I’d like to thank my agent and friend, Charlotte Sheedy, my editor, Morgan Entrekin, Patsy Wagner, and all the wonderful people at Grove Atlantic.
Ed Loftus gave me a speech that got me going. Andrew Koltuniak inspired me with his stories. Greg Jowdy helped me finish. Basho Mosko, Dante Ortiz, and Nathan Burazer talked with me every weekend. I want to thank the whole Korngold/Beinfield family, but especially Bear, Shem, and Murray, who read the manuscript and supported me with their friendship. Michelle Quint, Avi Lessing, Eric Rosenblum, David Hoffman, Brigid Hoffman, and Kent Lam also read and provided valuable feedback.
Jordan Bass, in an act of kindness I will never forget, edited an early version. Sarah Lannan, Simon Evans, Billy McEwan, Brendan Morse, E.G., Ali Nelson, Becca Nelson, Jane Rogers, and Kent Simpson always encouraged me.
I want to thank both sides of my family, but in particular, my mother, Kathy Coyne.
And, finally, I could have never written this book without the help, inspiration, and love of Reyhan Harmanci.