Ouch! Once upon a time something unpleasant happened. It caused a physical scar on your body. Locate that scar and give it a good inspection. When you’re finished, write about the scar’s size, shape, texture, and quality.
Whether they’ve been accidentally pinched in a door or smashed with a hammer, your fingernails have been through some things. Take a gander at them right now, noticing the state they’re in. Are they dirty? Are there any hangnails? Are your cuticles overgrown? Write a scene from a novel where a person contemplates his or her fingernails. Draw inspiration from the state of your own nails.
You’re about to get some permanent ink to commemorate an important event. Take a good look at your skin. Where will the tattoo go and what will it be of? What event would you find meaningful enough that you’d be willing to get such a permanent reminder of it?
Wrinkles. They happen. We all get them. Open the camera app on your phone or find a mirror or reflective surface to look into. Inspect the wrinkles on your face and neck. Write a memoir excerpt connecting these wrinkles to various events in your life as though there was a cause-and-effect relationship between the two.