Chapter 6 - Your Inner Feeling of Forward Momentum
Those who have read my other books will know that the first half of my manifestation journey was characterized by a deep sense of constant fear, worry and negativity. If I had done the “checking in” exercise described in the first half of the book for myself back then, I would not even have noticed that sick-in-the-gut feeling I was constantly carrying around with me… simply because I had come to accept it as normal! As a result, I was often pale and sickly as a child. Negative emotions when carried for too long in the physical body often result in health issues which are also a type of physical manifestations. The moment I decided to drop all those negative feelings and emotions (whether they were about the past, present or future), my physical body corrected itself and returned to its natural healthy state. Therefore, these teachings are really about a dropping of unwanted baggage that weigh us down, rather than the “picking up” of new techniques and skills. They are about allowing rather than getting.
When I was constantly feeling worried and scared during the first half of my journey, Universal goodness just could not get through to me, as powerful as these Universal forces are. I could not feel the impulses and nudges from the Universe… not because the Universe stopped sending them to me, but because I was so preoccupied by my own
fears and worries that I totally drowned them out! I was trying to make all these manifestation techniques work in spite of
my own fears and worries, instead of trying to make all these manifestation techniques work in the absence of
my own fears and worries. The latter is the easier approach. If you want these techniques to work for you, then you must work towards ridding your OWN fears and worries first before applying any technique. No one can do that for you except yourself, because no one has the ability to “think” on your behalf. This principle, when thoroughly grasped, is very powerful because it means that no one can create anything on your behalf
or decide on your behalf. You have the ultimate freedom to create as a free-willed being.
I first started receiving impulses and nudges from the Universe once I freed up some of the mental capacity I previously used for negative feelings and thoughts. When I was feeling 100% worried and negative, no impulses and good feelings could come through to me. I was perpetuating my stuck states over-and-over again without realizing it. But here’s the good news: The moment I lowered that percentage even by a little bit, the moment I went from 100% negative feelings to around 90% negative feelings… things started happening for me. Although things still did not happen as quickly as I liked because the majority of my thoughts and feelings were still working against
me, I experienced some relief. This is what Abraham-Hicks mean when they talk about the feeling of “relief”, and the reason why even feeling that little bit of
relief from your negative feelings will be of such immense value to you. So always go for that sweet feeling of “relief”.
In all of the above, the source of your negative feelings does not matter
. It does not matter whether your negative feelings in your current inner state stem from the past, present, or future events. They are still affecting your manifestations in the same unwanted way. The Universe does not discern the content of your thoughts. This means that you can be feeling angry due to a misunderstanding and still affect your manifestations negatively. Or you can be feeling angry for a perfectly “valid” reason and still affect your manifestations the same way. As such, there is really no good, valid reason for you to keep holding on to those negative feelings! Negative feelings are
negative feelings, and the awfulness you feel inside is letting you know that you are creating reality in an unwanted way. When you truly understand this, you’ll see that there has never been a time where the continued clinging onto negative feelings has been “justified”, even if you’re 100% right! All of those negative feelings will just go on to create your outer reality in an undesirable way.
There is a reason why spiritual masters are called just that — masters! These are the individuals who have managed to transcend their own negative feelings and achieve mastery over their own inner states, independent from outer circumstances. These are individuals who have realized that no matter how justified or “right” they are in the moment, there is no point in pouring more negative energy into pointing out something that is “wrong” or “unjust” in any situation.
Put your energy into changing the situation if you can, but give up the need to complain / vent / inform others about the situation. The more you fall into this trap of needing to correct perceived “wrongs”, the more you are affecting your own
inner state… and hence your own
outer manifestations. You may think that you are doing others a service, but the greatest disservice you are doing is to yourself
. Are you willing to pay that heavy price? Be willing to walk away from situations that would throw your inner state into further turmoil, even if it means giving up the need to be right.
