The interaction among the elements in the network is realized by setting the coupling coefficients to the time-dependent forms:

Here, M denotes the total number of nearest neighbors to each element, and c24-math-0015 and c24-math-0016 give the numbers of nearest neighbors in the decision states “yes” and “no,” respectively.

The single individuals are not static but change their opinions over time, thereby making c24-math-0017 and c24-math-0018 fluctuate in time, while, of course, the total number of nearest neighbors is conserved, that is, c24-math-0019. A single element in isolation has a vanishing control parameter c24-math-0020 and consequently would fluctuate between “yes” and “no,” with Poisson statistics at the rate c24-math-0021.

When c24-math-0022, an element in the state “yes” (“no”) makes a transition to the state “no” (“yes”) faster or slower according to whether c24-math-0023 or c24-math-0024, respectively. The quantity c24-math-0025 is the critical value of the control parameter c24-math-0026, at which point a phase transition to a self-organized global majority state occurs. The efficiency of a network in facilitating consensus can be expressed as a quantity proportional to c24-math-0027. Here, that self-organized state is identified as the consensus. On the other hand, expressing network efficiency through consensus has the effect of establishing a close connection between network topology and the ubiquitous natural phenomenon of synchronization. In this way, a number of investigators have concluded that topology plays an important role in biology, ecology, climatology, and sociology [13–16].

We define the global variable in order to characterize the network fluctuations, as

24.4 equation

where c24-math-0029 is the total number of elements, and c24-math-0030 and c24-math-0031 are the number of elements in the state “yes” and “no” at time c24-math-0032, respectively. Typical DMM calculations of the global variable for the control parameter greater than the critical value in the all-to-all coupling configuration are shown on Figure 24.1 for three sizes of the network. The variability in the time series resembles thermal fluctuations in physical processes, but there is no such mechanism in the DMM. The erratic fluctuations are the result of the finite number of elements in the network.


Figure 24.1 The fluctuation of the mean-field global variable as a function of time. For the network configuration: (a) c24-math-0033 (b) c24-math-0034, and (c) c24-math-0035. In all cases, c24-math-0036 and c24-math-0037. Adopted from Ref. [11].

The top panel in Figure 24.1 has the results for the fewest number of elements, in which case the dynamics seem to yield noise. In the middle panel, the number of elements is tripled from that in the top panel and the two states of the DMM are now evident, but the fluctuations persist. In the bottom panel, the number of elements is increased by a factor of five from the top panel and the critical states are even sharper. It is clear that the fluctuations vanish as the number of elements increase to infinity and they do so as c24-math-0038. In a similar way, the size of the fluctuations decreases with increasing control parameter values.

We evaluate the time duration c24-math-0039 of the consensus state, where either c24-math-0040 or c24-math-0041, and calculate the time average of the modulus c24-math-0042. We denote this average with the symbol c24-math-0043 in the sequel.

Note that in the special case, when the number of nearest neighbors c24-math-0044 is the same for all the nodes and the natural transition rate is very small c24-math-0045, the DMM generates a phase transition that is analogous to the two-dimensional Ising model discussed in the seminal paper of Onsager [17]. This is an expected result insofar as the Ising model rests on the Hamiltonian

24.5 equation

where c24-math-0047 and c24-math-0048 denote the Pauli operators with eigenvalues c24-math-0049. Equilibrium is defined in terms of Boltzmann distribution described by the density matrix

24.6 equation

with the inverse of the temperature given by c24-math-0051, with c24-math-0052 being Boltzmann's constant and c24-math-0053 the absolute temperature. Thus, the off-diagonal elements of the transfer matrix [18] become equivalent to the transition rates of Eqs. (24.2) and (24.3), under the condition that the control parameter is associated with the physical temperature, c24-math-0054. As examples of conditions yielding this equivalence, we consider two cases. The first case is for all-to-all coupling, where c24-math-0055 and there is no spatial structure for the network. The second case is a simple two-dimensional lattice where each node is coupled to its four nearest neighbors, thereby yielding c24-math-0056.

