What’s that old saying . . . “Surgery happens”? Something like that. (Shrug.) Pen a tiny poem about one thing you remember about a surgery that took place. If you didn’t have an operation, maybe someone you know did—even if that someone was just a character on a favorite TV show.
Scalpels. Hospital beds. IV drips. Remember that time someone had an operation? Take a minute to jot down what you can remember about the situation, then use your notes to create the inner monologue of a character awaiting surgery.
It’s likely you or someone you love has been “under the knife,” if only for something undramatic like, say, a wisdom tooth extraction. See if you can recall how you or others felt about a surgery that took place. Whether it was relief, terror, resistance, or something else, write about the emotional aspects of the surgery from the point of view of those involved.
The prospect of surgery can be a scary one. But what if it was set to music and given some catchy lyrics? Imagine a surgery that you or someone you know had to undergo. Rewrite the story of that procedure as a musical number in a Broadway hit.