I can’t tell you how difficult this was for me to do this in the beginning. I had always seen myself as someone who stood up for injustice and perceived “wrongs”, someone who was being “helpful” in pointing out the mistakes of others. Then I realized that the biggest fool had actually been me! I was trying to go around changing my outer reality through my outer actions (not realizing that I had attracted those things that needed changing in the first place), rather than doing the inner work necessary to change my inner state! It is interesting but ever since doing all this inner work, very little in my outer reality has needed “changing”. It is as if all the people, events and circumstances that riled me in the past have fallen away by their own accord! I no longer come into contact with people and things that need “changing” on a daily basis, simply because I no longer attract them through my own consciousness. Ironically, doing the inner work actually led to the “same” eventual outer results… but in a much more harmonious and sustainable way — To have a reality in which nothing needs to be changed.
As I let go of more and more of my negative feelings, when I went from 100% negative feelings down to about 5% negative feelings or less most of the time… everything changed for me. I started picking up on the swirling of energy around me, and feeling a sense of forward momentum as I was going about my day. This is not because I had picked up new skills or taught myself how to perceive the energy field around me. Rather, when my own perception was no longer encumbered by false fears and negative worries, I was free to perceive through the eyes of Source as we are all meant to. Everything became perfect and beautiful, with no need to change anything or anyone, even those that were previously “at odds” with me. I was at one with everything.
You too, can experience this sense of inner momentum. It comes from having a willingness to tend to your inner state. It can happen to you this very moment if you allow yourself to give up the need to know everything and the need to be right. Readers often comment that they can pick up on my highly-charged inspirational energy as they read my books. They can feel a sense of exhilaration, joy and positive momentum as they read, as if they are being propelled and uplifted to a higher place. This is by no means accidental, since I make it a point to write all my books from a place of joy and high energy. I get myself into that state before
I write. It is also in this state where my own thinking is not clouded by my ego and my own limited perceptions, which is why words flow easily through me onto the pages. The reverse is true as well: When an author creates a piece of writing in a very sad and sorrowful inner state, the reader picks up on the intensity of those emotions and “feels” them through the pages. Will this affect the reader’s manifestations? Absolutely! Anything that has the ability to change your inner states will affect your outer manifestations, if you allow yourself to remain immersed in that inner state for prolonged periods of time.
As you read certain parts of this book that resonate with you, you may have felt a sudden sense of joy and inner knowing. I often interpret this as goose bumps all over my body and a tingling of my spine, following by waves of good feelings all over myself. The feeling is not unlike that of having an orgasm, which is also a moment where people experience very little resistive feelings in their inner state! Have you ever tried worrying about money problems or other worldly concerns while you were having one? This is also the reason why an orgasm feels so good
… not because the nerves in your body are being stimulated in a certain way, but because you have momentarily let go of all the negative feelings and thoughts you have been holding onto previously. The feeling of relief
you get is what feels so good. Sadly for most people, those negative feelings and worries come flooding back after that moment, so no, having an orgasm is not a solution for manifestations! Other more permanent and lasting methods to control your inner state are needed.
If you can feel a sense of joy and exhilaration as you read my words, you are well on your way to becoming more aware of the impulses and good feelings that the Universe sends you on an ongoing basis. There is a greater part of you that is always connected to Universal intelligence, and hence these impulses never stop! You are constantly led towards your higher good whether you know it or not! The only things you have to learn to do are: (1) To stop clouding your own perception with negative fears and worries, so much so that you are unable to receive these positive nudges from the Universe, and (2) To tend to your inner state. I come back to these points frequently because most people, especially in the beginning, will gloss over these two points for more “advanced” outer-directed manifestation techniques. All of the “advanced” techniques will not work
if you do not approach them with the right inner state.
Here’s something for you to try for the rest of today — Just for today, be determined to walk around while maintaining a peaceful inner state. Keep checking in on how you feel. Be aware of outer situations that will throw your inner state into a turmoil and try to work around them. Be creative in avoiding them
For example, if you know that reading a particular website will likely throw your inner state out-of-whack, or participating in certain conversations will likely make you unhappy… make a decision in advance
to avoid them for the rest of today. When the situation comes up, you can simply walk away from it. Bob Proctor calls this “advanced decision making” (ADM). I engage in ADM in all the time to avoid having to deal with unpleasant situations that can affect my vibrations.
