Things don’t always turn out the way we hope. That’s just life. As the famous line adapted from the Robert Burns poem points out, “The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry.” It’s just a fact that sometimes life zigs left when we had every intention for it to zag right.
When that happens, perhaps the most common thing people ask is, “Why?” Frankly, I think that’s an excellent question! But you have to be careful not to go into a victim mentality when asking. It’s pretty easy to begin to feel bad for yourself when life tosses those proverbial lemons your way, especially if you were very much looking forward to oranges.
I ask why a lot. But I always try to do so from the objective standpoint of curiosity. I keep saying that I genuinely believe that the Universe loves you beyond words. (And I’m going to keep saying it until it sinks in for you!) All the Divine wants is to make you happy. If you ask for oranges and get lemons, then there must be a reason why oranges would not have optimized your chances at happiness. If you believe that, if you hold on to that kind of faith, then it becomes a whole lot easier to navigate through a change of course.
When things don’t go the way I had anticipated, I immediately start scanning for the new path that Heaven feels is better for me. Sometimes, a detour is itself a sign from Heaven, especially if there’s only one alternative path available. But if multiple paths are present, or if my original plan can still be salvaged, I start asking Heaven and the angels for clear and concise directions. I tell them: “Show me the way to go, and I’ll go there.”
On countless occasions, my own personal plans didn’t go the way I had intended. Some of these situations were very small, and others felt pretty significant at the time. In the end, almost all the outcomes turned out better than I had dreamed. Sometimes I can immediately come up with a reason why something had to happen. Other times, the epiphany can take a while.
I don’t mean to oversimplify things here, but let’s just say that, in general, we have two options: We can view a situation that didn’t go as we had hoped negatively, or we can view it with an optimistic perspective like, “Wow, God must really have something fabulous in mind for me if there’s something better than what I was dreaming of! Okay, I’m ready! Show me this new-and-improved plan!”
Sometimes Heaven is waiting for you to make changes within yourself that are necessary for you to be in energetic alignment with your desires. If your plans aren’t going the way you want, then ask yourself: Is there something that you know in your heart you should be changing but aren’t? Are there new, bold versions of yourself just waiting for you to embrace them, yet you’re resistant?
If so, I once again ask you to ask the question: Why?
Heaven loves you. Your angels love you. God loves you. If you believe that, then there simply isn’t any other logical explanation for a detour on your path other than that a more joyful destination than the one you had planned is waiting for you.
So, yes, when things don’t go right, ask why. But do it with bright-eyed optimism, knowing that something much better is intended for you.
Trust in the love of Heaven to guide you along the path of joy.
As you know, I put a great deal of faith in synchronicities and what I perceive to be messages from the angels. And so it’s natural that when things aren’t working out for us, one of the things we start to believe is that our plans are flawed. That Spirit must be telling us to change course. We must be on the wrong path. But that’s not always the case!
When things get difficult, it’s possible that you’re getting signs from Heaven that you’re headed in the wrong direction. Sometimes, however, life’s challenges might be meant to embolden you, make you stronger, and solidify your resolve. It could be the beginning of something wonderful!
The trouble can be knowing how to tell whether your angels are giving you guidance on how to proceed versus a gentle message informing you that an entire new plan would serve you better.
Well, the answer is this simple: it’s in your heart. And I truly mean that.
Your heart will never mislead you when it comes to your life purpose. Your heart will let you know when a dream is off path rather than just needing a little adjustment. Your heart will tell you when something is meant to be and when something better is waiting for you just out of sight. Even if there’s sadness for what is not to be, there will be hope for what will be.
Your ego, on the other hand, will lie, lie, lie. It will tell you that you’re not good enough. It will leave you feeling like a failure and tell you that you were foolish for even trying. These hurtful and mean messages aren’t of the heart. Nor are they messages from your angels. Your angels will never, ever speak to you in that way. That’s how you can tell when a message is from your ego versus Divine Guidance.
If something is not meant to be, something else will be offered. It may not happen in that moment, but it will happen soon. Before long you’ll know that you were right to stop.
If you’re supposed to keep going, when you look into your heart, it will sing you a song of determination! Ask your angels, and they will give you signs to keep going even through adversity.
People often ask me what it means when they seem to be getting messages that say both “yes” and “no” at the same time. In my experience, if you’re getting “yes” more than “no,” then you move forward! You treat the “no” messages as minor course corrections or lessons you needed in order to be successful in the future. It’s when there aren’t “yes” messages, only “no” messages, that you should consider a new path.
