When handling foods, keeping a sanitary workplace is important. The success of fermentation projects depends highly on how effectively foods are being handled. Here are few key practices that fermenters should take note:
- Cleaning the workspace is important before starting a project. Desktop can be rid of harmful bacteria by wiping them off the table with a towel sprayed with distilled vinegar.
- Tools and pieces of equipment used must be sanitized and washed before beginning any fermenting project. When cleaning utensils, warm and soapy water must be used before subjecting the items in a solution of bleach and water. These items must then be rinsed and air-dried before using.
- Cleaning the tools and the workplace is futile if the hands are not spotlessly clean. Before starting the process or merely checking on fermented foods, it is important that hands are clean. It is ideal not to use any unscented soap or antibacterial soaps to avoid contamination that the scents include. Hands must be washed thoroughly before beginning the whole process.
- It is important to start with only one project at a time to avoid cross contamination of cultures in separate projects. When in between projects, every tool and equipment must be washed and rinsed thoroughly. Fermentation recipes tend to be straightforward so attention must be given in just one specific project to avoid mistakes.