Activate Your Superconscious Mind

The subjective mind is entirely under the control of the objective mind. With the utmost fidelity, it works to its final consequences whatever the subjective mind impresses upon it.


Imagine that you had just moved into a new house and the previous owner, just before leaving, took you aside privately. He explained that there was a special room in the basement that contained a most amazing computer. You could program any goal or question into that computer and it would give you exactly the right answer for you at exactly the right time. It worked every single time. And every answer would turn out to be perfectly correct. Imagine what an incredible difference this could make in your life!

The fact is that you do have such a computer. It is available and accessible to you at any time. It is called your “superconscious mind.” It is the most powerful faculty ever discovered in all of human history, and you can tap into it any time you want.

Throughout this book, I have repeated that “you become what you think about most of the time” and “whatever you can hold in your mind on a continuing basis, you can have.” In addition, we discussed the Laws of Attraction and Correspondence and the importance of absolute clarity in determining exactly what you want to be, have, and do. In every case, I was referring indirectly to the power of the superconscious mind.

The Secret of the Ages

The superconscious mind has been known about and discussed for thousands of years, throughout all of human history. For most of this time, it was the secret knowledge of the mystics and sages. Access to it was guarded and taught only after many years of loyal study to the devotees of the mystery schools of the ancient world. Only in the last one hundred years has the knowledge of the superconscious mind become more generally available and then only to a few people.

Three Minds in One

Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychotherapy, wrote about the three minds—the “ego,” “id,” and “superego”—in 1895 and based much of his work upon these three different elements of perception.

The ego was described as the “I am,” the part of the mind that is alert and aware, that deals with the external world, that analyzes, decides, and takes action. We call this the conscious mind.

The id of Sigmund Freud is the unconscious part of the mind, or what we call the subconscious mind. This is the vast storehouse of memories and feelings where all of our previous thoughts, decisions, and experiences are gathered and that functions automatically both to operate our physical bodies and to keep our thoughts and feelings consistent with our past experiences.

What Sigmund Freud called the superego, the third dimension of thought, was referred to as the “oversoul” by Ralph Waldo Emerson. Alfred Adler, a student of Freud, called it the “collective unconscious,” and Carl Jung, who broke away from Freud, called it the “Supra Conscious.” Napoleon Hill referred to it as “Infinite Intelligence” and reported that virtually all of the most successful people in America used it continually throughout their careers and credited it with their most important breakthroughs and accomplishments.

Roberto Assagioli, the Italian psychologist, and others refer to it as the “superconscious mind” or “God Mind.” No matter what you call it, it is a great universal power that you can access at any time to achieve any goal that you really want as long as you desire it intensely—long enough and hard enough.

The Source of All Breakthroughs

All important breakthroughs in all fields throughout history have been the result of superconscious functioning. Whenever you have suddenly originated a great idea or insight that solved a problem or resolved a dilemma, you have had a superconscious experience. Great scientific breakthroughs, like the discovery of DNA or the idea of combining ceramics with electricity that led to the discovery of superconductivity, were superconscious in origin.

The great musicians tapped into and used their super-conscious minds repeatedly in the creation of their compositions. Mozart could see an entire opera in his mind, note perfect, before he began writing. He would then transcribe the opera from his mental picture, without a single mistake, the very first time, ready to be played in public without revision. Few things like this had ever been seen or experienced in the history of music.

Beethoven created his greatest compositions after he went deaf. He could see and hear them in his mind before writing them down on paper. Stephen Hawking, the physicist, is so crippled with Lou Gehrig’s disease that he needs a special computer to produce one letter at a time. Nonetheless, by using his superconscious mind, he has become one of the bestselling authors in the world with his book A Brief History of Time.

The Greatest Inventor of All Time

Thomas Edison patented 1,093 devices at the U.S. Patent Office, almost all of which were turned into commercial products during his lifetime. At his death in 1931, a substantial amount of the American workforce was employed in the manufacture and distribution of Thomas Edison–invented products.

Edison used his superconscious mind continually throughout his entire career to solve seemingly unsolvable problems and achieve historic breakthroughs in electricity, motion pictures, sound recording and transmission, and hundreds of other areas. He would take regular naps during the day to access his superconscious mind for insights that led to his numerous inventions.

