Writing Sample

10-MINUTE PROMPT: Make noises. With a pen. With your phone. With your hands. Scratch, bonk, tap, clap. Create a dictionary of sounds you can manufacture right now. Do your best to describe them phonetically. Feel free to make up words.


Tink Tink: The sound of a plastic pen tapping against a glass table.

Crrr-Crrr-Chhh: The noise made when caressing the dried leaves of a fern plant.

Tadatadatadatada: The sound of fingernails rapidly drumming on the tabletop.

Tok-Tok: The rhythmic tapping together of two seashells, one a scallop shell and the other a moon snail shell.

Ttttttttt: The subtle yet annoying sound of the ceramic bowl as it rattles against the table every time you start typing, but you’re too lazy to move it.

Schika Schika Schika: The noise made when you rub your flattened palms together in a back-and-forth manner like a villain.

Wheesho Wheesho Wheesho: The noise made when you rub your flattened palms together in a circular manner like a person who’s really cold.

Tang-Tong: The hollow metallic sounds produced by two alternating feet tapping on the steel base of a table, which is kind of rusty and you really should try to fix that up.

O-o-o-p-p-p-t-t-t-h-h-h-h: The noise you hear inside your head when slowly slurping coffee from a paper cup through a partially closed mouth. (Not to be confused with AAGGGHHH, a noise you make when forced to listen to someone else slurping coffee.)