Ew. Yuck. Blech. Disgust makes your skin crawl, doesn’t it? Compose a 140-character (or less) social media post about something you can recall that made you feel disgusted.
Is there anything in the world that makes us want to get a fake passport and shed our identities more than a mortifying experience? If you can stomach it, pull up a memory related to feelings of embarrassment or humiliation. Use one-, two-, and three-word sentences to write about this cringe-inducing experience.
Have you ever trembled with rage? Plot out a swashbuckling adventure story where the main character’s fury (based on your own memory of fury) is a catalyst to the action. What is the character’s main goal? Whom will this character challenge to a duel along the way?
Whether it was contending with a family member who let you down, grappling with the aftermath of a goal you didn’t reach, or being witness to someone else’s bad behavior, something once made you feel pretty disappointed. Use the memory of the related feelings as inspiration for a personal essay.