Chapter Seven

"What are we going to do?" I paced back and forth over the floor aquarium as a neon-striped fish chased my bare toes. "I can't leave the room looking like this. I mean, look at me." I motioned with my hands from my head to toes, toes to head. "Just look at me."

"I'm looking," Monty said. His amused expression pissed me off.

"You think this is funny? Our whole mission depends on me being able to pull off Pepper Rain. Is your ego so big, that seeing me fail is more important than the job?"

He frowned. "Is that what you think?"

"Well, you don't seem all that upset about it." I crossed my arms over my chest and plopped down onto the edge of the bed.

"And you seem like a petulant child."

"I..." I kind of did. "What are we going to do?"

"First, we need to figure out what curse was placed on the water bottle."

"Let me just think out loud here for a moment. What if it was a targeted attack or if it didn't matter who the hex took out as long as it was one of us." I crossed one leg over the other and began bouncing my toes. "What if it was a leftover hex. Random."

"Like if someone cast a spell on a case of water and put it in random rooms."

I shrugged. "Maybe. It could also be someone outside the cult who knows what they are up to and is trying to stop them."

"You think someone is taking witch law into their own hands? That's a death curse. It has to be. Even if the people they were taking out were the worst witches and warlocks in existence, it would still land the vigilante in jail. First, do no harm and all that good stuff."

Monty nodded. "We need to figure out the source spell to reverse it."

"I'm pretty good with hexes, but," I held up my wrist, "I can't do anything without my magic."

"I know who we can call on."

"Who? We aren't supposed to bring in any other agents."

Monty walked toward the door before I heard the knock. He flung it open, and Marlow Marshall stood on the other side. I dove to the far side of the bed, so she wouldn't see me. What in the good Goddess's name was he thinking just opening the door without checking? Our situation must have short-circuited his brain.

"Come in," I heard him say. "Hurry."

That man had really lost his mind. I peered over the top of the bed and glimpsed him ushering Marlow toward the bedroom. I shook my head, worried that maybe he'd drank the Kool-aid. Was he a pawn in this? Had he been working both sides of the fence on this assignment? A double agent, if you will? It made absolutely no sense. But he had brought up the idea that the hexer could be someone trying to stop the Divinus Paradiso. What if that went against his own personal agenda?

Goddess! How could I be such a greenie to fall for his stand-up guy act? Damn it. I was wearing the MAN to keep me alive, so no way to call up a defensive spell, and I was wearing a freaking negligee, and my shoes were in the closet with the wedding dress. I hated wearing the stilettos, but they would have made an excellent weapon, especially with my hand-to-hand combat skills. Unfortunately, there wasn't a whole lot of anything I could do with no powers against two formidable foes.

In other words, I was utterly screwed and not in a fun way.

"Where is Gigi?" Marlow asked.

Until that moment, I think a part of me had been holding out hope that Monty hadn't betrayed me, but the proof standing in the middle of our suite asking where the hell I was.

"Gigi?" Monty said. He poked his head into the bedroom, and his gaze fell on mine. "Why are you hiding behind the bed?"

"Oh, I don't know. I'm getting a full body massage. A facial. A mani-pedi is next."

He stepped into the room and spoke as if I was a rabid deer ready to bite and bolt. He wasn't far off the mark. I planned to fight until my last breath. "Don't come any closer," I warned.

"What's wrong?" His fake confusion was laughable.

"I don't know what sick game you're playing, but I won't be a pawn in your whatever power trip you're on."

His brow dipped, and his gaze narrowed on me. "You've lost your mind."

"Come on, Monty," Marlow said. She twirled and said, "Let unseen be seen, before Gigi gets mean." When Marlow stopped spinning, Brita Davis stood in her place.

Not wholly trusting the scene yet, I stood up and asked, "Is this for real?"

"Of course, it's for real," Monty quipped.

"Brita is the best hex witch I know. Who else would I call?"

"And since there's no apparating in and out of this resort without setting off alarm bells, I had my husband distract Marlow away from the ballroom, and I took on her appearance and headed up to the suite."

"How did you get Marlow's DNA?"

Brita smiled. "I kissed the witch." When my mouth dropped open. She laughed. "I didn't like it," she said. "Yuck, that woman has a thing for wintergreen mints. So gross."

"And you're okay with your husband going off alone with Marlow? You know she's a horn dog, right?"

Brita laughed as she absently patted her unruly hair. "I may have put a tiny-teensy curse on her. If she as much as gets even a little bit inappropriate with my guy, she will wretch her guts up."

"You didn't?" I said, scandalously.

She nodded, her smile evilly gleeful. "Vomitus Eroticus."

"You know that dirty witch is heaving over a ditch right now, don't you?"

We both burst out laughing.

"Let's figure out what's going on with your hex before Marlow figures out hers. Where's the bottle?"

"It's on the nightstand," Monty said.

Before he could grab it, I stopped him. "I'm wearing the MAN. Maybe I should be the only one to touch the stuff until we know what's going on."

Brita nodded. "Smart." She gestured to a place in front of her on the bed. "Put the bottle here." She looked me up and down. "Cute nightgown." She cast a wicked glance at Monty. "How much of a honeymoon has this bottle of water ruined?"

I crossed my arms. "We're strictly business."

"Uh huh," Brit said. She wiggled her fingers over the bottle. "I'm not sensing much. I would say the majority of the hex went inside you."

That wasn't good news.

She reached into her pocket and pulled out a clear crystal, a small vial of salt, some powdered sulfur in a snack-sized press and seal bag, and a box of matches. She sprinkled salt around the bottle. "Can you make an indention in the bottle?" She pointed to the side.

I pushed with two fingers until it crumpled a little. "Is that okay?"

