Suppose you can make the world a better place in one itty-bitty way—by taking something ugly in your environment and making it attractive. What is it and how could you beautify it?
Sometimes a small repair is all that’s needed on something broken. Other times, the job is a beast of a project. Find something in disrepair nearby, no matter how big or small, and envision the process of fixing it up. Would it make any real difference to the world? Would repairing it bring you satisfaction or might you actually prefer it in its worn-out state? Write a diary entry about the implications of fixing this thing.
Things get dirty. That’s just a fact of life. But what if they didn’t have to? Imagine a superhero whose mission it is to keep the world clean and their nemesis who delights in making things dirty. Look around and make note of what’s clean and what’s dirty nearby. Write the text from a comic book scene where these two characters struggle to gain a foothold in your environment.
Philosophically speaking, how would you make the location you’re in a better place? It could be as simple as installing more water bowls for thirsty dogs or as complicated as installing more UN peacekeepers to stabilize the region. Contemplate your surroundings and write about the ways you’d make this little corner of the world a better place.