The Complete Writings of William Blake, ed. Geoffrey, Keynes. London and New York, 1957; rev. ed., 1966. The standard text, with variant readings.
The Poetry and Prose of William Blake, ed. David V. Erdman and Harold Bloom. New York, 1965. A scholarly text, with Blake’s original punctuation, full textual notes, and critical commentary.
Blake Trust Facsimiles. London. Jerusalem, 1951 (black and white, 1952); Songs of Innocence, 1954; Songs of Innocence and Experience, 1955; The Book of Urizen, 1958; Visions of the Daughters of Albion. 1959; The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, 1960; America, 1963; The Book of Thel, 1965; Milton, 1967. Superb color reproductions. invaluable for study of the poems.
Bentley, C. E., Jr., and Martin K. Nurmi. A Blake Bibliography. Minneapolis, Minn., 1964; London, 1965.
Gilchrist, Alexander. The Life of William Blake, Piclor Ignotus, ed. Ruthven Todd. London and New York, 1945. Everyman’s Library. The earliest (1863) and still the most important biography
Wilson, Mona. The Life of William Blake. London, 1927; rev. ed., 1948. The standard modern biography.
Binyon, Laurence. The Drawings and Engravings of William Blake. London, 1922.
Damon, S. Foster. William Blake’s Illustrations of the Book of Job. Providence, R.I., 1966.
Figgis, Darrell. The Paintings of William Blake London, 1925.
Blunt. Anthony. The Art of William Blake. New York and London, 1959.
Digby, George Wingfield. Symbol and Image in William Blake. Oxford, 1957.
Hagstrum, Jean 11. William Blake, Poet and Painter: An Introduction to the Illuminated Verse. Chicago and London, 1964.
Roe, Albert S. Blake’s Illustrations to the Divine Comedy. Princeton, N.J., and London, 1953.
Wicksteed, joseph H. Blake’s Vision of the Book of Job. London, 1910; rev. ed., 1924.
Adams, Hazard. William Blake: A Reading of the Shorter Poems. Seattle, Wash., 1963.
Blackstone, Bernard. English Blake. Cambridge, 1949. A study of the eighteenth-century intellectual background.
Bloom, Harold. Blake’s Apocalypse. New York and London. 1963. A close reading of the Prophetic Books.
Bronowski, Jacob. William Blake and the Age of Revolution. New York, 1965. Revision of A Man Without a Mask, 1943. Illaminating on the social and political background.
Damon, S. Foster. William Blake: His Philosophy and Symbols . Boston and London, 1924. A monumental work of explication.
—A Blake Dictionary Providence, R.I., 1965.
Davies, J. G. The Theology of William Blake. Oxford, 1948.
Erdman, David V. Blake: Prophet Against Empire. Princeton, N.J., and London, 1954. A detailed and illuminating study of the historical background.
Fisher, Peter F. The Valley of Vision. Toronto, 1961.
Frye, Northrop. Fearful Symmetry. Princeton, N.J., and London, 1947. A brilliant study of Blake’s mythology and symbolism.
—, ed. William Blake: Modern Essays in Criticism. Englewood Cliffs, N.J and London, 1966.
Cardner, Stanley. Infinity on the Anvil: A Critical Study of Blake’s Poetry. Oxford, 1964.
Gleckner, Robert F. The Piper and the Bard. Detroit, 1959. A close reading of the earlier poems.
Grant, John E., ed. Discussions of William Blake. Boston, 1961.
Harper, George Mills. The Neoplatonism of William Blake. Chapel Hill, N.C.,and London, 1961.
Hirsch, E. D., Jr. Innocence and Experience: An Introduction to Blake. New Haven, Conn., and London, 1964.
Hirst, Désirée. Hidden Riches. Traditional Symbolism from the Renaissance to Blake. London, 1964.
Lowery, Margaret Ruth. Windows of the Morning. New Haven, 1940. A study of the Poetical Sketches.
Margoliouth, H. M. William Blake. London, 1951. A good brief introduction.
Murry, John Middleton. William Blake. London, 1933.
Nurmi, Martin K. Blake’s “Marriage of Heaven and Hell.” Kent, Ohio, 1957.
Ostriker, Alicia. Vision and Verse in William Blake. Madison, Wise., 1965; London, 1966.
Percival, Milton O. William Blake’s Circle of Destiny. New York, 1938. A study of occult traditions in Blake.
Pinto, Vivian de Sola, ed. The Divine Vision, London, 1957. A collection of important critical essays.
Raine, Kathleen. “Blake’s Debt to Antiquity,” Sewanee Reciew, LXXI (1963), 352-450. ,
Saurat, Denis. Blake and Modern Thought. London, 1929.
Schorer, Mark. William Blake. The Politics of Vision. New York, 1946. A valuable study of Blake’s radical background.
Swinburne, Algernon Charles. William Blake. London, 1868.
White, Helen C. The Mysticism of William Blake. Madison, Wise., 1927.
Wicksteed, Joseph H. Blake’s Innocence and Experience. London, 1928.