"Perfect." Brita took a pinch of sulfur out of the baggie and piled it on the surface of the bottle.

"What are you doing?"

She pulled a matchstick out of the matchbox and struck it against the scratchy side. It flamed up. "I can't undo the hex. Only the original caster can, but I might be able to remove and trap it, rendering it harmless."

"Cool, but since the bottle isn't going to die of the curse, doesn't it seem like a better use of your time to remove and trap the hex inside me?"

"Wouldn't you prefer I practice on the bottle just in case it doesn't work? Because if we remove the nullifier and the death curse takes hold once more, there's a good chance it will kill you if I'm wrong."

"Uhm..." I glanced at Monty, who couldn't hide the slight upturn at the corner of his mouth. I sighed. "Fine. Carry on," I told Brit. "I defer to your expertise."

"Awesome," she replied, then touched the flame to the sulfur. The powder caught fire and burned blue. The stench of eggs stunk up the immediate area. Thanks to an overactive gag reflex, all three of us gacked at the putrid scent.

Brita managed to work through the ickiness, and when the flame went out, she held the crystal an inch above the smoldering powder. The clear crystal appeared to absorb the smoke, turning a murky gray in the process then violently cracked as the gray disappeared. Brita tucked her chin and let out a quiet noise of surprise as the remaining water in the bottle began to bubble.

"Is it working?" I asked, anxiously rotating the MAN on my wrist.

Brita frowned. "I think we should all move a few steps back."

So, we did. The bottle began to bounce around as the bubbles grew more rapid, and the dent popped out as the plastic expanded.

"Maybe we should move to another time zone," I said. "Or, at least, to another room."

Brita nodded, her worrying expression doing nothing to alleviate my growing anxiety. "Good idea."

"The time zone part or to another room?" Monty asked.

Brita was already fast walking to the living room. "We should definitely move to another room," she sang out.

Monty grabbed my hand and yanked me out of the bedroom and tackled me down to the floor as a loud Pop! Hisssss! sounded behind us.

His body ran the length of mine, his naked firm chest pressed to my breasts, and his warm breath fluttering against my neck. For a moment, I was too stunned to move.

I pressed my palms against the carpet, my pulse jumping in my throat. "What just happened?"

"Sorry, Monty," Brita said. "The hex has a tampering spell attached to it. When I tried to remove it, it triggered a self-destruct kill switch in the death curse.

He pushed himself up and stared down at me, his expression astonished. He had his knees between my legs, and I noticed, my slip was pushed up over my hips, revealing my lacy panties. Once again, I was grateful Fate hadn't chosen a thong.

I scrambled back from him, pulling my satin slip down as I got to my feet. That was the second time he'd jumped on top of me, during a dangerously explosive situation. I didn't know whether to be irritated or pleased. Right now, I was leaning toward irritation.

Monty turned his attention to Brit. "Are you saying that if you try to remove the spell from Gigi, she's going to wind up like the bottle?"

Her mouth tensed. "If I can undo the booby trap, I can remove the hex safely."

"And if you can't?" I asked.

She shrugged apologetically. "Pop. Hiss."

"Can you do it?" I asked.

Brit gave me a frank look. "Now that I've seen it work, I can reverse the failsafe trigger. However, if there is a second one on there, then the results could be just as bad."

"Death," I said.

"Death," she agreed.

"Then this mission is over," Monty proclaimed. He clenched his fists as his frown etched deep lines into his face. "I won't risk Gigi's life for a damn job."

"I'm pretty sure that's my call," I said, scared that I could die, but angry that Monty seemed to think it was his choice as to whether I risked it or not. Fate had talked about the extinction of witches if I didn't stop the power source from being called forth. She said it was in my hands, specifically. I didn't want to die, far from it, but I didn't know how to live with myself if our community ceased to exist, and I could have done something to prevent it. "I want Brita to try and remove the spell from me. It's the only way to finish what we started." I stared at Monty, hoping to convey my utter resolve. "We have to see this through."

"No." Monty shook his head, his eyes pleading. "We can't take the chance."

Chance? Fate had mentioned chance and free will playing their part. "Maybe chance is exactly what we need."

"We need an object to drain the hex into," Brita said. "I only brought one crystal with me. I would have been strong enough to hold all of the curse if the secondary spell hadn't trashed it. Do you have anything we can use? Any gemstone, as long as it's clear, should work."

I shook my head. I'd warn pearl earrings with the bridal gown and no necklace. Our rings were metal. "I left my good jewels at home."

Monty snapped his fingers. "I know." He walked into the bedroom. When he came out, he was holding the gold Ankh encrusted with rubies and diamonds he'd pinned to my dress camisole. He held it out to Brita. "Will this work?"

I remembered the look on his face as he'd given it to me. The pin meant something to him. It was his past. His heritage. Maybe the only thing he had left of his mother. "If it doesn't," I said. "Your family's heirloom will be destroyed. We can't use that."

"It's a trinket," Monty said. "I would gladly break it into a million pieces if it meant saving you."

The irritation drained from me, and a big part of me knew why. Monty had wiggled his way into my affections. He wanted to protect me, and while, I was a big girl who could save herself, it didn't mean that my heart didn't rejoice that there was someone aside from me who cared whether I lived or died. "I think you should go out on the balcony. That's as far from me as you can get in this suite. I don't want you here if things go bad."

He crossed the floor to me and stood so close it made my heart stop for a second. "I'm not going anywhere," he said with a fierceness that rivaled a Shifter.

I gulped the knot in my throat. "It's your ass," I said, trying to make a joke.

He smiled as if to say, it's not funny, but I'll reward the attempt. "Do it, Brita."

"Are you sure?" she asked him.

A zing ran through me when he wrapped his arms around me and held me tight. "I'm sure."