One by one, each of the cult members dropped their gauzy robes to the ground.
Doyle, the other Aries and Libby's partner, approached Monty and me. He held two masks in his hand. They were plain white with an M with a ribbon leg etched into the outer edges. The Virgo symbol.
He tied the mask around Monty's face first and then kissed him on the cheek. "Welcome, Brother," he said.
Next, he led me a few feet away and tied the mask around my face. He stood closer to me than he had Monty, and his dangling sword brushed my thigh. Twice. Gag.
He leaned in as if to kiss my cheek and said, "when time is ours, we will finally have our moment."
"What is this place?" I kept my voice as quiet as his.
"A show for the worshippers, of course. It makes it easier for them to die willingly for the cause if they think we'll ascend them to a better place. I thought I told you about it."
"Right. Right. You said we'd celebrate tomorrow night," I hissed.
"Yes," he agreed so quietly I could barely hear him. "After I take power, we will have all the time in the world."
Goddess all mighty. I'd misread his earlier words, and not only had I been wrong about the timing of the ritual, but I'd also been mistaken about his character. "When this is over, I promise you a reward you will never forget." And one you will live to regret, I added mentally.
"Join the circle, Brother and sister, as we raise the Scythe of Cronus."
That was the second time they'd mentioned Cronus. I had not been great at mythological studies in school, but I seemed to recall Cronus as one of the Greek titans. Or something like that. What was extraordinary about a scythe?
"Cronus, Cronus, Cronus," the humans chanting, their loud voices filling the room. Which meant, I didn't have to worry much about being overheard as Monty and I took the open spot among the twenty-two other witches and warlocks.
"Do you know who Cronus is?"
"Time," Monty said.
"What about time?" I asked.
"Cronus is another name for Father Time, and his scythe is supposed to control time."
Well, this was turning into a nightmare of epic-shit-show proportions. What was it that Fate had said when I asked what was at stake? Oh, yeah, nothing but time. Thanks for the heads up, lady. Gah!
"Is this seriously happening?" I whispered. All we were supposed to do was locate the humans and all the cult members, then contact the Council, and they would swoop in with their bobblehead army in tow while we got the heck out of the town, well, the resort anyhow, with the mortals. Actually, participating in the ritual, naked as the day we were born to raise Father Time and steal his giant time weed whacker was not on the agenda. The chanting grew louder, and it made me sick to my stomach.
"Cronus, we beseech thee, on this moonless night, to come to us so that we may pay tribute to your greatness. We hide nothing from you. Come to us."
"Come to us, come to us," they repeated. "Libby cut her hand with the small scythe she held. She pressed the wound over the face of the compass and then passed both items to Doyle. He sliced his hand next and repeated the process. The compass and curve blade made their way around to each cult member until it reached Monty and me.
"We can't do this," I said.
"You're not a Virgo, right?" he asked.
"I'm a Scorpio, according to one of my birth certificates, but the other says I'm a Sagittarius. Does it matter? Can we be sure it won't work just because my birth sign is wrong?"
Before he could answer, the Libra warlock to the left of me leaned over and said, "Quit yacking and get to it."
"Rude much," I replied in my best Pepper imitation. He scowled but backed off. This was stupid. So, so moronic, I thought, as I sliced my hand and placed the bleeding cut on the compass before handing it to Monty.
A weirdly warm sensation fluttered over my skin. A sheen of sweat formed on my skin. Were the stars spinning? Bile burned as it climbed my throat. Oh, Goddess, I was going to yark. "I don't feel well," I said.
Monty had just finished his part of the ritual when he looked at me. His eyes widened. "Glamour," he said.
I swooned. "What?"
"Your glamour. It's down?"
I looked at my hands, Instead, of long, carefully painted nails, they were clipped short and in need of a manicure to tame the thick cuticles. Pepper's willowy legs and arms had been replaced with my bulkier muscles. No. Goddess, how could this happen? Since I hadn't canceled the spell, it shouldn't have been suspended without a nullifier. "Beauty and fame, Pepper Rain be thy name. Looks and grace, give me her body and face," I said, incanting the glamour spell again.
Nothing happened.
Monty threw the compass down and held the sickle up as if to cut down anyone who approached. He put his arm around my shoulders.
"This isn't good," he said.
"No shit," I told him, feeling less woozy. "What was your first clue?"
"No, you don't understand. I can't apparate." He shook his head. "I can't access my magic at all."
"The bloody freaking compass," I said. "It has to be acting as a nullifier." The cult members were now staring at us, their expressions horrified. I watched several of them try to conjure magic, and none of them could get it to work. "And we're not the only ones it affected."
A whirlwind of stars began to swirl in the circle where Monty had thrown the compass. Oh crap. The summoning was happening.
The humans, who still worshipped at our feet, hadn't gotten the memo about the shit storm headed their way, and with the cult members in the throes of panic, I looked for an escape route. "We have to get out of here."
"We can't leave the mortals, and we can't let them get their hands on the scythe!" Monty shouted as the whirlwind's roar reached a crescendo. My hair whipped around my face as the boundaries of the magical portal or whatever the hell it was extended farther out from the center. Libby screamed as she was pulled inside the vortex.
I watched Doyle get sucked in next, and when the Geminis went next, my fight or flight kicked in hard. "Move, move!" I hollered to Monty. "Now!" I shoved him, unable to get any sort of bearing for where the elevator doors had been. I just knew I didn't want him anywhere near the witch eating hurricane when it was our time.
An arm wrapped my neck, and I felt the point of a blade press into my cheek, just under the edge of my mask near my eyes. "Hold still unless you want me to blind you before your sacrifice is complete."
I recognized the voice. "Marlow?"
