If you’re new to Lucy Bee, I thought you might like to know a little more about us. We’re a family-run business and I am one of three siblings. My sister, Daisy, is currently studying for a Masters degree in Public Health Nutrition in London and my brother, Jack, is living and definitely loving the life as a university student in Newcastle. My dad, Phil, is the businessman behind Lucy Bee and he has a background in importing brown rice pasta, while my mum, Natalie, helps in all different areas of the business.

Then there is me, Lucy, the coeliac. Well that’s not my job title but it’s the reason Lucy Bee came about, and is why my name is on the brand. My dad based it on how I live my life, so I originally started off by doing social media. When I was first asked to make a Twitter account for coconut oil, I replied, ‘Who is going to follow a jar of coconut oil and how do I go about this?’. I just started posting photos of my food, random tips, memes, quotes or anything I found interesting that fitted into health and wellbeing, and over time our social media platforms started to grow.

I am also a qualified beauty therapist, and am currently still practising one day a week. Those who know about coconut oil will already know how it’s the perfect beauty product, which I will talk about in more detail later.

The Lucy Bee team has grown over the last year, with a small office full of coconut-crazy and superfood-loving people. We’ve added to our range of ingredients too, all of which are things that I use all the time.

So, I think that now is the perfect time to introduce you all to our new range of Lucy Bee ingredients:


Firstly, I have to confess my addiction to this. When I say I have a cacao hot chocolate every single day, I mean it. All you need to do is whiz it up with some almond milk and warm through and you’re done. I’ve also found it’s the trick to stopping myself from reaching for treats after dinner – its rich taste curbs my sweet tooth.

Our cacao powder comes from the Dominican Republic and our producers, Gabriela and Daniel, form a team with a group of dedicated, young single mothers to help bring it to you.

For those of you not familiar with cacao, the plant grows on trees in areas like the ‘cacao belt’ in the centre of the Dominican Republic. The beans are found inside cacao pods, which can be extremely vibrant in colour, ranging from red to green to yellow. In the case of our cacao, Criollo and Forastero beans are collected, roasted and milled to a fine powder. The roasting process only reaches a maximum temperature of 45°C/113°F to ensure it can still be considered raw.


This was something I was really excited to bring out, because cinnamon is a huge staple in my kitchen. I find it in almost every dessert recipe nowadays too! We import our cinnamon from India and work with farmers who are trained in organic, sustainable farming methods.

There are two main types of cinnamon, Ceylon and Cassia. Cassia cinnamon is what you’ll most likely come across in a supermarket, whereas our cinnamon powder is Ceylon, otherwise known as ‘true cinnamon’, with a sweet, subtle flavour.

Ceylon cinnamon is also highly valued for cooking and medicinal purposes. Our producers place a great importance on organic farming methods, which is why we are proud to say our cinnamon powder is GMO- and pesticide-free, as well as being Fair Trade.


This is made from a fruit, which is cleaned and peeled, pitted, sliced, dried and then milled to a fine powder before it’s ready to be packaged up. It’s most often used in desserts and sweet treats but has a low glycaemic index. It has a subtle maple flavour to it, so it’s really delicious when added to recipes like banana ice cream or our Salted Caramel Fudge. It’s similar to maca powder, in that many people like adding it to smoothies for a sweet taste.

Our lucuma powder is a raw, organic, Fair Trade product that comes all the way from Peru and is woven into its history there. Known previously as the ‘gold of the Incas’, it has been discovered at archaeological excavation sites. I find it amazing how it was used all those years ago and now we play a part in bringing it to you, thousands of miles away!


Our maca powder is from the Jauja province of Peru, the same area as our lucuma, and we were amazed at the history behind this product when we were first introduced to it. It was considered a treasured food source by Incan warriors, who would often consume it before going into battle (sounds pretty amazing, right?). The powder is a blend of black, red and white maca roots and is also organic and Fair Trade certified. Simply add it to smoothies and desserts to give a subtle sweet flavour.

Our maca powder goes through something called gelatinisation, which removes the starch content, making it easier for your body to absorb the nutrients. These nutrients are in abundance and include amino acids, iodine, iron, potassium, B vitamins and vitamin C.


