Chapter 5 - NOW Is The Only Time That Matters
In the last chapter, we went through a simple technique to let go of negative feelings arising from past
events. When I examined my own negative feelings carried over from past events, I realized that they were mainly feelings of regret, blame and guilt. Regret from not doing (or doing) certain things in the past. Blaming myself for doing (or not doing) certain things in the past, and guilt over certain courses of action I have taken. Some people live with these guilt feelings for their whole lives in a perverse attempt to “punish” themselves. But as I have explained earlier — Resolve right now not to repeat that behavior again, and let all of that guilt go. No one is punishing you but
yourself! It is over! There is no need to keep reliving the pain over-and-over again in your imagination. As the saying goes, “We are not punished for
our sins but by
them.” All of this is going to affect your inner state and outer manifestations, so you must be willing to let them go and understand that no one “out there” is bent on punishing you except yourself.
Two emotions are conspicuously absent from the list of negative feelings I have identified above - worry and fear. This is an interesting point to note that was quite an epiphany for me the first time I made this realization. When we worry, we are always worrying either about the present or about the future. We never worry about the past. In other words, feelings of fear and worry never come from past
events… which is why you’ll not find yourself carrying any “worry” feelings about the past.
Why is that so? We worried in the past because we were uncertain or fearful about our future
outcomes. We did not know what the future
held back then. We were scared that things would not turn out the way we wanted them to. However, once we reached a point in the future when the events or circumstances materialized (whether in a desired on undesired manner), our worries evaporated. True, we might then have to deal with the manifestation itself, but the point is that we stopped all our worrying once the event materialized and the outcome was confirmed.
How is this useful to our study of manifestations? I have realized that the feeling of worry can often be so overwhelming and destructive that it destroys our inner well-being entirely. I remember being so worried and fearful as a child about all the “bad things” that could possibly happen to me. All that worrying took away the joy of living in the moment. It was like I hardly lived a good life all those years! Therefore, there is a possibility when you check in on your inner state that you’ll find one filled with worries and fears about the future. For some people, it may be a 90% (or more) feeling of negative worries and fears about present and future circumstances. This is what we are going to be dealing with in this chapter.
I have written quite a bit about dealing with negative worries and fears in my other books, particularly “It Is Done!” and “Playing In Time And Space”, where I walk readers through the process of questioning their own worrisome thoughts. In this book, I would like to talk about another dimension of letting worrisome thoughts and fears go. And it is this — NOW
is the only time that matters. This is a very important realization to have when working with your negative worry thoughts about the present or future. You may feel overwhelmed and unable to drop even some of your worry thoughts at once. For you, it may seem extremely logical to “worry” about something, especially if an unwanted reality is looming just round the corner! For example, an individual may say, “Of course I have to worry about money because I do not have enough money right now to pay my bills! Therefore I have to worry about it so I can figure out how to get more of it.”
That sounds perfectly logical at the level of words. But check in to your inner state when a statement like that is uttered. What is the inner state of a person who makes this statement? Very likely, it would be 100% worries and fears. I was once such a person. I did not realize that in my urgent need to “plan” for something or to “look for a solution”, I was not being optimistic. Instead, I was being very negative because my inner state was entirely filled with negative worries and fears about my finances! Now is it possible to make the same statement and feel hopeful? Absolutely! When a person says “I know I’m not in a good place financially. Let’s see what I can do to change it!”, now he has moved up the emotional scale into the realm of hopefulness. So you can see how our inner state always determines our outer results. If we move up the scale once more and that same person says, “Where I have been does not matter. What matters is what I do from this point onward!” Now
we are really moving… because this individual’s inner state has changed so much from one of 100% fears and worries, to probably only 20% fears / worries and 80% expectancy. Do you see how our words always mirror our inner states? Don’t change your words
for the purpose of appearing “positive” on the outside. That won’t work as I found out the hard way. You have to genuinely work at changing your inner state! It is the only
thing that matters.
Someone who has been fearful and worried (about present circumstances and the future) for a long time will find it difficult (if not impossible) to stop worrying. Therefore, there is a simple mind trick that I engaged in the earlier part of my journey… and it is this: I asked myself if I was willing to stop worrying for now.
Just for now, would you be willing to drop all your worries about money and finances? Not for the next hour, next day, or next week… not even for the next minute
… but just for now
. Just for this now
moment. Once you can get to a “Yes”, the things you want will happen very quickly. An opening would have been created.
