Addis, Michael 202
adrenalin 263
agoraphobia 263
alcohol see drinking
Allen, Woody 124
amygdala 261
‘analysis paralysis’ 144, 277, 442
anger 16–19, 63, 70, 89–90, 96–7, 205, 330–88
breaking down episodes 337–9, 352, 357
causes of 331–2
expressing 430–2
and hot labelling 345–6
and responsibility 378
and traffic 130–1
anger feelings 334–5, 348–52, 356
anger thoughts 334, 339–40, 356
anhedonia 124
Annie Hall 124
anti-depressants 200
anxiety 7–10, 70, 101, 259–329
causes of 272–5
and mind tricks 288–90
nature of 260–2
and personality traits 274
and responsibility 307
struggle with 280–8
and thinking styles 264–8, 274–5
and vigilance 291
apologies 387
Archer, Rob 31
Aristotle 330
Armstrong, Lance 434
Australia 163
awareness, distinguished from thinking 77
Bear and the Blueberry Bush, the 31–2, 42, 260, 344
behavioural activation 202
BIF: Beautiful, Interesting, Funny 128–9
body dysmorphic disorder 263
Bond, Frank 433
breathing 175, 247, 296, 298, 312, 374, 444
see also Awareness of Breath; Three-Step Breathing Space
breathing rate, increased 263–4, 334, 357
broadening your life 319–29
Brown, Brené 207
Callahan, Steven 239–40
cartoon characters 55 ‘catastrophe perspective’ 101–3, 450
celebrity culture 389
chest pain 263
Chifley, Ben 163
chocolate cake 73
Churchill, Winston 197
comfort zone, living beyond 319–22
committed action see purpose
common humanity 242
curiosity 78
cycling 65
dancing 49–50
Darwin, Charles 331
de-emphasising thoughts and feelings 433
depression (and sadness) 21–3, 47, 70, 124, 196–258
and avoidance 198, 206, 211, 223–4, 250
causes of 199–203
and choice 222–3
and inactivity 209–13
and mind tricks 227–34, 249–50
physical symptoms of 198–9
and purposeful activity 250–6
and responsibility 231–2
and self-compassion 235–9
and shame 242–3
triggers and responses 221–3
disaster movies 303–6
disgust 264
Dittmar, Suzy 128
drinking 10, 14, 22–4, 58, 61, 73, 165, 199, 207, 251, 269, 271
drugs 58, 61, 165, 199, 207, 269
Durant, Will 436
Eating a Sweet 126–8, 247, 380–2
Elias, Ric 354
embarrassment 118, 266, 349, 363, 365–6
Emerson, Ralph Waldo 330
emotional radio 68–9
emotions 56–72
acceptance of 63–4
beyond anger 363–8
getting to know 65–7
unwanted or difficult 60–1
see also urges
engagement 123
eudaimonia and hedonia 140–1
Expanding Your Awareness 384–6
Extending Compassion Towards the Child Within 119–20, 378
failure, handling 446–8
fear 260–1, 269, 279, 291–2, 313, 317
see also anxiety
‘fight or flight’ response 261, 263, 334
fitting in 149–51
Flaxman, Paul 433
flexibility 79, 98, 121, 123, 236, 318, 383, 445
and sense of self 433–5
football 110
Frost, Robert 436
Fry, Stephen 196
funny voices, and anger 358
gardening 179–80
Getting Things Done 188
goals 143–9, 182–3, 186–9, 441–2
SMART goals 186–7
Gretzky, Wayne 226
habits, forming 439–42
happiness, longing for 12–15
headaches 263
health anxiety 263
heart rate 263–4, 334, 352, 357
Hudson River crash landing 354
human ancestors 35–6, 91, 260, 331
Imagine if No One Cared What You Did 414–16
inactivity 209–13
introversion 274
Jacobson, Neil 202
Jolie, Angelina 389–90
‘jukebox musicals’ 404–5
Kabat-Zinn, Jon 83
kayaking 438
Kelly, David 446
kindness 424–5
Life as a Work in Progress 184–5
life directions see values Life of Approach 191
lifestyle changes 439–43
Livestrong charity 434
Livheim, Fredrik 433
loneliness 12, 22, 70, 142, 281
McArthur, Amy 176
man in a hole metaphor 282
Mandela, Nelson 159–60
