There were many people who contributed to this book, who helped me wrestle through everything from theology to logic to grammar. It was definitely a group effort, like most things in my life now.
Thanks mostly to the elders of We Are Church, who prayed faithfully for me: Kevin Kim, Kevin Shedden, Justin Clark, Rob Zabala, Sean Brakey, and Pira Tritasavit. You have modeled intimacy with Christ, and that has helped me prioritize the most important thing in life.
Special thanks to the writing team: Mark Beuving, who helped me edit and formulate thoughts once again; Kevin, Karmia, and Jeanne for helping structure the book; Sean for taking the time to strengthen some of my thoughts; Liz for freeing up my life, even though you quit on me. Last but not least, thanks to Mercy Chan, who saved me at the end. Who would have thought that my weirdest child would end up being so helpful?
Thanks to all the pastors at We Are Church for faithfully shepherding and loving the people: Denys Maslov, Nate Connelly, Joe Pemberton, David Manison, Chaz Meyers, Paul Meyers, Brian Kusunoki, Aaron Robison, Peter Gordon, Marcus Hung, Jon Kurien, Angel Velarde, Marcus Bailey, David Schaeffer, Ryan Takasugi, Isaiah Pekary, Matt Shiraki, Al Cortes, Kevin Lin, Brandon Miller, Felipe Anguiano, and Kent McCormick.
Thanks to Jim Elliston, who had to design two different covers for me since I changed the title.
Thanks to the media and digital marketing volunteers, who gave up many hours to help with this project.
Thanks to David C Cook for being the most supportive publisher and partner one can dream of.
Thanks to Paul Chan for keeping everything running smoothly at the office so I could be freed up to write.
Thanks to my wonderful wife, Lisa, who never complained about my busyness over the past few months. And to Ellie, Zeke, Claire, and Silas for being great and patient kids while Dad was writing.