Once I realized I could drop all my worries and fears just for now
, even for a single short moment… I came to the profound realization that I was not my worries and fears. Previously, all these worry and fear thoughts overwhelmed and took control of me so much that I have come to identify myself AS
and WITH
them. I had seen myself as inseparable from them. I had come to see worrying as a part of my identity. But the very moment I was able to drop those fear / worry thoughts for one single moment and still exist
in that moment as a separate being… I immediately saw the folly of worrying. If I could be free from worries for a single moment, why not the next moment, and the next? Why not slowly extend those worry-free moments longer and longer?
What I would encourage you to try is to let go of your negative feelings about present and future circumstances each time you check in to your inner state. If you check in to your inner state five times a day, then drop those worry / fear feelings five times a day and no more. You can always go back to worrying and feeling fearful later on if you wanted… but for those five times a day, let them go. Let them completely go and immerse yourself in the feeling of being totally free. Feel yourself completely free from the bondage of all these unwanted negative feelings, and notice how light / empowering it feels. You’ll notice pleasant bodily sensations swirling all over you, or a bolt of intense yet gently energy shooting up your spine. Notice these feelings and really immerse in them just for the now.
The great secret to manifestations is that everything happens only in the NOW.
NOW is the only time that matters. This means that the NOW moment is the only
time you have to take care of, and everything will take care of itself when the time comes. Your job is to take care of the NOW moment, to tend to your inner state in the NOW moment… and do nothing else! Everything else will be added unto you when you get there! Anytime you are not living this NOW moment, your attention is placed somewhere else. This means you’re worrying or fantasizing about some future outcome.
Don’t fall into the same trap which so many hopeful manifestors have fallen into! What they do is to try and feel good now in an attempt to make something happen in the future
. They decide what actions to take now
so that something can happen in future
. Can you see how they’re still trying to change the future? Give up every need to change the future and just immerse yourself completely in this now moment. If in this now moment you can get yourself to feel abundant, prosperous, light, free, joyous… then everything will take care of itself when you get there. This is Universal Law and one of the most counter-intuitive things to grasp.
Whether we like it or not, all we have are a series of now moments. It’s always the now, now, now, now, now. When we step into our “future”, it will be the now for us. So we have no means of living any other way other than to live in the “now”. To try to live in the “future” is trying to do the impossible, yet that is what so many people do when they worry. They think their worrying is going to change the “future”, when in fact all it does is to mess up the balance of the “now”
… and therefore mess up their manifestations! Give up any need to predict or to change the future. If you’ll make feeling good NOW and maintaining a good inner state NOW your utmost priority, things will happen for you so quickly that time does not matter. Divine interventions can happen so quickly and completely that they defy any logical explanations of time. This is what I have experienced over-and-over again. It is what you can experience too if you immerse yourself wholeheartedly in the study of this material.
Two major objections always come up when I suggest this way of living. The first is, “But my problems will not go away if I live this way.” Ah ha! That is a manifestation stuck point (which I discuss in “The 95-5 Code”) and a core limiting belief. My response to that is “How do you know?” If you examine and contemplate this question for yourself… how do you know your problems would not go away if you lived this new way? Is it your higher self or ego speaking? If you have been someone who has been steeped in worries since the beginning of time, how could you possibly know that this way of living will not work out since you have not lived this reality? That is a good point to ponder. Second, let’s suppose that you’re right for a moment. Let’s suppose that we lived in a fatalistic universe (we do not) and that your problems really would not go away even if you stopped worrying about them. If that’s the case, then why worry about them in the first place? If your problems were going to occur / materialize whether you worried about them or otherwise… then why choose the worrying route and end up with optional, needless, unnecessary suffering from now till the materialization? Why worry about something you cannot change? Whichever way you look at it, I have never found a good reason for worrying about the present / future.
Fortunately though,
we do not
live in a fatalistic Universe. We live in a Universe where we continually create our realities through our inner states. This means, as illogical as it sounds, that if you stop worrying… your perceived problems will
by themselves! Desired conditions will replace the undesired conditions that have been in your life. Those undesired conditions were there simply and only because they have been perpetuated through your stuck inner states! Are you beginning to see the possibilities in all of this now? I still feel excited over this realization even after repeating and saying it so many times, and I feel a rush of energy all over me each time I teach it. Your outer reality is held in place by your inner state. Whatever inner state you are perpetuating results in a corresponding outer state. Worries and fears create an unwanted, worrisome outer state. If you want all those things you worry about to fall away by their own accord, stop the worrying first on the inside!
Stop the worrying even just for a single now moment, and then gradually you can do it in the next “now” moment and so on. That is all you have to do, for the rest of your life. You’ll be surprised at how much mental energy you free up when you do not worry, and when all those worrisome thoughts are replaced by light, positive, joyous thoughts that create your desired reality.
When you live in this way and only tend to one NOW
moment after another… you put yourself in alignment to receive everything you have asked for and more.