The thermodynamic condition c24-math-0057 was discussed extensively by authors of Ref. [10, 11], who showed that under those conditions the ratios c24-math-0058 are equivalent to the probabilities c24-math-0059 for a node c24-math-0060 to be in one of two allowed states. The dynamic evolution of a single unit state is then described by a two-state master equation

24.7 equation
24.8 equation

Solving this master equation using the difference in probabilities as a new variable c24-math-0063, which corresponds to the earlier defined global order parameter c24-math-0064, we obtain the mean-field equation

24.9 equation

This equation yields two solutions, corresponding to global majority states, for the values of coupling constant c24-math-0066, where the critical value of the control parameter c24-math-0067.

The solution in the second case, where c24-math-0068, can be found in [19] and yields the critical value of the coupling constant c24-math-0069, which value corresponds to the critical temperature in the Ising model [17].

In Figure 24.2, the DMM is seen to undergo phase transitions at the two critical values mentioned. We see that, for a very small value of the coupling strength c24-math-0073, the numerical evaluation of c24-math-0074 on a c24-math-0075 lattice is very close to the theoretical prediction of Onsager [17]. The patterns generated by the Ising model at criticality corresponds to the emergence of correlation links yielding a scale-free network statistically indistinguishable from that observed experimentally within the brain using functional magnetic resonanceimaging.


Figure 24.2 The phase diagram for the global variable c24-math-0070. The solid and dashed lines are the theoretical predictions for the fully connected and two-dimensional regular lattice network, respectively. In both cases, c24-math-0071 and the latter case is the Onsager prediction [17]. The circles are the DMM calculation for c24-math-0072. (Adopted from Ref. [12].)

This equivalence between the DMM and the Ising model is a formal one, because the DMM does not have a physical origin (no Hamiltonian) and it does not require the action of a thermal bath at temperature c24-math-0076 to generate fluctuations as does the Boltzmann picture. This explains why the equivalence with the Ising model requires that c24-math-0077 vanish, so as to freeze the dynamics of the single units, in the absence of cooperation.

24.3 Topological Complexity

To realize temporal as well as topological complexity, we rely on numerical results and focus our attention on the condition c24-math-0078, which, although slightly smaller than the Onsager theoretical prediction, is compatible with the emergence of cooperative behavior due to the phase transition. To derive the dynamically induced network topology, we apply the so-called correlation network approach, where a topology is generated by linking only those elements with cross-correlation levels above a given threshold [2]. Thus, we evaluate the two-point cross-correlation coefficient between all pairs of elements after the transients have faded in the DMM calculation. If the cross-correlation coefficient between two network elements is larger than the arbitrarily chosen threshold value c24-math-0079, we insert a link between them; if not, we leave them uncoupled. This prescription is found to generate a scale-free network with the inverse power index c24-math-0080 c24-math-0081, as shown in Figure 24.3. We also evaluate the distribution density c24-math-0082 of the Euclidian distance c24-math-0083 between two linked elements and find that the average distance is of the order of 50, which is on the order of the size of the two-dimensional grid c24-math-0084. This average distance implies the emergence of long-range links that go far beyond the nearest neighbor coupling and is essential to realizing the rapid transfer of information over a complex network [21–23].


Figure 24.3 The degree distribution for the dynamically generated complex topology created by examining the dynamics of elements placed on a two-dimensional regular lattice with the parameter values c24-math-0085 and c24-math-0086 in the DMM. (Adapted from Ref. [20].)