If you know that being in a traffic jam upsets you, then make an advanced decision to set off earlier or take another route! These are simple changes that anyone can make to their lives to create huge results in their outer manifestations! Resist the urge to react and do what you’ve always done. Walk away from undesirable situations and give up the need to be right. It will be very difficult to do so in the beginning and I took months
to implement all the long-term positive changes in my behavior, but the feeling once I had successfully done so was very empowering and liberating. The few months you take to tweak your life will ensure a lifetime of ease and joy.
Some of the changes you can make in your daily life will be very simple and easily overlooked, yet most people do not implement them due to a strong sense of inertia. I often found myself upset by the morning rush hour traffic on days I needed to commute to work early. Spending an hour or two cooped up in stop-and-go traffic was upsetting my inner state even before my day began, yet I accepted it as a normal part of my routine. As I began to look at ways to maintain a calm and peaceful inner state, I realized that I could simply set off two hours earlier and avoid all that morning rush hour traffic. Not only was my traveling time halved, I felt peaceful and good when I arrived at the office with lots of quiet time to spare. This was a simple change that had far-reaching consequences in my inner state and outer manifestations! Of course, there is always more than one creative solution to any issue and I encourage you to find one that works for you. For others, it may be as simple as filling their commuting time with meaningful audio programs so you learn something new every morning.
Another “small” thing that inconvenienced me was the need to constantly re-tie my shoelaces as they became undone throughout the day. As someone who goes around in jeans and sneakers, I noticed that I spent a long time tying them in the morning just to make sure they were secure and had to re-tie them throughout the day. This was upsetting my flow of things and I was bothered each time I had to reach down and re-tie them! Fortunately, when you have an issue with something, it is also likely that many others had exactly the same problems and successfully overcome them! I did a quick search online and replaced all my laces with those that needed no tying, originally designed for marathon runners! I estimate that this simple change saves me 15 minutes a day and maintains my peaceful inner state.
Now you may not be as affected as me by undone shoelaces or by the morning traffic, but chances are, there will be a few things in life that get on your nerves. Something that “gets on your nerves” is really affecting how you feel on the inside, so why allow it to bother you any longer? Make a list of the 3 to 5 daily inconveniences that annoy you the most and then come up with creative solutions to overcome them. As I’ve mentioned, the good news is that if things like this bother you, they would have bothered others as well and there is a good chance that someone out there has come up with clever ways to overcome them. Seek out these solutions and implement them in your own life!
Chapter 7 - There Is No Need To Second-guess The Universe
We have established a few simple premises up to this point in the book. The first premise is that everyone
can perceive and feel energy with no exceptions. It is an innate human ability and you do not need any special talent or prolonged spiritual training to do it. All of us are energetic beings at our core! If you felt a sense of joy or exhilaration while reading portions of this book… if you have felt inspired and nudged into action by an idea… that was you picking up on the energy flowing through you from higher consciousness. That was your unique interpretation of the energy and it would have felt just right for you. Most individuals who have not taken the time to examine these sensations dismiss them as mere good “feelings” or “sensations” running through their body. But there’s so much more than what meets the eyes (skin)… these feelings / sensations hold the keys to effective manifestations!
Different people perceive energy in different ways. For me, it is a tingly feeling running up and down my spine, often accompanied by goose bumps all over my body and a pleasurable, slightly tingly / buzzing sensation. In my early days, I felt a light vibration running through parts of my body. As we become more attuned to perceiving this energy that has always been there, we notice subtle details and differences in how this energy “feels”. The good feelings deepen over time as we increase our subtle awareness of it. This energy has a unique vibrational signature that we will always be able to identify and work with. Identifying the unique ways in which the Universe communicates with you will be very useful to your manifestation work.