The Great Law

Whenever you see a great and inspiring work of art, read a piece of classic literature or a beautiful poem, hear an extraordinary piece of music, or see a remarkable building or structure, you are witnessing the result of the superconscious mind in action.

The Law of Superconscious Activity, perhaps the most important mental law ever discovered, is this: “Any thought, plan, goal, or idea held continuously in the conscious mind must inevitably be brought into reality by the superconscious mind.

Just think! Anything that you really want to be, have, or do is possible for you. If you can be absolutely clear about what it is and then access your superconscious mind on a regular basis, you will eventually achieve it. The only limits on what your superconscious mind can do for you are the limits that you place on your own mind and imagination.

The Right Operating Conditions

Your superconscious mind operates best when you are in a mental state of calm, confident, relaxed expectation. Whenever you practice relaxation in solitude, completely letting go of all your cares and sitting quietly or communing with nature, your superconscious mind begins to function.

Whenever you “go into the silence” and listen to the still, small voice within you, you begin to hear the whisperings of your superconscious mind.

Your intuition is the equivalent of that supercomputer in the basement of your new home. This is your connection and your contact with the superconscious mind. Sometimes your intuition will speak to you so loudly in the silence that the idea or insight it brings you will change your entire life.

The Greek mathematician and physicist Archimedes had a superconscious flash of inspiration about the displacement of objects while sitting in his bath. He became so excited that he leaped from the bath and ran naked through the streets of Athens shouting “Eureka!” (“I have found it!”). This is how you often feel when you have a great idea or insight that solves a problem or moves you toward your goal.

Activating Your Superconscious

Your superconscious mind is stimulated by clear, written, specific goals, intensely desired, visualized regularly, and constantly worked toward. Whenever you relax, visualize, and emotionalize a specific result that you intensely desire, you stimulate your superconscious mind into giving you ideas and energy for goal attainment.

Sometimes, a superconscious inspiration can so energize and excite you that you will be unable to sleep or think about anything else. In that case, you should sit down and write out every idea and detail that comes to you. This will often free up your mind and enable you to go back to sleep.

Serendipity and Synchronicity

The superconscious mind explains two phenomena that you experience regularly throughout your life, serendipity and synchronicity. The more you use your superconscious mind, the more often you will enjoy these two wonderful experiences.

Look for the Good

Serendipity is the process of making happy discoveries along the road of life. Whenever you have a clear goal that you visualize continually and that you are working toward each day, happy, unexpected events and experiences occur in your life, each of which seems to help you to achieve your goals even faster.

You might come across an article in a magazine or someone will mention something to you that you didn’t know before. You might even flip to a program on television that has exactly the idea or insight you need to solve a particular problem or answer a key question. You will often have a setback or temporary failure that turns out to be exactly the right thing to happen to you at that moment.

The interesting point is that if you look for something good in every situation, you will always seem to find it. The very attitude of expecting good things to happen to you seems to trigger their occurrence over and over again. If you calmly and confidently believe in the magic of serendipity, no matter what happens, you will have repeated serendipitous experiences that will help you to achieve your real goals in life.

Events Connected by Meaning

The second phenomenon that you will experience regularly is called “synchronicity.” This is different from the Law of Cause and Effect, the iron law of the universe, in a special way. The Law of Cause and Effect says that everything happens for a specific reason and that there is a traceable cause for every effect.

With synchronicity, however, the only relationship between two simultaneous events is the meaning that you give to them based on the goals that you have in different areas of your life.

Here is an example. You set a goal to double your income. But the following week, you either quit or get fired, completely unexpectedly. This initially looks like a real setback. But the next day, a friend asks you if you have ever thought of working in a particular field. As it happens, you have read several articles about that field over the past year and you have thought of getting into it, but you did not know how to go about it. You decide to investigate further, identify a growing company, interview for a job, start work, and one year later you find yourself earning twice as much as you were at your previous job and enjoying it more.

You will notice that there was no direct cause-and-effect relationship between these separate events. They seemed to be disconnected in time and space. But they have one thing in common. They helped you to achieve the real goal that you had set for yourself, to double your income.

Two Ways to Stimulate Your Superconscious Mind

There are two ways for you to stimulate your superconscious mind into action. The first is for you to concentrate and work intensely on achieving your goal. Throw your whole heart into what you are doing. Think about it, talk about it, write it, rewrite it, and review it every single day. Do everything that you can possibly think of that can help you to attain that goal.