We construct from the DMM dynamically induced network a network backbone, called a dynamically generated complex topology (DGCT) and then study its efficiency by implementing the DMM dynamics on it. It is convenient to compare the cooperative behavior of the DGCT network with another seemingly equivalent scale-free degree network with the same c24-math-0087. This latter scale-free network uses a probabilistic algorithm [24] and we refer to it as an ad hoc network, and implement the DMM on it as well as on the DGCT network. The phase-transition diagrams of the DGCT and the ad hoc network are illustrated in Figure 24.4a and the inset of Figure 24.4b, respectively. Notice that the phase transition occurs on both networks at c24-math-0088, that is, at the same critical value corresponding to the all-to-all coupling condition. However, in Figure 24.4a a new phenomenon is observed, that being the emergence of both a consensus and a non-consensus state. The new state emerges because the self-organization process generates two weakly coupled identical clusters, each cluster being equivalent to an ad hoc network with c24-math-0089. These two networks are virtually independent of each other, thereby yielding the states c24-math-0090, with equal probability. The states c24-math-0091 and c24-math-0092 are the non-consensus states. To support this interpretation, we generate two identical ad hoc networks with c24-math-0093 and couple them with a single link. The resulting phase diagram, shown in Figure 24.4b, is very similar to that depicted in Figure 24.4a, thereby establishing that DGCT networks may give rise to the coexistence of communities with conflicting opinions, reminiscent of recent results obtained by others [25]. This result could not be obtained in the weak coupling limit where DMM becomes equivalent to the Ising model.


Figure 24.4 The phase diagram for global variable c24-math-0094. (a) The solid line corresponds to the equilibrium states obtained in the case of fully connected c24-math-0095 network. Dots correspond to the equilibrium states obtained by evaluating the dynamics of the DMM on the DGCT network with c24-math-0096. (b) The solid line corresponds to the equilibrium states obtained in the fully connected case for the c24-math-0097 network. Dots correspond to the equilibrium states obtained by evaluating the dynamics of the DMM on a system of two scale-free, ad hoc networks with power-law index c24-math-0098 Both networks had c24-math-0099 elements and were coupled with only one link and c24-math-0100. The inset shows the phase diagram for an ad hoc network with c24-math-0101 elements and power-law index of the degree distribution c24-math-0102 (Adapted from Ref. [20].)

The earlier illustrated approach is consistent with the procedure widely adopted in neuroscience to define functional connections between different brain regions [2, 26]. Numerous studies have shown the scale-free character of networks created by correlated brain activity as measured through EEG [27, 28], magnetoencephalography [26], or magnetic resonance imagining [29]. Fraiman et al. [2] used the Ising model to explain the origin of the scale-free neuronal network and found the remarkable result that the brain dynamics operate at the corresponding critical state. The present research was, in part, inspired by these results [2], and leads to the additional discovery that the emergence of consensus produces long-range connections as well as a scale-free topology.

Consider the earlier results in the light of the recent experimental findings on brain dynamics [30]. The analysis of Bonifazi et al. [30] established that, in a manner similar to other biological networks, neural networks evolve by gradual change, incrementally increasing their complexity, and rather than growing along the lines of preferential attachment, neurons tend to evolve in a parallel and collective manner. The function of the neuronal network is eventually determined by the coordinated activity of many elements, with each element contributing only to local short-range interactions. However, despite this restriction, correlation is observed between sites that are not adjacent to each other, which is a surprising property suggesting the existence of a previously incomprehensible long-distance communication [31, 32]. The DMM dynamical approach affords the explanation that the local but cooperative interactions embed the elements in a phase-transition condition that is compatible with long-range interdependence.

24.4 Temporal Complexity

Let us now turn our attention to temporal complexity. We show that the apparently intuitive notion that topological complexity with a scale-free distribution of links c24-math-0108, c24-math-0109 and time complexity with a scale-free distribution of consensus times c24-math-0110, c24-math-0111 are closely related is wrong. Figure 24.5 illustrates the consensus survival probability c24-math-0112 corresponding to the critical value of the control parameter c24-math-0113 generating the scale-free topology of Figure 24.3. Although emerging from a simple spatial network, that is, one with no structural complexity, the survival probability is scale-free with c24-math-0114 over more than four time decades.


Figure 24.5 Consensus survival probability. Black and gray solid lines refer to the DMM implemented on a two-dimensional regular lattice with control parameter c24-math-0103 and to dynamics of the ad hoc network evaluated for c24-math-0104, respectively. In both cases c24-math-0105. The dashed lines are visual guides corresponding to the scaling exponents c24-math-0106 and c24-math-0107 respectively.

