Go to a window or step outside so you can look at the sky. What are the atmospheric conditions of temperature, wind, and cloud cover, if any? What is the quality of light? Write a haiku about the atmosphere.
There’s the earth’s physical atmosphere, and then there’s a more abstract version of atmosphere that can best be described as mood or vibe. Taking both into consideration, write about the current atmosphere of your environment. What objects, colors, shapes, and spaces come together to create this atmosphere? How does the outside atmosphere affect your own mood and vibe?
You know air is all around you, despite the fact that you can’t see it. But what if that changed? Imagine that, instead of being invisible, the air suddenly becomes dense and stringy. Visibility would be greatly reduced, and the atmosphere would surely shift. How would you navigate your way through the physical environment you’re in right now? What would the air feel like on your skin now?
Take a peek outside. What are the current conditions? Consider air temperature, precipitation, and wind speed and direction. Write a scene from a thriller about a meteorologist who’s murdered in the middle of writing a forecast. Include a reference to today’s weather in your scene.