Martell, Christopher 202
masochism 314
meditation 83
and anxiety 278–9, 288–90, 292–3
and depression 203–4, 209, 211–12, 227–34, 249–50
evaluative 395
and identity 292
and storytelling 37–8, 182, 292, 340
Mind Judgement Dial 191–3
mind reading 340–4, 356, 373–5
mind tricks 227–34, 249–50, 288–90
mindfulness, and self-esteem 424–5
‘mindy’ 244
Mitchell, Gordon 176
musical instrument, learning a 143–4, 446
Neff, Kristen 424
neuroticism 274
neurotransmitters 202
New Year’s resolutions 441
Noticing That You Are Noticing 92–3, 247
Noticing, Watching, Observing 94–5
Observing Self 91–5, 98, 102, 108, 132, 154, 209, 332, 352–3, 373
obsessive–compulsive disorder 263–4, 272
pain, ‘clean’ and ‘dirty’ 61–2, 117–18, 130, 348
panic attacks 9, 262, 314, 320
parenting, and depression 200–1, 217–18
Passengers on the Bus metaphor 417–20, 427–8
paying attention 76–80
Peanuts 204
penalty shots 39–40
perspective-taking 90, 99–117, 121–2, 319, 332, 353, 400
‘catastrophe perspective’ 101–3, 450
Philips, Emo 39
phobias 263–4
Pitt, Brad 389
playing small 149
pleasing others 427–9
post-traumatic stress disorder 263–4
poverty 202
preoccupation with order and control 268
procrastination 198, 207, 282, 445
proud moments 33
public speaking 37–8
committed action 182–4, 189–91
and goals 145–8
Purpose Dial 191–3
QI 196
quotas 442
redundancy 21–2, 102, 109, 205–6, 220
relapses and frustration 443–4
relationships, and values 137–8, 314
responsibility 231–2, 307, 378
rules 151–3, 294, 313, 397, 402
rumination 198–9, 201, 207–8, 244–7, 266–8, 270, 282, 308–11, 313
Ryff, Carol D. 140
sadness see depression
Seinfeld, Jerry 188
self-awareness, and choice 82
self-compassion 117, 119–21, 189, 235–9, 329, 377–9, 386, 388
developing 424–6
self-criticism 120, 235, 250, 267, 271, 296, 378
and self-esteem 391–5
self-esteem 389–435
and assertiveness 429–32
and flexibility 433–5
and self-acceptance 424–6
and willingness 423–4
and workability 411–12
self-forgiveness 388
self-indulgence 120
self-soothing 240–2
Skinner, B. F. 440
social deprivation 202
Socrates and the Road to Athens 99–100
Spurgeon, Charles H., 259
stress, and depression 200–2
stress hormones 263
success, definition of 447–8
sweating 263–4
swimming 65
Team of Advisers 111–17, 236–9, 302, 319, 377
television watching 23–4, 61, 73, 123, 199, 206–7, 214, 251
thalamus 261
Thich Nhat Hanh 389
thinking, distinguished from awareness 77
Thinking Self 91–5, 104, 108, 126, 154, 209, 352–3, 373, 439
and self-esteem 399–400
thoughts 34–56
anger thoughts 334, 339–40, 356
and Aware skills 80–2
experimenting with 54–6
and observer perspective 91–3
positive 49–50
and rebound effect 41
as tools 38–9
see also rumination
Three-Step Breathing Space 87–8, 96–7, 247
Tour de France 434
tremors 263
Turner, Glenn 259
Up 138
urges 73–4
values 136–95
acting on 175–95
and avoidance 314
and depression 208, 211, 221–5, 229, 235, 252, 258
and failure 447–8
feeling and doing 190–1
five-year perspective on 138–9
and guiding stars 163
metaphors 178–80
and personal choice 149–51, 170–2
and pleasure 140–1
and recharging 177–8
and relationships 137–8
and ripple effect 176–7
and self-esteem 402–3
trying out 161–2
video gaming 177
vitality 136–7
Watching the Clouds in the Sky 298–9, 313
Wilson, Kelly 399
worry see anxiety
worrying about worrying 265–6, 295
Writing about Worry 300–1
Your Best Friend 158
Your Eightieth Birthday 154–6
Your Heroes and People You Admire 159–61, 319
Zappa, Frank 436