The statistical analysis of the real brain activity led some investigators [33–36] to conclude that the brain dynamics are dominated by renewal quakes (neuronal avalanches) and that the probability density of the time distance between two consecutive quakes has the inverse power-law index c24-math-0115. Theoretical arguments [37] establish that this condition is important for the cognitive brain function. On the basis of the plausible conjecture [31] that there is a close connection between the cooperative behavior of many elements and brain cognition, we believe that the emergence of the condition c24-math-0116 from the interaction of the elements of the regular two-dimensional lattice is an important aspect of the dynamic approach to the scale-free condition.

On the other hand, the survival probability of the consensus state emerging from the ad hoc network, with c24-math-0117, is limited to the time region c24-math-0118, and for c24-math-0119 is expected [11] to be dominated by the exponential shoulder depicted in Figure 24.5. The exponential shoulder is a signature of the equilibrium regime of the network dynamics [11].

24.5 Inflexible Minorities

Understanding the influence that committed minorities can exert on both local and global properties of complex networks is an issue of overwhelming importance. What are the conditions under which the convictions of an inflexible minority dominate the future behavior of a complex network? Turalska et al. [38] demonstrate that the abrupt changes in the organization of social groups such as described by DMM, rather than being moments of disorder, are instances of increased spatial correlation between the elements of the network. This condition of extended cooperation, similar to the critical state of a physical phase transition, allows a small subgroup of the society to exert substantial influence over the entire social network. One limiting case might be viewed as Carlyle's great man theory of history in On Heroes, Hero Worship, and the Heroes of History [39], where a single individual can change world opinion for better or worse.

A member of the committed minority considered herein is a randomly selected element at a node on the lattice that keeps its decision of either “yes” or “no” independently of the opinion of its neighbors. Thus, this element communicates an unchanging message to the rest of the network through its interactions. To establish that the committed minority may operate efficiently in spite of their small number, in Figure 24.6 we compare the evolution of c24-math-0125 in the absence of a committed minority to its evolution in the presence of a relatively small (1%) inflexible group. In the case considered here, values of the control parameter in excess of the critical value lead to the extended condition of global consensus. Turalska et al. [38] show that a rapidly decreasing correlation function reflects the rigidity of the network and prevents the global transmission of the perturbation. However, from time to time a crisis occurs where c24-math-0126. In crisis, the network may undergo an abrupt change of opinion, and the correlation length may be sufficiently large to make it possible for the inflexible minority to force the social network to adopt their view. As a consequence, during the time interval over which the minority acts, it imposes its opinion over the entire network.


Figure 24.6 A small number of nodes maintaining constant opinion influence significantly the behavior of the system in the organized phase. (a) Fluctuations of the global order parameter c24-math-0120 for c24-math-0121 and lattice of size c24-math-0122 nodes. (b) The behavior of c24-math-0123 once 1% of the randomly selected elements are kept in state “yes” at all times. Transition rate is c24-math-0124 for both.

Finally, to quantify the phenomenon of minority influence we study how introducing a committed minority affects the average lifetime of the consensus state, defined as

24.10 equation

It is important to note that, when no committed group is present, the distribution of time durations of global decision in “yes,” c24-math-0128, and in “no,” c24-math-0129, coincide and are equal to the distribution evaluated for both time intervals, c24-math-0130. This symmetry is, however, broken once a minority is introduced, as shown in Figure 24.6 by an increase in temporal span of consensus states that correspond to the opinion of the minority.

In Figure 24.7 we compare c24-math-0131 in the absence of the inflexible agents to the average lifetime in the presence of a committed minority of sizes 1% and 5%. First, in the native case the average consensus time increases exponentially with an increase in the control parameter c24-math-0132, showing a faster rise once c24-math-0133, with a discontinuous change at the critical interaction strength. This switch in the rate of increase confirms the validity of the approach used to determine c24-math-0134 based on the temporal properties of c24-math-0135. Consecutively, the introduction of a small minority leads to a linear increase in c24-math-0136, and the fact that two exponential regimes are preserved confirms the crucial role that instances of crisis play in the global transmission of minority opinion.


