Little Red Riding Hood hides out in the bathroom stall of a gas station. The Big Bad Wolf pounds on the door. How does she escape?
On the way to Granny’s house Little Red Riding Hood stops at the local gas station to grab snacks for her basket. As she contemplates her choices a mysterious man with a wolf tattoo engages her in conversation. Write the tense dialogue between them.
Local celebrity Little Red Riding Hood is spotted pumping gas without her signature cape. Unnamed sources say she’s vowed never to wear the color red again. Write a breaking news report for tonight’s TV broadcast about this developing situation.
While working as a gas station attendant Little Red Riding Hood hears that the Wolf is getting paroled twenty years after trying to murder her and Granny. Create a three-act play about Little Red Riding Hood receiving this news and the struggle to come to terms with what the Wolf’s release might mean for her life.