Thank you bunches to Liz Michalski, Ann Hite, Danielle DeVore, and others who gave their valuable time, feedback, and suggestions during first drafts. Thank you, Mike Schellenberger and Homer Richardson.
Jamie Mason, thanks for being a wonderful writing friend. George Berger, thank you again for staying with me all the way.
Agents Stacy Testa and Susan Ginsburg, my wise and talented representatives and my biggest cheerleaders, you have my deepest gratitude forever.
To the folks at FoxTale Bookshop, in Atlanta, I’d be remiss if I bypassed your kindness and huge support. I love and thank you to the moon and back.
John Scognamiglio, you are the. very. best. an author can have, and I thank you for being so very good to me. To Kensington and its amazing team: Vida Engstrand, Paula Reedy, Kensington’s amazing artists, and so many others behind my novels, I thank you for your dedication and endless hard work—always, always, I am grateful and indebted to you.
Joe, I love you like salt loves meat. Son Jeremiah and daughter Sierra, I love you forever.
To you, wonderful reader: Thank you for inviting me into your home.