Figure 24.7 The mean waiting time c24-math-0137 obtained for a network with no acting minorities (dots) increases significantly once 1% (squares) or 5% (diamonds) committed minority is presented. Lattice size is c24-math-0138 nodes and c24-math-0139.

It is also interesting to extend the committed minority results to the interaction between two complex networks. Suppose that the network c24-math-0148 consists of a group of zealots and that of c24-math-0149 the social group of interest. The dynamics of both c24-math-0150 and c24-math-0151 are determined by the DMM. At a given point in time, a small number of nodes in network c24-math-0152 are replaced by elements whose dynamics are determined by c24-math-0153, but otherwise they are allowed to interact with the elements of network c24-math-0154. Figure 24.8 depicts three situations. In the upper panel, the dynamics of network c24-math-0155 with 400 elements on a two-dimensional lattice is shown in the absence of consensus. The center panel indicates the dynamics of network c24-math-0156 with 400 elements on a two-dimensional lattice when the control parameter is above the critical value. In the bottom panel, the dynamics of the two networks are superposed when 5% of randomly positioned c24-math-0157 elements are replaced with c24-math-0158 elements. The newly replaced nodes retain their c24-math-0159-dynamics but are coupled in to the c24-math-0160-dynamics.


Figure 24.8 (a) The mean-field variable for network c24-math-0140, a c24-math-0141 lattice with c24-math-0142; (b) The mean-field variable for network c24-math-0143, a c24-math-0144 lattice with c24-math-0145 ; (c) The time series from the middle panel (black line) superposed on that of the c24-math-0146 network when 5% of the elements are replaced by those of c24-math-0147 (gray line).

It is evident that even this small number of elements from network c24-math-0161 (20) is sufficient to completely dominate the dynamics of network c24-math-0162. It is also interesting to determine what happens if the zealots in network c24-math-0163 are anarchists. We model an anarchist as advocating no particular opinion so that the control parameter of c24-math-0164 is below the critical value and the zealot group appears random. Suppose further that network c24-math-0165 was highly organized with a control parameter above the critical value, similar to the center panel of Figure 24.8. If the same replacement was made as was done in the above case, the well-defined switching between states would be lost and the social organization of network c24-math-0166 would disintegrate. These interesting results are the topic of future investigations.

24.6 Conclusions

In summary, the self-organization of the DMM implemented on the two-dimensional network with c24-math-0167 generates a scale-free topology with c24-math-0168 as well as the long-range links essential for the collective mind of the network of self-organized elements of Couzin [31]. The exciting discovery of dynamic-hub neurons with c24-math-0169 [30] is a challenge for the dynamical derivation of the scale-free condition that is mainly confined to c24-math-0170 [1, 5, 6], and it is remarkable that the approach used herein generates a power-law index in the range of the experimental results of Bonifazi et al. [30]. Wang et al. [40] use a weighted scale-free topology to promote or suppress synchronization. Here, these effects do not require a complex network structure. The DMM implemented on the DGCT networks shows the coexistence of two impenetrable [25] opinion clusters that develop independent decisions, with no influence of one cluster on the other. The regular topology generates time complexity, namely c24-math-0171 with c24-math-0172 c24-math-0173, lasting for some decades, whereas the scale-free topology of the ad hoc networkgenerates consensus with a smaller control parameter c24-math-0174, without yielding complexity in time. Aquino et al. [41] show that this kind of complex dynamical network shares the brain's sensitivity to c24-math-0175 noise. In short, the present research establishes that the scale-free distribution of links is a consequence of dynamic self-organization rather than being the cause of it.

Our approach does not allow us to confirm the observation made by Xie et al. [42] that the minimal size of the committed minority necessary to significantly affect the opinion of the entire network is 10%. We are convinced that difference in the size of the inflexible minority is a consequence of the interactions used in the two models. If we assume that a substantial effect of a committed minority is defined by an order of magnitude increase in the average consensus time, Figures 24.7 and 24.8 indicate that for DMM this requirement is realized by a committed minority of less than 5%. These considerations apparently generalize to the dynamic situation where the changes in the perturbing elements can dominate the dynamics of the host network.


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