Italian Sausage
and Green Pepper Cannoli

Great for your next Super Bowl party


Original recipe yields

12 small cannolis

Cooking day instructions

Cook sausage in 375-degree oven for 25 minutes. Let cool.

Clean and quarter peppers. Combine oil, salt, garlic, and peppers in large baking dish. Roast uncovered in 400-degree oven for 25–30 minutes until soft. Let cool.

For dough: Sift salt and flour in large bowl. In small bowl, combine ½ cup water, yeast, and sugar. Let stand until foamy. Add yeast mixture, olive oil, and remaining water to flour. Knead until smooth. Let dough rest about 30–45 minutes, until it doubles in size. Pinch about ¼ cup of dough and roll into 2-inch balls. Let rest 20 minutes.

Flatten dough with palm of hand. Place 1–2 pepper strips across dough. Place cooked sausage link on top of peppers. Fold ends over sausage, leaving sides open. Place folded seam down on parchment paper–covered cookie sheet and flash freeze for 30 minutes. Freeze, using freezer bag method.

Serving day instructions

Thaw and let rise 25–30 minutes, until dough doubles in size. Bake at 400 degrees for 25 minutes. Remove from oven and serve with your favorite marinara sauce.


Cannolis may be filled with any of your favorite pizza toppings!