- active inaction
- actualism
- Aeschylus
- aesthetics
- alternative endings
- art
- meta-narrative
- storytelling
- antagonisms
- anti-essentialism
- archetypes
- Aristotle
- Arnauld, Antoine
- art
- aesthetics
- art, ethics and choice
- emotions
- horror genre
- humanity
- ideology
- Objectivism
- phenomenology
- Rand, Ayn
- reason and rhetoric
- storytelling
Art as Experience (Dewey)
Atlas Shrugged (Rand)
- authenticity
- autonomy
- avatars
- beauty
- ancient Greek perceptions
- concepts and definitions
- determinism and choice
- intrinsic and extrinsic value
- social justice
- truth and goodness
- Beauvoir, Simone de
- bioethics
- bodily criterion
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
- bullshit
- Butler, Judith
- camera angles, meta-narrative
- Campbell, Joseph
- capitalism
- art
- human enhancement technologies
- Marxism
- phenomenology
- Carroll, Nöel
- Chalmers, David
- choice
- art, ethics and choice
- beauty
- feminism
- free will
- God
- meta-narrative
- phenomenology
- Plato’s cave
- political philosophy
- storytelling
- transworld identity
- Clark, Andy
- Clarke, Arthur C.
- class
- classism
- clemency
- collective unconscious
- collectivism
- compatibilism
- conflict theory
- consciousness see mind and body
- constants
- constitutional democracy
- control
- Marxism
- propaganda
- storytelling
- Copenhagen Interpretation
- counterpart theory
- Damasio, Antonio
- democratic theory
Descartes’ Error (Damasio)
- determinism
- Dewey, John
- dialogue
- difference principle
- disability
- dualism
- dystopia
- ectoplasm
- emotions
- empathy
- enlightened self-interest
- essentialism
- ethics
- art, ethics and choice
- human enhancement technologies
- Plato’s cave
- eugenics
- Everett, Hugh
- experience
- extended cognition theory
- extrinsic value
- false assertions
- fatalism
- feminism
- freedom
- objectification
- oppression
- Otherness
- passivity
- power
- propaganda
- responsibility
- submission
- first-person shooters (FPS)
- founding
Fountainhead, The (Rand)
- FPS see first-person shooters
- Frankfurt, Harry
- freedom
- feminism
- free will
- God
- human enhancement technologies
- meta-narrative
- phenomenology
- storytelling
- transworld identity
- free will
- compatibilism and incompatibilism
- determinism
- Frankfurt-type examples
- freedom
- God
- human enhancement technologies
- liberty and responsibility
- many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics
- moral objectivism and moral relativism
- necessity
- Plato’s cave
- price of clemency
- Principle of Alternate Possibilities
- thesis of transworld moral responsibility
- transworld identity
- friend/enemy antagonisms
- Frye, Marilyn
- functionalism
- fusion of horizons
- Gadamer, Hans-Georg
- gameplay
- gene therapy
- genetic modification
- gene tonics
- ghosts
- Gibbons, William
- God
- devotion and religious extremism
- free will and determinism
- limiting possibilities
- necessity
- political philosophy
- possible worlds
- reconciling the infinite
- transworld identity
- goodness
- Gottschal, Jonathan
Grand Theft Auto
- growth acceleration
- Habermas, Jürgen
- harvest/save dilemma see save/harvest dilemma
- Heidegger, Martin
- hermeneutic horizons
- hero’s journey
- Holkins, Jerry
- horror genre
- human enhancement technologies
- concepts and definitions
- disability
- ethics
- freedom
- free will
- gene therapy
- genetic modification
- gene tonics
- human nature
- Plasmids
- pre-implantation genetic diagnosis
- social justice
- species-typical functioning
- synthetic biology
- transhumanism
- human nature/humanity
- Husserl, Edmund
- identity
- mind and body
- political philosophy
- transworld identity
- ideology
- art
- human enhancement technologies
- Marxism
- political philosophy
- propaganda
- storytelling
- illusion
- immersion
- meta-narrative
- phenomenology
- storytelling
- incompatibilism
- individualism
- industrialization
- inequality
- informed consent
- interactivity
- intrinsic value
- James, William
- Jung, Carl Gustav
- Leibniz, Gottfried
- Levine, Ken
- lies
- literature
- Locke, John
- managed schemata
Manifesto of the Communist Party (Marx)
- many-worlds interpretation
- Marxism
- class
- conflict theory
- difference principle
- functionalism
- industrialization
- oppression
- propaganda, inequality, and control
- religion
- symbolism
massa damnata
- materialism
- memory
- mental conditioning
- Merleau-Ponty, Maurice
- meta-fiction
- meta-narrative
- alternative endings
- extended cognition theory
- freedom and choice
- fusion of horizons
