What’s one thing that made you happy this week? Brainstorm a list of hyperbolic self-help book titles about it.
It felt like you’d never get there, but then—Kapow!—all your hard work paid off. Write a letter to someone about an experience that made you feel accomplished. Frame it in a before/after scenario to highlight your successful trajectory.
No one likes to hear the phrase “I told you so,” even though we sometimes really, really want to say it. Think of a time when you felt vindicated. Then, using details from that experience, write the closing lines or paragraphs from a chapter in your latest novel.
There’s a reason that the word pride is often coupled with the word bursting. It fills us up. When have you felt a sense of overwhelming pride? Write the text for a nightly anchor’s news story about your proud moment. Start with something along the lines of: “An area resident is feeling an overwhelming sense of pride today.” Be sure to throw in a fictitious interview quote from a witness or bystander.