When you dedicate yourself to continuous, determined forward action toward the accomplishment of your goal, all sorts of serendipitous and synchronous events will happen to you and for you. People will emerge from unexpected places to help you. You will receive phone calls and offers of assistance. You will come across ideas and information that you would not have recognized before. You will have ideas and insights that move you even faster toward your goal.

The second way to stimulate your superconscious mind is to relax completely and get your mind busy elsewhere. For example, when you go on vacation, you often become so busy with other activities that you don’t think about your goals or problems at all. It seems that the more you can completely relax and let go, both mentally and physically, the more rapidly your superconscious mind will click into action and begin giving you the ideas and insights that you need. In other words, the harder that you “don’t try,” the faster your superconscious mind will work for you.

You should try both methods on every goal. First, work with single-minded concentration on the goal. Commit 100 percent of your energies to solving the problem. Then, if you have still not experienced the breakthrough you desire, get your mind busy elsewhere. Take some time off. Go on vacation. Engage in physical exercise or go to a movie. Forget about your goal completely for a while. Then, at exactly the right time, your superconscious mind will function and the answer will appear.

Exactly the Right Answer

Your superconscious mind will bring you the exact answer you need at exactly the right time for you. Therefore, when you receive a superconscious inspiration, you should take action immediately. Don’t delay. This is often time-dated information. If you get an inner urge to take an action or make a phone call, move on it quickly. If you have a hunch about something, follow up on it. It seems that the very act of moving on a superconscious flash will trigger additional superconscious insights and inspirations that will help you.

Three Special Qualities

A superconscious idea or solution has three qualities:

• First, it will answer every aspect of the problem or give you everything you need to achieve your goal. The answer will be complete in every respect.

• Second, it will be a “blinding flash of the obvious.” A superconscious inspiration will feel natural, easy, and perfectly suitable to the situation.

• Third, a superconscious solution will give you a burst of happiness and excitement, even exhilaration. It will be one of those shining moments that you’ll remember for a long time.

Whenever you get a superconscious solution, it will be accompanied by the energy, enthusiasm, and motivation you need to take action immediately. You will have an irresistible desire to implement the solution right now. You will want to stop everything else you are doing to take action. And you will always be right.

Trust Is the Key Requirement

Your superconscious mind is the most powerful faculty you have. It is available and accessible to you at all times. You “dial in” to your superconscious mind by being absolutely clear about what you want and then by calmly and confidently trusting that exactly the answer you need will come to you at exactly the time you are ready for it.

The more you relax and trust in this great power, the better and faster it will function. It has been said that “men and women begin to become great when they begin to listen to their inner voices.” When you make a regular habit of listening to your intuition and trusting your inner voice, you will probably never make another mistake. By tapping into your superconscious mind, you begin to bring your whole life into harmony with this great universal power. You will achieve goal after goal and move forward faster and faster in everything you do. You will feel as though you are plugged into some kind of cosmic energy source that enables you to accomplish vastly more, and with much less effort, than ever before.

Think back over your life and recall the times when your superconscious mind has worked for you. In the past, these experiences were random and haphazard. But by developing absolute clarity about your goals and by reviewing and visualizing them regularly, you can make this superconscious power work for you consistently and predictably all the days of your life.


1. Think back over your life and recall a time when you had a superconscious experience that solved a problem or enabled you to achieve a goal. Reflect on the process and think about how you can duplicate it.

2. Select your most important goal, your major definite purpose, and visualize it clearly, over and over, with complete confidence that it will materialize at exactly the right time for you.

3. Begin the daily practice of solitude and meditation. During this time, just let your mind relax and float from subject to subject until exactly the right answer to the right question pops into your mind.

4. Make it a practice to take action on a superconscious idea as soon as it comes into your mind. Don’t hesitate. Have complete faith that only the best can happen when you trust in this power.

5. Try to solve your problem with single-minded concentration, and if that doesn’t work, get your mind busy elsewhere. At exactly the right time, the ideal solution will emerge from your intuition or appear in your life.

6. Your superconscious mind works for you in direct proportion to your complete trust and confidence in it. Practice letting go on a regular basis and wait patiently until exactly the right answer comes to you at exactly the right time.