What’s a place you’ve always wanted to visit? It could be local, national, out of the country, or even out of this world. Pen a pretend postcard to a friend from that location.
Think of a place you’ve traveled to that made a lasting impression. What was it that made it so memorable? Write an ode to this special spot.
A travel agent has a new client—someone who’s visiting Earth for the first time. Create the client’s travel itinerary. Be sure to include your choice of notable places around the world and why you consider them must-see spots (even if you’ve never been there).
In Homer’s epic Greek poem The Odyssey, Odysseus crossed paths with many mythological creatures during his travels. What if such a grand journey could take place now? Write a modern-day version of a hero’s journey. Perhaps the story revolves around a businessperson’s flight to Atlanta for a conference or a housepainter just trying to get through rush hour traffic on her way to work. Whoever the main character is, write the journey so it includes mythological creatures, detours or setbacks, and an ultimate triumph.