depends on the day; today:
the first show/snow of march.
we are proceeding
from winter to winterstill the windowsill
thick with icicles/gnarled spindly geraniums ancient
in human years. the soft
cat in her soft bed. the hard
hip at the hard (kitchen) counter, as always, all
stay and delay and nothing, and sometimes, just
nothingyet, and timesother:
sat this
morning that
poem came
walking by. said: pup,
get back to breathing. said: shut up
and write this down:
it must be more spectacular in its absence!
(you must be more spectacular in your absence...)
mind strayed. i stayed
till the alarm went off. there is a hole
in the tree outside the (bedroom) window—into
which i sometimes
looks. aftertimes i finds: it is not
a hole
at all.