And if you are going to consider a new path, then do it with faith! Do it with hope! Do it with the knowing that the Universe loves you, and if your current plans aren’t working—and your heart and angels confirm that you are to stop—then there’s truly, absolutely, without a doubt something better waiting for you! This is simply the way the Universe works, so you must believe! Ask Archangel Jophiel to keep your thoughts positive and your hopes high; then stand back and watch as the magic happens.
If you’re certain in your heart that you are to move forward, my advice is still the same: Do it with faith, hope, and the knowledge that the Universe loves you and the reason for these bumps in the road will make themselves clear as you continue along your journey.
You’re a Divine child of God. A magical spark from the fire of the Universe. Whatever is happening in your life is meant to eventually lead you toward joy. Embrace your birthright.
So let’s pretend that you’ve been trying and trying, but things just aren’t working out for you. No matter what you do, you feel as though you’re banging your head against a wall. Every direction you take shows you a new obstacle. It just seems like your plans are doomed. So what do you do?
It’s okay if, sometimes, you get tired; that’s only human. Experiencing a momentary lack of faith is only human. Losing the will to continue to pursue your dreams . . . even that can also be very human.
All this raises an interesting question: Are we really human?
It’s been said that we’re not human beings having a spiritual experience, but spiritual beings having a human experience. I fully believe that to be true. And so can it really be said that it’s in our truest of true natures to not persevere? Aren’t we here to shine our lights in such a way that the miracles we seek are always possible?
Aren’t we ourselves miracles? And, therefore, miracle workers?
I believe that in our most challenging moments, we’re meant to forge on. This is when we should redouble our efforts and fortify our determination to make a difference in our own lives as well as those around us. This is when we absolutely cannot give up!
Not too long ago, I was having a bad morning. Nothing too serious, just one of those days. As I began my daily prayers and meditations, I had this moment where I didn’t feel like it was the right time to be praying. I just wasn’t in the right energetic space for it. What I heard in my head next was: Then this is exactly the time you should be praying.
Now that first inclination not to pray? That was ego. That was the voice of isolationism in the face of challenge. The second voice? That was my guardian angel. (It could have also been my higher self, but I’m pretty good at picking out Joshua’s voice after all these years.)
When we really don’t feel like praying is, perhaps, exactly when we should be praying with the most diligence. The same goes for when we’re experiencing challenges in life and just want to quit. It is in the moment when we would like to surrender that we must forge on. Of course, it can be hard to find the energy to do so at that moment. So what to do then?
Here’s a little Genie analogy: When a car gets stuck, one of the things that people do is get assistance. They find someone to help them rock the car back and forth until they get enough momentum going to push it past whatever is holding it in place. Well, in the same way, you can ask your Genie group to help you. You can even magically do it for yourself by tackling whatever has you stuck step by step. The point is to do whatever it takes to get past the hump.
Don’t forget the power of gratitude. Expressing what you’re grateful for in your life can truly help you to spiral upward instead of downward. It can help you pick yourself up and get going again.
If your dream is stalled, then what I have to say to you is this: Do. Not. Quit.
You can’t quit. You can’t stop. You have to keep going. If you’re passionate about a cause or dream, then you’re meant to follow it wherever it takes you. You cannot stop pursuing your passion. You cannot stop reaching every single day for your calling. To do so is to quite literally be less than who you truly are.
Our dreams are what define us. They’re what make us little tiny, magical bits of God. They’re what make us miracle workers.
Never stop going after your dreams. You’ve got to make the miracle happen. Don’t give up!
Genies are more known for making wishes come true for other people than for themselves. No doubt, there will be people in your life for whom you would like to help make a wish come true. And you can do that! (Sometimes.)
Everyone has free will. That’s the way Source made us, and that’s the way we are. So no matter how well-intentioned you are—and even if the wish you have for someone else really is in their best interest—if the other person is not on board with the wish, it is unlikely you’re going to get anywhere. Your magic will hit their resistance and fall flat on the floor.
I know from firsthand experience how distressing that is. It is especially distressing if the person you’d like to help very much wants your help! Let me share an example with you . . .
Jack and Jill are married. Jill is an excellent Genie! She is in touch with her Divine magic and has become really good at creating her own magical life. Jack, on the other hand . . . well, not so much.
Jack has been out of work for over a year now. At first he tried hard to find employment, but nothing ever seemed to pan out. Over time, he became discouraged. His thoughts became very negative, and he felt close to succumbing to depression.
Jill desperately wants to help her husband, and Jack desperately wants her help! While he doesn’t really understand all this “Genie stuff,” he can’t help but admit that she seems to be able to magically create whatever she wants. Naturally, Jack is completely on board with whatever Jill can do to help him manifest a job.
So what’s the problem, you ask? Jill wants to help. Jack wants her to help. That should be enough! Right?