The second premise we have established is that the Universe never stops sending these signals and impulses to you. We all have an always-on, 247 connection to our Universal Source. When we are feeling scared or worried, we are not in a position to receive impulses and communicate with this Universal Source that is vibrating at very high energetic levels. However, once we let go of all our emotional baggage and negative thoughts, we immediately free up our channels to receive clearly from this Universal Source. Thus, the Universe is always guiding us to our greater good, in a manner that is unique and instantly identifiable to us.
In my early days of doing this work, I was always waiting for the Universe to “communicate” with me and send me nudges. I too, had read that the Universe was always guiding us towards our greater good, but I did not understand the full significance of this spiritual truth. Thus, I often sat around and waited for the Universe to send me signals and nudges. I once did so over the period of a few years, in which my life totally stagnated. Despite all my effort, I received nothing
at all! I felt very little joy and lots of worry during that period in my life! Is it any wonder that the Universe could not even get through to me? Each time I sat in stillness and attempted to receive these “signals” from the Universe, I was actually filled with a deep sense of worry and fear on the inside. I was worried about my finances and about my future. If I had checked in on my inner state back then, it would very well have been 90 - 100% worrisome and fearful thoughts! Thus, understand that the Universe has no way of getting through to you
if your inner state is not conducive, because you are holding yourself so far apart from the higher vibrations of Universal source. This is the basis of the Law of Attraction.
As we have mentioned earlier, the only way
to bring yourself back into alignment with Universal source and to start receiving useful impulses / signals from the Universe is to let go of (drop) all of your negative emotions and feelings on the inside. Only when you’re able to go from 100% negative feelings to about 50% or less negative feelings will you have space freed up in your inner consciousness to receive such signals and impulses from the Universe.
Even the term “receiving” is a bit of a misnomer, since the Universe is always
sending you these signals and there is no need to “receive” anything. I remember one had to “dial in” during the early days of the Internet. You may be familiar with that era too, when you had to log on to the Internet using a slow, dial-up modem. Only after a successful dialing in would you be able to access the Internet and your web pages. Today however, most of us are on an “always-on”, speedy DSL or fiber connection. We don’t even need to be concerned about whether we are connected as the connection is always-on! We let the connection run in the background even as we work on our spreadsheets, design our presentations and organize our photo libraries. As a result, we don’t even realize which software programs require an Internet connection. It is the same with accessing the infinite powers of the Universe. We are always connected, and there is no need to deliberately dial-in when you need something done. However, you can become “disconnected” (the connection can become extremely slow / choppy) if your pipelines are clogged with negative fear and worry thoughts. Eliminate these fear and worry thoughts from your life and everything will run smoothly.
Back when I was constantly worried and waiting for “signals” from the Universe, I often perceived false
signals that were actually generated by my ego. I would often get an “impulse” to do something or to go somewhere, which later turned out to be untrue or a false lead. I spent a lot of wasted time and energy chasing these false leads that turned out to be nothing. Looking back, I realize that it was my overly-active imagination and ego generating all these false possibilities and ideas that were rooted in fear and limitation. I have noticed this phenomenon frequently in chronically worried individuals, just like how I used to be. A worrying mind is the result of an over-active imagination working towards the wrong
purpose. Thus an over-active mind will often conjure up pseudo-solutions / ideas that are actually based on its own fear-based thoughts and ideas. Many of those ideas I received were fear-based and nonsensical leads, because they were not really coming from the Universe. Instead, they came from my ego which was merely rehashing all my fear thoughts and presenting them to me in new ways.
Since I was so desperately waiting for “signals” from the Universe, I acted on everything that came to me. On hindsight, I should not have done so
. Here’s an important lesson — If you check into your inner state and find that it is filled with a large percentage of fear-based / negative feelings, then you should get yourself clear
from those negative feelings first before
acting on any “impulses”. Until you are clear of these negative feelings, there is a high chance that whatever you receive will not be from your higher consciousness. Instead, you’ll be merely “perceiving” the energy of your own worrisome and fear thoughts. Applying this rule-of-thumb will save you lots of time and energy on your journey.
