Capability provided
Approx. date
Artificial intelligence exceeds intelligence of man in some fields (e.g. logical reasoning)
Computer can become self-programming at levels beyond human capabilities – leading to advanced software that can solve problems previously considered completely intractable
21st Century (second half of)
Mobile power source invented with very high power and low weight characteristics
Travel is revolutionised – as are the capabilities of mobile technologies
21st Century
(second half of)
Industrial robots implemented to automatically undertake various challenging (unstructured) manual tasks
Humans no longer have to undertake difficult, dangerous, or dirty jobs – lives are saved
21st Century
(second half of)
Material replicator (and transmitter)
Manufacture of any required object; transport of objects at the speed of light
22nd Century
Manufacture of highly reliable human organs and other life-extending medical breakthroughs (e.g. cures for various cancers)
Greatly extended life (e.g. additional 200+ years)
22nd Century
Travel at speeds that significantly exceed c
Interstellar travel
22nd Century
Androids implemented with similar capabilities to Data In Star Trek: The Next Generation
Androids can effectively undertake any tasks humans wish them to
22nd Century
Contact established with extra-terrestrials (ET)
Technological progress is likely – but exact extent depends upon the technology of the ET
22nd Century
Humans start colonising significant regions of the Milky Way galaxy
Future survival of humans is secured (no longer threatened by objects colliding with Earth)
23rd Century
Humans employ technology to evolve beyond needing their animal bodies
Human essence and intelligence can be stored in other formats – possibly computer-based or technologies we are not yet aware of
25th Century
Ultra-highspeed travel developed (1000,000c and above)
Humans explore and colonise the Andromeda galaxy and other neighbouring galaxies
27th Century
Humans and humanity achieve everlasting life
29th Century
A substantial part of the known universe is explored and understood
Humans gain some understanding of the mind of God (or whatever created the universe)
30th Century