A flavoursome and nutrient-packed powder, turmeric has long been a popular ingredient in Indian cooking. It has a vibrant orange colour and appears all over the internet in blogs and recipes, including in spice-infused drinks like turmeric latte: turmeric and other spices (I like cardamom pods, vanilla extract and cinnamon) added to almond milk with a little coconut oil, black pepper and honey, (which is optional to sweeten) and warmed up makes such a delicious drink.


If you’re unfamiliar with turmeric, it has a slightly peppery taste with a hint of orange (go figure) and ginger – it’s actually part of the ginger root family.

We love adding turmeric to our soups or sprinkled over roasted broccoli and cauliflower. But, did you know it’s also got a pretty impressive reputation as a beauty product? It’s said to be great for acne, and can be used to make a face mask. I have to warn you though, turmeric can stain your skin if you’re not careful – and you don’t want to look like you’ve overdone it with the fake tan! However, I mix it with yoghurt and I’ve never had any issues with it staining.


I seriously swear by these products. I have been using bath salts for years and I really believe in their benefits. I mean, who doesn’t love an excuse to soak in the bath for 20 minutes? A lot of people are deficient in magnesium because they lack it in their diet and don’t know what the best sources are. Epsom salts contain the highest level of magnesium of all three salts, and you may have heard of them being used after a workout for your muscles.

Dead Sea salts are similar to this and, like Epsom salts, are used only for beauty purposes (so I’d better not catch you eating any!).

Himalayan salt is a bit different in that you can use it for both cooking and beauty, so we won’t think you’re mad if you’ve got some in your kitchen and bathroom!

All of our salts combine perfectly with coconut oil to make a homemade body scrub. You can add in a drop or two of essential oils to take it one step further, too.


Coconut oil? The thing you fry eggs in? Cook chicken in? You’re now telling me I can use it as a beauty product?! Yes, I know I sound as though I’m going mad but the great news is, I’m not. Coconut oil is made up of 48% lauric acid (one of the only other places you’ll find this is in mother’s breast milk). It is full of health-boosting and skin-loving properties because it is antibacterial and antifungal. It’s also high in vitamin E.

We’ve also written a beauty book called Natural Beauty with Coconut Oil, which is full of at-home beauty recipes. But for now, here are some of the ways you can use Lucy Bee coconut oil as a beauty product:

images Moisturizer. Apply all over, but remember, a little goes a long way!

images Make-up remover. Yes, even waterproof mascara. Using less than a pea-sized amount, warm the coconut oil in your fingertips and apply to the lashes. Then wipe away using a damp cotton wool pad.

images Hair Mask. Once a week apply from the roots to the end of the hair, massaging it in, then leave it for as long as possible. Wash out with two shampoos and one conditioner.

images Massage oil. Warm up before applying in your hands.

images Oil pulling. This is an ancient Ayurvedic treatment to help remove toxins from the body. Using a teaspoon or tablespoon of coconut oil, swish around your mouth like mouthwash from anywhere between five to 20 minutes. Then spit it out in the bin (not the sink as it will block the drains when it solidifies).

images Body scrub. Using coconut oil and one of our bath salts, mix equal amounts of both and apply to your skin. You can even add essential oils too.

images Deodorant. Apply a thin layer to your underarms.

images Toothpaste. Mix equal amounts of bicarbonate of soda and coconut oil and scrub those pearly whites!

images Cuticle oil. Massage a small amount onto your cuticle beds and leave to soak in.

images Deep hand and foot treatment. Apply coconut oil over your hands or feet, then wrap in cling film. Leave for as long as possible.

We humans aren’t the only ones who can’t get enough of coconut oil… animals love it too! We are often sent photos of dogs, cats, geckos, horses, ducks, chickens and tortoises getting their daily fix of coconut oil.

I love seeing your photos on our social media so please do carry on sending them in to us. I’m really looking forward to hearing what you think of the book and which recipes are your favourites. If you don’t already, why not follow us on social media so I can see your creations and hear your thoughts.

Feel free to experiment and play around with the recipes to suit your own taste and, above all, enjoy them. I recently read that rather than thinking of cooking as a chore, use it as an excuse for a little ‘me time’. I love putting on some music (sometimes with a glass of wine to hand) and creating my own little masterpieces!

Thank you so much for your support!
