Something nearby begins with the letter D. Write the name of it vertically, so that each letter starts off a new sentence. For example, if the word is dish the first sentence begins with a D word, and the second sentence begins with an I word, and so on.
Look around for an object that begins with the letter C or the letter E. That word is now the title of your new movie script. First determine the genre, then write a plot summary about it for an industry magazine.
Name all the things nearby that begin with the letter T or S. These are the items on someone’s shopping list. Write a scene where this character tries to track down and purchase these things, but various obstacles get in the way.
Make a list of everything in your environment that begins with the letter R, U, or N. Use those words in a scene from a zombie story where the protagonist has a broken leg and is forced to run through the pain in order to escape.