Remember, Genie wishes react to thoughts and emotions. Consciously, Jack may want Jill’s help, but his thoughts on the topic of employment are totally negative. His emotions are ones of hopelessness and despair. Poor Jack has no idea that his inner magic is actually working at full power to respond to his inner condition, ensuring that no job comes. Every hour of every day he is focused on the lack of a job. That’s the equivalent of Jack wishing for no job while Jill wishes for him to have one.
This is what happens when wishes collide. As I said, it can be heartbreaking.
Most of the time, this kind of compulsive negativity starts in the mind and then spreads to the emotions. To get out of it, it often works best to start working with your emotions because emotions are a reflection of your thoughts. You’ll unwind the corkscrew, as I described in Chapter 1.
Jack’s thoughts are pretty committed to the belief that there are no jobs out there. But his emotions can be brought out of the depressive feelings by getting him to think about something—anything—else that makes him happy. It will probably take time, constant effort, and, above all, Jack’s cooperation. If Jill can get him to grasp the basics of being his own Genie, then together they can begin by focusing on just trying to keep the happy feelings coming. Baseball games, antique-car shows, time spent with friends (preferably hilarious friends) . . . just keep the happy moments coming.
When Jack’s emotional condition starts to spiral upward, then Jill can start to work on his thoughts. But not too fast! One baseball game probably isn’t going to create an emotionally stable Jack. He’ll be happy during the game, but the moment his thoughts turn back to employment, he’ll crash like a lead balloon.
The plan is to get Jack emotionally optimistic enough that he can grasp the concept that life isn’t all that bad. That there’s more to life than your job. Something is bound to come around at the right time because, “Hey. The Universe loves me.” If Jack can get to that point, then Genie Jill will have a job lined up for him in no time!
Then the wishes won’t be colliding—they’ll be coinciding!
As you know, your inner Genie is pretty amazing! However, the magic you’re weaving almost always requires action. So if you’re having trouble getting the action part working, the magic part is definitely going to be slow.
Motivation can be elusive. You’re all ready to write that great American inspirational novel, but instead you find yourself ticking off minor items from your to-do list, checking in on your friends on social media, or just plain staring at your computer screen trying to come up with that perfect next word. You tell yourself that just as soon as you have all the laundry folded, you’ll tackle that chapter you’ve been procrastinating finishing.
But you have a lot of laundry. And days go by fast. Before you know it, another week has passed without so much as a new paragraph having been added to your manuscript.
Now, I’m a writer. So I’ve used this example purely as a metaphor for any project, creative endeavor, or passion that you want to get moving on but just can’t seem to make any progress on. And, yes . . . the person in the scenario I just described is sometimes me. I have days when I can’t type fast enough! And then I have days when I have this deep, burning desire to reorganize my closet.
So let me give you a couple of my tips on how to finally get moving when everything just feels stuck:
— First of all, ask for help of the human or the angelic kind. Being held accountable to someone is a great motivator, so call a friend or peer and tell them that you absolutely have to finish a certain amount of work today and that you’ve been procrastinating. Also, asking for angelic help can be amazing! Archangel Gabriel is one of my go-tos because she is great at helping you to get things done. I ask her for assistance when I just can’t seem to get going.
— Another thing I do is to go after the project or to-do list item that I’m dreading the most and do it first. Get it out of the way! You can promise yourself all kinds of lovely goodies and rewards if you just finish those 300 words that you set as a goal or make those phone calls about renting space in a healing center. Whatever it is you’ve been putting off because you don’t feel “in the mood”—get it done. Then everything gets a whole lot easier!
Lesson #18: Gratitude Is the Fuel of the Universe
Gratitude is a very powerful part of your Genie magic. It is a manifesting tool and an essential part of prayer. Being thankful for what you already have just spins your energy in a positive, upward direction that, in turn, brings more positive things into your life.
Take a moment now to say thank you not just to friends, family, and people in your life, but also to God, the angels, and any loved ones in Heaven you believe watch over you. You can do this in writing, out loud, or in your head. Try to take some time every day to offer thanks to someone new. (You can set yourself a note to do so, like the Daily Magic Reminders in Lesson #10.)
Don’t forget the importance of having gratitude for yourself. Make a list in your head of the reasons why you’re grateful for you! Even if you have to “hitch” it to someone else, it’s a start. For example, say to yourself, “I’m grateful for me because otherwise my kids would not have someone wonderful to teach them right from wrong.” Eventually, I want you to be able to say (and believe), “I’m grateful for me because I am amazing!”
Gratitude is the fuel of the Universe . . . keep your tank full and you’ll go very far!