"You had to ruin it, didn't you, Pepper?" She pressed the tip hard enough to bite into my skin. "You always do. If you had played your part, everyone would have lost their magic to the compass, except me, of course. You all would be my ultimate sacrifice to Cronus, and he would take me for his bride. But the ritual is incomplete. And it's all your fault."
"I thought you were sacrificing the humans."
"You really are thick," Marlow said. "They will be my new worshippers when I become Goddess of Time. It's the only way for a true god to exist. And all witchkind will know my wrath when I manipulate time to make you no better than the humans."
"There's only one Goddess," I said, "and you will never be her equal."
Marlow shook me, the edge of the blade slicing the side of my face. A noise of agony escaped me.
"Let her go!" Monty shouted.
"Control your man, Pepper, or I'll throw you into the doorway now."
"I'm not Pepper," I ground out through clenched teeth.
"You think you can fool me, but you can't. You just take and take, but now it's Mar-mar's turn." She struggled to pull me back to the circle, and when I resisted, the knife sliced into my cheek and hit bone.
"Stop! I'm not freaking Pepper Rain. Look at me, you idiot." Okay, maybe antagonizing the witch with the knife to my eye wasn't a good idea, but since I was out of them, I would take any chance to throw her off her guard. I reached up and ripped the mask from my face. "Look at me!"
She spun me around. "Who are you?" she demanded as she shook her blade in my face.
"I'm Gigi Wise. Welcome to your ass kicking." I brought my knee up and nailed Marlow in the gut as I grabbed her head and threw her to the ground. Monty nodded. "We have to stop this," he said.
"How? We don't have any magic."
"But they do," he said, pointing to the witches and warlocks who hadn't bloodied the compass. They desperately looked for a way to stop the ritual and called up their magic to slow the F5 tornadic door to Father Time's lair.
The entire space began to quake and shake beneath us, and I crashed into Monty. The licks of the winds tugged at my heels, pulling me toward the vortex. I'd offered my blood, and the summoning spell was accepting my sacrifice. Marlow was crab crawling backward, her skin glowing red with angry energy. She laughed as I was pulled toward the circle. Monty grabbed my hands, tugging me in the opposite direction.
"Let me go!" I shouted. "You can't save me." All the humans had scattered, pressed against an invisible wall, as far from the whirling doom center of this crazy, magical Tootsie pop as they could get. "Help them," I begged. I didn't want Monty taken down with me. He needed to get as far away as possible.
"I won't leave you," he said.
"You both are dead!" Marlow laughed maniacally as if she'd been tearing pages from the evil handbook. "Don't fight your fate."
Fate! Gah. I'd forgotten about her in all the chaos. This fiasco was her fault. She'd put me on this path. Why? Had my failure been her plan all along? What was it she'd said to me. The fate of the witches was in my hand. She'd drawn a line across my palm with her finger. In my hand... I didn't have any magic? Maybe she'd been trying to warn me not to cut my palm with the stupid sickle and kill my own damn magic.
My arms felt as if they were ripping from their sockets as the vortex pulled me closer, and Monty slid forward with me. "Please, just let me go," I said. My pleas made him hold on tighter. He wasn't going to let me go. We'd made things personal, and it was interfering with work. "Do your damn job, Montrose Abadose!" I shouted, pouring every ounce of anger I could muster into my voice. "I'm a lost cause, but the mission still comes first."
"Don't give up on me," he said. "Not now."
"I wouldn't save you," I lied. "I'd do what I had to do to get the task done. Now quit thinking with your dick and think with your head."
My words startled him enough that his grip loosened, and I yanked my arms back, freeing myself of his grasp as the vortex whipped me inside. I shrieked as the hurricane tore at my flesh.
You are a child of destiny. Trust in fate. The words were as whispers in my ears. The same phrase Fate had written on the card. Once again, I remembered her drawing the line on my palm. Saving the witches was in my hand. My hand.
You are a child of destiny. Destiny's child. Like the band. But they broke up, so maybe not. The wind around me died, and I simply fell and kept falling, the path seemingly endless. Destiny had a soft spot for Chance. It's why I was here. That's what Fate had told me. I was a child of destiny. Why did I keep going back to that?
How long had I been falling? Minutes? Hours? Days? Years? Long enough, my bladder felt like it would explode if a bathroom didn't show up in this corridor to Cronus soon. I guess when you were the master of time, it was all relevant. I'd also had way too much time to think about how hurt and horrified Monty had been when I let him go. I'd said so much that I hadn't meant. I would have done anything to save him. My being here was proof of that. I cared about him in a way I'd never felt about anyone. Was it love? Maybe. Since I'd never had parents, I'd never experienced it before. I didn't know what it was like to have someone want to risk everything for me, but now I knew what it was like to want that for someone else.
Never had parents. The thought played in my head. Child of destiny. It was in my hand. I looked at my palm. The slice was still there, but the bleeding has stopped. It's in my hand. The wound was in my hand. It stung a little. I traced it with my finger the way Fate had. Take a chance. My eyes widened as the cut began to knit shut, and a loud, uncomfortable giggle burst from my lips when it healed completely. I touched the gash on my face and kept my fingers there until I could no longer feel it.
I'd healed myself. How? I was a creator witch. Not a healer. That was Monty's gig. I looked at my hand again.
You are a child of destiny. Destiny always had a soft spot for Chance. I'm good at being unseen, and you're good a being unheard. Oh, Fate, you crazy bitch. I'd finally figured out what she'd been hinting at. I would embrace my fate and take my destiny. My parents were no longer unknown. They were Destiny and Chance. Now, how was that going to help me escape this doomsday scenario and stop the witch in time?