Celandine Hunter
Swallow Haven
Spy Elf of the Morning Hallelujahs
Bow-Ribbon of the August Sky
My Little Spice Owl
The Epistle of Paul to the Rumanian Songthrushers
Summer Veil of Highest Honor
Dream Hobbit
Apostle of Radiant Postage Stamps
Ivory-billed Woodpecker of the First Rainwater
My Snowy Tanganyika
Little Moonskipper of the Tumbleweed Factory
Blithe Sickness of Araby
Divine Hunter of the Cobalt Blue Arena
Pong of the Pavilion Where Sweet Peas Go to Spoon
Parapluie of the Snowy Ecstasy
Golden Little Dreamer
Pavlova of the Morning Dew Line
Avatar of Bright April
My Little Bucket of Hair
Fierce Angel of the Marmalade Valley
Rheostat of Sentimental Dreaming
Southern Carmine Bee-Eater
Belle Dame of the Morning Pavilion
Romantic Little Dew-Sipper
Commendatore de la Pavane Mistletoe
Sugarplum of the August Faery
Edelweiss of the Blizzard Pink
Highest Massage of the Succulent Endearing Poach
Swan Boat of the Imperial Sun
Baby Angel with the Human Antecede Within
Fleet-footed Empress of Sleep
Buoyant Hunter of the Esteemed and Cosmological
Hummingbird of the Tricyclic Montevideo
Goddess of Abstract Conversation
Terpsichore Deladier
Delicious Pie of the Alternate Sheepfold
My Little Celestial Porcupine
Diligent Weather Sprite
Diligent Apostle of Classic Stanzas
Mistress of Wonderment
Sylvan Grove of the Endless Flare
Stanza Trance
Patient Priestess of Ever-afters
Lovely Ampersand of the Morning
My Billiard Table of the Decaying Gods
Anti-Gravity Drive of the Century
Autobiography of an Almond
Opalescent Rejoicing of an Eel
Salute to the Kitchen of Creation
My Hooray for the Atheist’s Asylum
Super-driver of History Beyond Herodotus
Buoyant Eft
Carmine Postulant of the Pleasant Voice
She for Whom All Flowers Bloom Early
Goddess of Godspell, Saint of African Violets
O Rose of Sharon, I’m All Rosy
Book-Lover of Life’s Infinite Volume
Satrap of the Endless Sky
Chasuble of the Evening-painted Cloak
Plethoric with Broken Limbs
Condor of the Light-footed Ridge
Soft Little Hummingbird Who Waits for Me
My Lawn Raider, Everlastingly Pure
Little Scarab of Delight
Lithe Swan, Why Do You Linger So Long?
Valley of the Uprooted Silver-tongued Nightingale
My Showy Sedum, My Sycamore Tree
O Singing Squirrel of the Antipodes
Elk of Bright Morning
Tumultuous Wren, Say When, When, When!
Dark-eyed Junco, My Little Bunko
Black-capped Chickadee Who Puts on Robes for Me
Skylark of the Perfect Trance
O Little Titmouse, Here in My House
Jocund Sprite of the Dew
Historic Shaman Sent to Propitiate
Moon Swivel
Flotation Ninja
My Poetic Little Starfish
Umbrella of Light
Celestial Elf
Delicate Frisson Enclosed in a Warm Bunnycuddle
Uxorious Bountiful
Inertia Canceled
Sweet Opalescent Centrifuge
My Remains of the Day, My Residue of Night
Star Equerry
Blessed Little Smile
Queen of Purple Emotions, Starlike in Their Crescendo
Telephone Fensterhorn
Betelgeuse of Bright Inquiry
My Hopi Planet
Foundling of the Here and Beyond
Pleiades of Starship Mine
Bobby-dazzler of the Golden Morn
My Moon Calf of Perpetual Ceremony
Little Flavanoid Wonder
O Parakeet of the Lissome Star