- hermeneutic horizons and player expectations
- managed schemata
- mind games
- narrative twists
- player autonomy
- self-reflection
- the hook
- metaphysics
- free will
- God
- transworld identity
- mimesis
- mind and body
- bodily criterion
- identity
- individualism
- memory
- physicalism
- psychological continuity
- mirror neurons
- modal realism
- moderate essentialism
- monomyth
- morality
- art
- beauty
- human enhancement technologies
- Marxism
- moral objectivism and moral relativism
- phenomenology
- propaganda
- responsibility
- thesis of transworld moral responsibility
- morphological freedom
- Nagel, Thomas
- narrative twists
- naturalism
- necessary beings
- neuropharmacology
- non-player characters (NPC)
- NPC see non-player characters
- objectification
- Objectivism
- oppression
- feminism
- Marxism
- political philosophy
- original sin
- Orwell, George
- Otherness
- ought implies can
- PAP see Principle of Alternate Possibilities
- Parfit, Derek
- passivity
- patriotism
- Perron, Bernard
- personal identity see identity
- phenomenology
- art
- choice
- constants and variables
- experience and subjectivity
- freedom
- immersion
- interactivity
- phenomenological tradition
- suspension of disbelief
Philosophical Hermeneutics (Gadamer)
Philosophy of Horror, The: Or Paradoxes of the Heart (Carroll)
- concepts and definitions
- dualism
- genetic modification
- ghosts
- plasmids
- pyrokinesis
- smell of poo
- supervenience physicalism
- theories of physics
- Pinchbeck, Dan
- Plasmids
- Plato
- Plato’s cave
- active inaction
- choice
- dialogue
- free will
- mimesis
- possibility space
- reality and illusion
- refusal
- rule sets
- save/harvest dilemma
- player autonomy
- player expectations
- playing pretend
- point-of-view (POV)
- political philosophy
- choice
- constitutional democracy
- founding
- friend/enemy antagonisms
- God
- identity
- power
- responsibility
- sovereignty
- war without end
- possibilism
- possibility space
- POV see point-of-view
- power
- feminism
- Marxism
- political philosophy
- propaganda
- pre-implantation genetic diagnosis
- price of clemency
- Principle of Alternate Possibilities (PAP)
Principles of Sociology (Spencer)
- propaganda
- bullshit
- false assertions
- feminism
- ideology
- lies
- Marxism
- noble lies and propaganda
- speech acts
- warranted and unwarranted assertions
- psychological continuity
- pyrokinesis
- racism
- beauty
- free will
- God
- Marxism
- political philosophy
- storytelling
- Rand, Ayn
- Rawls, John
- reality
- reason
- reflective surfaces
- refusal
- Reid, Thomas
- religion
- religious extremism
Republic (Plato)
- resistance of objects
- responsibility
- compatibilism and incompatibilism
- determinism
- feminism
- Frankfurt-type examples
- freedom
- liberty and responsibility
- many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics
- moral objectivism and moral relativism
- necessity
- political philosophy
- price of clemency
- Principle of Alternate Possibilities
- thesis of transworld moral responsibility
- transworld identity
- rhetoric
- role-playing games (RPG)
Romantic Manifesto (Rand)
- RPG see role-playing games
- rule sets
- Sandberg, Alan
- sandbox games
- Sartre, Jean-Paul
- Saul, Jennifer
- save/harvest dilemma
- art, ethics, and choice
- beauty
- free will
- meta-narrative
- Plato’s cave
- Schmitt, Carl
- Schrödinger’s cat
Second Sex, The (Beauvoir)
- self-reflection
- Shaw, George Bernard
- smell of poo
- social justice
- somatic cell therapy
- sound production
- soundtrack
- sovereignty
- species-typical functioning
- speech acts
- Spencer, Herbert
- storytelling
- aesthetics
- archetypes
- choice
- constants and variables
- hero’s journey
- ideology
- immersion
- importance of stories
- interactivity
- meta-fiction
- video games
- structural functionalism
- subjectivism
- subjectivity
- submission
- superessentialism
- supervenience physicalism
surface freedoms
- suspension of disbelief
- symbolism
Symposium (Plato)
- synthetic biology
System Shock series
- bodily criterion
- identity
- individualism
- memory
- psychological continuity
- role of SHODAN
- Tavinor, Grant
- telekinesis
Theory of Justice, A
- thesis of transworld moral responsibility
- transhumanism
- transworld identity
- actualism and possibilism
- choice
- concepts and definitions
- counterpart theory
- essentialism
- free will
- necessary beings
- plurality of worlds to come
- responsibility
- truth
- art
- beauty
- feminism
- Marxism
- political philosophy
- propaganda
Truth and Method (Gadamer)
- tyranny
- unwarranted assertions
- utopia