Early the following morning, Kate and Elliot went to Foggy Ridge Medical Center to tell Jesse that Liam Berne had died unexpectedly.
“It’s too soon. I don’t think he’s going to take this well.” Kate walked briskly down the long, shiny corridor, her heels clicking, Elliot keeping in stride.
“I don’t know, Kate. After all Jesse’s been through, I don’t think this will throw him over the edge. He seemed remarkably calm yesterday. You want me to do the talking?”
“Would you? I don’t know what to say.”
“Sure.” Elliot slid his arm around her as they walked. “It’s going to be fine.”
Kate slowed as they approached Jesse’s room, and then they walked inside.
“Hey there. I’m surprised to see you two so early.” Hawk walked over and hugged Kate and shook Elliot’s hand. “Jesse had a great night. Slept straight through.”
Kate went over and kissed Jesse on his forehead. “Hi, sweetie. How’re you feeling?”
“Sore all over. And my arm kinda hurts. But it’s not so bad. I had eggs, bacon, hash browns, toast, and oatmeal for breakfast. Man, did it ever taste good.” Jesse patted his middle.
“Has the doctor been by yet?” Kate said.
Hawk shook his head.
Elliot pulled up a chair for Kate and one for himself, and sat next to Jesse’s bed.
“We have some news,” Elliot said. “It might be hard for you to hear.”
“What?” Jesse’s face went blank. “Tell me.”
Elliot leaned over closer to Jesse, his arms folded on the bed rail. “Liam died last night. It was very sudden. The way Virgil explained it, his heart gave out.”
Jesse’s eyes welled with tears. “What time?”
“Around nine forty-five.”
Jesse wiped a tear off his cheek. “I didn’t even get to say thank you.”
“I told him for you,” Elliot said. “He knew how grateful you were that he risked his life so you could get away from Slick.”
Jesse was quiet and seemed to be thinking. “I don’t get it. Why would God want me to go back and help Mr. Berne if he was going to die anyway before I could make him understand?”
“Understand what?” Kate said.
“That God loved him and would forgive him if he just asked. That last time, I told Mr. Berne maybe the real reason God wanted me to go back there was because God loves him and didn’t want him to die unsaved. Mr. Berne closed down and wouldn’t listen at all after that. I know he said he didn’t need a Savior, but I could tell he didn’t really believe that. I asked God not to let him die, that he needed more time.” A tear trickled down the side of Jesse’s face. “I failed. I tried so hard, but I couldn’t reach him.”
Elliot put his hand on Jesse’s arm. “Not necessarily. Liam asked me to tell you something. He was adamant. He said, ‘Tell Jesse I’ll see him again.’”
Jesse’s eyes grew wide. “Were those his exact words?”
“Yes. And when I started to leave, he pleaded with me again to tell you.”
“Why didn’t you?”
“Jesse, Virgil put an end to our visit the minute Liam said to tell you he would see you again. Virgil told him in no uncertain terms that there was zero chance he would see you again. And yet … Liam pleaded with me to tell you anyway.”
“Because his heart changed!” Jesse wore a grin from ear to ear. “Mr. Berne wanted me to know that he was a believer—that he’d put his faith in Jesus!”
Elliot looked over at Kate and then at Jesse. “Thinking back, I believe that’s exactly what he was trying to say.”
Hawk came over and stood at the bed rail. “Man, we couldn’t make this stuff up. The dude killed his mother, tried to kill Jesse once, then agreed to kill Jesse to save his own neck, then put his neck on the line to save Jesse. And then he got saved because of Jesse. And died. Is that about right?”
Elliot stood and put his arm around Hawk. “Sounds like it.”
Kate stood and took Jesse’s hand. “What happened in Liam’s heart is something only God knows. But you didn’t fail, Jesse. You were obedient to what you felt God was calling you to do. I know God protected you because it’s nothing short of a miracle that you survived.”
“I couldn’t shake the feeling I needed to go back,” Jesse said. “I just wanted to go home. But I couldn’t leave Mr. Berne out there to die. I remembered what Elliot told me about the importance of always trying to do the right thing. He said it might be costly in the beginning. But in the long run, it would pay off. Plus, I kept thinking about the parable of the Good Samaritan. God told us to go and do likewise, right? I’m really glad I went back. I can’t know for sure what happened between Mr. Berne and God, but he knew how to be saved, and I choose to believe he had a change of heart.”
“Me too,” Elliot said.
Kate nodded.
Hawk smiled. “Hey, you’re talking to a guy who felt an angel’s wing and had a permanent change of heart. It doesn’t take a lot to convince me of what God can do. But you’re one brave dude, little brother.”