Chapter Twelve

April 7, 2022

Thursday, 9:00 a.m.

Backstreet Pub

Val set the breakfast plates on the bar counter in front of Dave Brannigan and Ryan Bateman. She glanced at Briggs Taylor and Lewis Hauck, who were already eating, before letting her gaze drift along the row of men.

Ryan lifted his fork as he looked at Dave beside him. “I’ve known some heartless bastards in my life, but he’s like nothing I’ve ever seen. He ripped the gun out of that thug’s hand, knocked him out and held the other thug back… then calmly turned the gun on Salvatini, ready to kill him.”

Pushing the plate closer to the retired Vice Captain, Val scowled. “He brought your ass back safe and sound, didn’t he? How about giving him a break?”

“No, Val, I didn’t mean—” Ryan swung his hands out in pleading fashion and straightened on his bar stool.

Briggs Taylor, the retired narcotics officer, paused from eating, took a quick drink of coffee, and shook his head. “I’m with Val on this one. Eat your breakfast and give the guy a break. I like him.” He motioned to the other men beside him. “We like him.”

The pub’s front door opened and the four men along the bar lifted their coffee cups. “Harry,” they said in chorus, toasting him before returning to their food.

Caesar trotted past them, tail wagging, as he headed for his spot at the end of the bar. The front door eased closed, and Harry walked to his friends. He stood behind them as they ate. A glance at Val’s frown told him something was wrong. She turned, grabbed a coffeepot, and refilled their cups. No one spoke.

Harry exhaled hard. “Okay, is someone going to tell me what’s going on, or do I need to turn the dog loose on you?”

Two of the men laughed, and Briggs leaned back on his bar stool to look at Caesar. “First, you’re going to have to wake him up.” Glancing at Harry, Briggs lightly shook his head. “Everything is fine. Ryan was telling me about the other day with the bookie. Said Jack handled everything well.”

Val stood listening, holding the coffeepot. Her bottom lip curled inward.

A soft nod came as Harry let his gaze drift over his friends. He knew they had discussed more than what Briggs said.

“He’s a good man who needs a hand. I’ll vouch for him, but I don’t want any of you asking your friends to run a check on him. I did that the other day and found nothing. Let’s leave him be. He helped Ryan. That should count for something. If I hear of anyone investigating him, you’re all going to pay full price for your food and coffee here.”

Forks rattled against their plates as the men spun in mock shock on their bar stools.

“Harry. Don’t get so riled. It’s bad for your blood pressure. Ryan was running his mouth, not us,” they grumbled. “Make him pay full price.”

Harry smiled and settled at a table to wait for Val to bring coffee. The front door opened, and Jack entered to a chorus of morning greetings from the men along the bar. Caesar raised his head, tail thumping against the floor. Before taking a seat at Harry’s table, Jack walked to the Labrador and gave him a quick scratch of the head.

Val brought coffee for both men, glancing at Jack without trying to make it too obvious. Excusing himself, Harry left for the restroom, giving a reason for them to be alone. She watched her father walk away.

“If you’re not doing anything Sunday morning, I was wondering if you would like to go to church with me,” she asked. Her nervous tone brought a wry grin to Jack’s face.

“Never mind,” she said. “It was just a thought. I understand if you don’t—”

“I’m afraid lightning might strike if I walked in. It’s been a while since I was last in a church,” he said, thinking of the small non-denominational chapel at the Horus academy. Seeing her gaze lower, he realized the fear she had fought to invite him. “I only have jeans, a shirt and my boots to wear. Nothing fancy, but I would like to be with you.”

The warmth of her smile stoked a fire within him. She glanced about and saw Harry returning.

“We’ll leave from here Sunday morning at 9:15.” Her voice became a whisper, then she turned and left.

Harry watched her leave as he took a seat at the table. “Something wrong?”

“No,” Jack replied. “No… everything is fine.” A fragment of a smile formed on his lips.


April 7, 2022

Thursday, 10:30 a.m.

Horus Academy

The Colonel spoke to the cafeteria staff then left for his office. Halfway between buildings, he glanced at the gray sky and lowered his gaze. His assistant Michael, a humorless expression painting his face, approached with papers in hand at a fast walk.

Drawing to a halt, the Colonel waited. He inhaled and let his right-hand brush his stomach, a habit from the discomfort that had grown worse through recent years.

“Our friend at Langley sent this.” Michael held a paper out to his boss. His eyes swept over the seventy-four-year-old man, taking in the weary look that remained etched on his face these days. The once strong and immortal warrior now appeared mortal.

Reading through the document, the Colonel paused, gaze sweeping the manicured lawn. It had been years since he last read the name Jack Forbes. It stirred joy and sorrow within the same heartbeat.

“Sir, it’s only a name search but could prove valuable. Our contact said someone checked the name through major databases with several variables for the date of birth. That would mean he’s not in custody, but someone is fishing for information.” Michael eased back a step to wait. “We keep Jack’s name monitored for this very reason. When his name goes into a computer anywhere in the U.S., our friend will see it.”

Raising the paper to chest level, the Colonel glanced at his trusted assistant. “Where did this search originate from?”

“A police department in Kemal, Texas. It’s south of Houston. Relatively small town.” Michael shifted his weight and drew a deep breath, reluctant to speak again. “What are your orders, sir?”

The Colonel motioned Michael to follow. He remained silent as they walked. Reaching his office building, he stopped before entering.

“I want to think about this for a few days. Might have been a similar name but a different person. Pull Jack’s file. Go through it again. Look for any connection to this Kemal area. I doubt if you will find anything. He’s too smart to leave breadcrumbs for us. After all these years on the run, he’s had practice at staying invisible.” The Colonel sighed. “Where’s Harold?”

“In Paris on an assignment. He should be returning next week.”

A quick nod came. The Colonel spoke as he opened the building door. “See what you can find about Kemal.”

Michael watched him leave, bothered by what the Colonel would now do. Everyone liked Jack, but the Colonel spared no one that broke their contracts.