

What did you want to be when you grew up?


When did you realize you wanted to be a writer?

I can’t remember a time when I didn’t want to write.

What’s your first childhood memory?

Going to the hospital to have my tonsils removed. I was three.

What’s your most embarrassing childhood memory?

There are so many. One of the most memorable was the time I gave a classmate a black eye.

What’s your favorite childhood memory?

One of my favorites is going out to eat at the Pimlico House with my mother, my grandmother, and my aunts. I was the only child and I wore white gloves and white anklets and shiny black patent-leather shoes. I felt so grown-up.

As a young person, who did you look up to most?

Everyone. But particularly my grandfather. He was so kind.

What was your worst subject in school?


What was your best subject in school?

Everything else. I LOVED school.

What was your first job?

Bagel Shop waitress.

How did you celebrate publishing your first book?

We splurged and my husband, my two daughters, and I ate in a restaurant … a very rare treat.

Where do you write your books?

In the attic of my 1880, Queen Anne house.

Where do you find inspiration for your writing?

Everywhere. Newspaper and magazine articles, radio and television interviews, lectures, art, music, overheard conversations, other writers’ books, life.

Which of your characters is most like you?

Emily Michtom.

When you finish a book, who reads it first?

That all depends on who’s running the slowest.

Are you a morning person or a night owl?

Definitely morning.

What’s your idea of the best meal ever?

A dark chocolate appetizer followed by a dark chocolate entrée, finishing with a dark chocolate dessert washed down by a rich pot of chocolate and a few hours later, a couple of aspirin for the sugar headache and digestive aids for the obvious reasons.

Which do you like better: cats or dogs?

I adore them both!

What do you value most in your friends?

Honesty and a sense of humor.

Where do you go for peace and quiet?

Inside myself.

What makes you laugh out loud?

My husband.

What’s your favorite song?

Too many great ones. But I have a major soft spot for anything by James Taylor.

Who is your favorite fictional character?

Too many great ones. But I have a Very Soft Spot for Horton (of Hatching the Egg fame).

What are you most afraid of?

I’m too scared to tell.

What time of year do you like best?


What’s your favorite TV show?

I’m pretty enthusiastic about The Charlie Rose Show on PBS. But I’ve also been caught watching Oprah from time to time.

If you were stranded on a desert island, who would you want for company?

My husband.

If you could travel in time, where would you go?

I would go to the beginning of the universe with Dr. Who.

What’s the best advice you have ever received about writing?

Don’t quit your day job.

What do you want readers to remember about your books?

I’d be delighted if readers remember anything about my books.

What would you do if you ever stopped writing?

I can’t imagine not writing.

What do you like best about yourself?

My crazy, curly hair. Ironically, it’s the thing I liked least about myself when I was growing up.

What is your worst habit?

My husband says I have none. Ha-ha.

What is your best habit?

My husband wouldn’t say, but I suspect I have none of those, either.

Where in the world do you feel most at home?


What do you wish you could do better?

See through walls, fly, and cook.

What would your readers be most surprised to learn about you?

That I have a sense of humor.