A constant red-flag that I always ignored back then was that nagging feeling of discord that was within me. Whenever I received one of those false leads, it would be accompanied by a sense of uneasiness or discord, as if I was not 100% sure on the course of action to take. This sense of uneasiness was actually a clear signal to let me know that I was not acting in accordance with my highest good. Thus, the second lesson here is that when an impulse really comes from your higher consciousness, it should be free and clear! You should not
be feeling a single bit of uneasiness, inner discord or hesitancy. In other words, the Universe always
sends you a pure signal that is instantly identifiable by you. There will be no need to second guess the signals you receive from the Universe. Thus, if you receive an “impulse” that makes you question the path of action you need to take, it is probably from your ego and not from the divine. Once again, applying this rule of thumb will save you lots of wasted time and effort.
The reason why most people act on their impulses despite
feeling a sense of hesitancy or uneasiness about them is because they have not experienced how it feels like to receive a pure and clear signal from the Universe. This was certainly the case for me at the beginning of my journey. Back then, I still had not felt these good feelings and sensations coming directly from my higher consciousness, hence all I had to work with were my fear-based feelings of worry and limitation. I had no reference point of how something from the Universe actually felt like. This might be the case for some of you as well, which is why I hope my written descriptions here will be useful to you. I hope that these written descriptions and narratives will allow you to pinpoint whether something is really coming from your higher consciousness or from your ego.
I would like to give you an example of feelings / impulses that came from my fear-based self, and contrast it with one that came from my higher self. You should be able to see the parallels in your own life experience.
The first is a business opportunity I felt led to invest in that really had nothing to do with my main business. Right from the beginning, I felt a sense of uneasiness and discomfort about the whole deal (that nagging feeling), but I still went ahead because it seemed to “serendipitously appear” in my life. After two years of spending an inordinate amount of time and energy trying to make things work, I finally had to walk away from the deal.
What are some of the red flags in that case? First, it did not feel right from the beginning. Recall that when a sense of inspiration really comes from your higher consciousness, you should feel totally at ease with it. There should be no need to second-guess yourself and everything should feel right! The fact that I felt a sense of uncertainty was a sure sign that it was not from my higher consciousness.
Second, I felt led to accept the opportunity because it seemed to “serendipitously appear” in my life. In other words, it seemed like
the Universe had orchestrated it and brought me to it. Once again, be very careful about these false leads because there is an important lesson to be learned here. Oftentimes, we will meet certain people in our lives or come into contact with certain opportunities for no apparent reason at all.
It can appear
to be a very serendipitous meeting, when someone just comes up to you out of the blue to hand you a name card or speak to you. These chance encounters are often mistaken for signals / nudges from the Universe.
Please do not make this mistake!
Just because someone or something appeared in your life “suddenly” does not mean it is a sign from the Universe. It always
should be accompanied with the unmistakable good feelings which you feel on the inside. If you’ll combine the outer signs with your inner good feelings, then you can never go wrong. But if you only rely on the outer signs, then there is a high chance of going wrong… simply because your outer “signs” are the result of your past vibrations! Thus, you could have attracted those people / things / events into your life as a result of your unwanted past vibrations. This is an important point to note.
For me, I mistook this business opportunity as a “signal” from the Universe because it seemed so unrelated to my main business, and the fact that I came into contact with it quite accidentally. But all of those alone do not count as signs from the Universe. I emphasize this point here because many individuals have told me that since a particular opportunity came into their life out-of-the-blue, then it must
be a sign from the Universe and they have to accept it. That can’t be further from the truth!
You could have “attracted” an event based on your dominant unwanted vibrations! So there is no need to blindly accept everything that comes into your life. You can reject opportunities and people that do not feel right for you, even if they appear in you life under seemingly “serendipitous” conditions. Knowing how to read and walk away from “opportunities” will save you from lots of unwanted detours later on.