Just the job when you get a 4pm sugar craving. These keep in the fridge well, so you won’t have an excuse to go for an unhealthy option from the cupboard.
MAKES 12–15
80g/scant 1 cup walnuts
80g/⅔ cup hazelnuts (or any nut of your choice; cashews work well)
40g/1½ Lucy Bee lucuma powder
15g/½ oz Lucy Bee cinnamon powder
70g/½ cup milled flaxseed
Pinch of Lucy Bee Himalayan salt
50g/1¾ oz Lucy Bee coconut oil
160g/5½ oz cashew butter (or any nut butter of your choice; I love hazelnut and peanut butter too)
3 tbsp maple syrup
Line a baking tray with baking parchment.
Blend the nuts in a food processor until they are in small pieces, or if you prefer a nuttier texture, until half smooth and half still textured. Put into a bowl and add the lucuma, cinnamon, flaxseed and salt.
Melt the coconut oil in a separate bowl. Add the cashew butter and maple syrup and stir well, so that the ingredients are mixed together. Add the blitzed nuts and stir well, until fully combined.
Spoon the mixture onto the lined baking tray and spread it out. Press gently into an even layer and chill in the fridge for 1 hour before cutting into bars.
These last for a couple of weeks – I find they get better the longer you leave them! Store them in the fridge in a sealed container.