The editor would like to thank the following people for their help and support: Susan Casper, Ellen Datlow, Gordon Van Gelder, Peter Crowther, Nicolas Gevers, David Pringle, Andy Cox, Jeste de Vries, Susan Marie Groppi, Karen Meisner, Jed Hartman, Andrew Wilson, Damien Broderick, Marty Halpern, Gary Turner, Chris Roberson, Ellen Asher, Andy Wheeler, Lou Anders, James A. Owen, Eileen Gunn, Mike Resnick, Cory Doctorow, Robert E. Howe, Darrell Schweitzer, Richard Free-burn, Patrick Swenson, Bridget McKenna, Marti McKenna, Jay Lake, Deborah Layne, Edward J. McFadden, Sheila Williams, Brian Bieniowski, Trevor Quachri, Jayme Lynn Blascke, Lou Antonelli, Ruth Nestvold, Benjamin Rosenbaum, Joe Haldeman, Alastair Reynolds, Michael Swanwick, Ken MacLeod, Peter F. Hamilton, Stephen Baxter, Bruce Sterling, Kim Stanley Robinson, Paul McAuley, Gregory Benford, Vandana Singh, Ron Hahn, David Hartwell, Warren Lapin, Shawna McCarthy, Kelly Link, Gavin Grant, Gordon Linzner, Kathryn Wilham, Matthew Bey, Diane L. Walton, Gerard Houarner, David Chang, Steve Wilson, Dr. Henry Gee, Christopher Rowe, Gwenda Bond, Alan DeNiro, John Klima, Mark Rudolph, Eric M. Heideman, John O’eill, Ian Nichols, Sally Beasley, Stuart Barrow, Roelf Goudriaan, John Kenny, William Rupp, Jason B. Sizemore, Sean Wallace, David Lee Summers, Steve Mohn, Holly Phillips, Peter Watts, Susan McGregor, Diane C. Watson, Vaughne Lee Hansen, Rich Horston, Mark R. Kelly, Mark Watson, Tim Pratt, Jonathan Strahan, and special thanks to my own editor, Marc Resnick.
Thanks are also due to Charles N. Brown, whose magazine Locus (Locus Publications, P.O. Box 13305, Oakland, CA 94661. $56 for a one-year subscription [twelve issues] via second class; credit card orders call 510 339-9198) was used as an invaluable reference source throughout the Summation; Locus Online (; edited by Mark R. Kelly, has also become a key reference source.
Thanks are also due to Ian Randal Strock and Warren Lapine of Science Fiction Chronicle (DNA Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 2988, Radford, VA 24143-2988. $45 for a one-year/twelve-issue subscription via second class), which was also used as a reference source throughout.